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Everything posted by airmail

  1. Thanks for the novel about how this fight is going to turn the season around. BTW, Oshie wasn't in a fight.
  2. That's what I was trying to say. Excellent post.
  3. I'm not arguing that at all. The problem, of course, comes with the publicity involved. That's what these kids have to get pounded into their heads. Whether they like it or not, they are the foremost, and most visible ambassadors of UND. I'm just another shmuck with a degree.
  4. Some will undoubtedly think it is a BS charge. I would agree that it doesn't probably warrant the national publicity it is getting. But I do still stick to my argument that it is juvenile, disgusting, disrespectful, and completely out of order for a superstar Sioux hockey player. Selfishly, I hold these athletes to a higher moral and social standard than other kids on campus, as they are ambassadors of UND. I would hope that the coaching staff would hold them in this regard as well... the single game suspension shows that such is the case.
  5. Nice.
  6. Just another instance of the team leaders not leading by example. This "rock-star" attitude that some of these players have has me disgusted lately. Frankly, I thought the coaching staff would have taken care of this by now. As I'm aware of the "rule violation" in question, I have to say GROW UP! My 8 year old doing this sort of thing would not be acceptable at all, and to see a high profile member of the Sioux Hockey team do this crap is sickening... and really makes me question the maturity and integrity of this team. I expect a similar release from the UNH camp.
  7. The unspoken factor in all of this is the fact that many of your players don't have any loyalty to the team, school, fanbase, and tradition of Gopher hockey. That in itself makes this move hardly surprising. Argue all you want, but it's a fact that has been crystal clear over the last few years. For us, we've been fortunate to have that loyalty. Could it change? Absolutely, and that's when we'll run into trouble. But right now, it isn't a concern of mine. It should, however, be a concern for Lucia and the gopher faithful. Face it; the "treasured M" doesn't mean what it used to.
  8. I have to ask... is this really happening? If so, well done by the REA staff. (or to whomever the credit belongs) If not, shoulda woulda coulda, and fun thread anyway.
  9. Exactly... my impressions too. The tire and the hot rod flames. A riot in the 60s? Fires in the 80s? This was really your first impression?
  10. So that's why we haven't won a championship since 2000. Cheer karma must be bad.
  11. Isn't Kent Hrbek that fat guy with the fishing show?
  12. Massive post count instant credibility aside, I agree with Sicatoka. The game wasn't "in hand" at half time. I'll concede that we probably could have and would have won had Chapel been pulled, but Winona or not... this is the playoffs. Strange things can and do happen, and you don't leave room for another team's lucky break to end your season. It's easy for us to say that he did the wrong thing by leaving him in, now that we know the outcome. A coach in the middle of the game with the season on the line doesn't have that luxury. I agree with SiouxMD also. This might be a time where we see an unsung hero step up big. You can't replace a Ryan Chapel, but all hope is not lost. We have a good coach who will come up with a game plan that will give us a chance to win. That isn't a question.
  13. I always liked Goehring's helmet.
  14. That is true evil right there.......
  15. What I would tell you is to start a "great job thread" for TJ's hat trick, if you believe it is due. (probably is, actually) But don't take anything away from another fan that started a thread for Forney, because in their eyes, they thought it was due.
  16. I voted with try for three years, but in actuality, I can see only two years or so. If nothing happens after two years, we have to get our poop in a group and start working towards a change. My 8 year old happened to catch the news last night, and was dumbfounded about why "the Native Americans don't like the Fighting Sioux name." I told him, objectively as possible, that some Native Americans don't think it is nice to them, and they think the name and logo make fun of them. His response was, "Dad... it's a nice picture. It's not making fun of them." Innocent, truthful words that will remain unheard, I'm afraid. Who knows what will happen over the course of a couple of years. I would guess Spirit Lake might give the okay, while Standing Rock will not. I am surpised at one thing: In various interviews with Native Americans, I saw that one wish is to bring publicity to the tribe. If that is truly a goal of the tribes, I think UND can help there... bringing me to vote in this poll as I did. On the flip side, another interview request I saw was to be given hockey game tickets. So that says, at least to me, these folks have something we want... and they can name the price. American economics at its finest. I see a light at the end of the tunnel, but it just might be a freight train coming to run our asses over.
  17. The fact that this was even said reeks of insecurity and small genitals syndrome. What a waste of air time. Hakstol should write a letter to KBRR, thanking them for taking the "ND popularity target" of his team's back.
  18. Archie and Eades would kick Panzer's and Bochenski's butts if the game was on the line... Seriously, I don't know if it would be terribly lopsided. Take a look at some of the 80s players that still skate: Archibald, Eades, Berry, Hrkac, Kidd, Belfour... WOW! I'd bet a couple dollars that the game wouldn't be a blow-out... and the old guys will likely have Gino coaching them! Suddenly, I'm really excited for a game that never will probably happen. It would be one helluva charity fundraiser, that's for sure.
  19. Bumped up as the results are in... (I see at least 2 SiouxSports.com posters got in)
  20. You guys are all taking the topic way out of context. There is a way to state and argue your opinion on a topic using the facts at hand and keeping personality out of it. Why does everything have to turn into a damn moral standards debate lately? Jeez.
  21. *attempting to push, pull and drag the thread back to topic* Someone please explain how removing a folding knife from the apartment of a comparatively mature UND student will help prevent another Virginia Tech event? The fact is, it will not. While well intended, this proposal reaches a bit far and will not become policy... at least in its current form.
  22. Which is my point... for the families living in the student apartments, that is their home. The University should respect their home, and not be nitpicking their legal possessions. FYI Shooting a 10 point buck drinking out of the English Coulee at UND would be a violation of ND G&F hunting laws.
  23. I agree we are fortunate, and I also agree that VT never saw it coming. My question, then, would be how far do we go? Do we outlaw firearms within city limits? Do we outlaw automobiles as they have caused tragic deaths over and over again? A year or two ago, a woman was stabbed in the restaurant she worked in by a man who used a knife from that very kitchen. Should we then close all of the restaurants in Grand Forks? If we govern with hypothetical situations, than we are forced to police hypothetically. The above absurd suggestions are showing just that. I can see that you are passionate about the proactive protection of the public, which is certainly admirable. I still maintain, however, that this proposal will do nothing to perpetuate or prevent a tragedy. I was just thinking, how are they proposing to police this? Nightly weapons checks? Cutting open the bed pillows looking for cold steel contraband? My guess would be no accountability whatsoever, which makes the whole proposal a mute point.
  24. I do not want to come across like a big 2nd Amendment apologist, because I simply am not. Rather, I consider myself a sportsman, and that's where my points are drawn. If you ask if .357 snub nosed revolvers should be the norm on campus property, I would certainly disagree. I think it is important, however, to point out that the proposal is targeted towards campus apartments. Someone please tell me if this is incorrect, but wouldn't that also include married student housing? I have a hard time digesting that gun control would be mandated against married adults, who likely would use firearms in a cautious and responsible manner. Further, even in the Single Student Apartments a minimum age of 23 or adequate credit hours are required to be eligible. Seemingly, these young adults would also seem the type that could handle firearm responsibility. What I think is even more foolish is the portion of the proposal that bans knives. Suppose I'm married, have two children, am taking a graduate course at UND while working to support my family in the evening... and yet I cannot be trusted with a 4" folding buck knife? The 2nd Amendment will get its glory during this debate, but in my opinion falls to the debate of general common sense. I find it interesting that in all the years of campus apartment living that were not protected by this proposal, we haven't heard of or witnessed any of the tragic events that are being discussed in this thread. Perhaps we just got lucky.
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