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Everything posted by airmail

  1. Regardless if he is or is not... This thread proves that he's getting it. Let's move on...
  2. who's "DE"?
  3. That may be the case, but Dean's players aren't part of a democracy. It's a dictatorship.
  4. airmail


    I think they're all nervous. You would be too, knowing that you're going to get yanked from the start tomorrow if you don't win tonight... That's the way it's been all year. A few years ago, if Karl were to lose on Friday, he'd still be taking shots Saturday night. I don't think our guys have been given the "prove yourself" opportunity that they should've gotten. IMO a #1 goaltender needed to be picked before the second half of the season started. This flip-switch-change around-hokey pokey BS is killing these guys. Yes, I realize mental toughness is key for a successfull goalie. Well, our goalies all have what seems to be a very fragile psyche, and the "door number 1, 2, or 3 game" is NOT cutting it. Furthermore, is this affecting the rest of the team? I say yes. You need a comfort zone... and how can you be confident in a different goalie every night?! You won't be...and it's starting to show.
  5. Oh how we miss him! I agree that many of Greene's penalties are "minor" in nature...he without a doubt has a referee target on him...
  6. airmail

    World Jrs

  7. airmail

    World Jrs

    Are you guys season ticket holders?... Or are you getting your names on a "list" for later in the week? If the latter, I didn't know anyone could do this!! I might be SOL!?!?
  8. I think he's sick of his speed players getting the hell beat out of them every weekend. I'm sick of it too!
  9. You are nothing more than a paradigm of augmentation.
  10. Personally, I hope this brings about the return of Rocky, and he continues where he left off. A downward slide. Also, I can't get enough of reading about Bison players in jail... C'mon "State", give Rocky the nod!
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