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Everything posted by FSSD

  1. I read the Economist magazine. I find that they try to show both sides of the argument. But, I stay away from main stream TV media in general.
  2. Funny you reference Sid, because he had NO journalism training when he started. In fact, he is notorious for his lack of spelling skills much less his grammar. Maybe the judgement you need when covering sports is knowledge about the game and fans you are coving. Then you build the journalism part around that starting point.
  3. Thank for the reply, I will bow out of this thread. I thought that he may a reason and was looking to cull some information to gain a better understanding of the various positions. Peace.
  4. The one thing that doesn't make sense to me about many of your posts is that you group anarchist with the Alt Right - Anarchist don't believe in government. So, it stands to reason that they are neither left or right. Am I missing something? Please help me understand your logic.
  5. What is he talking about 200 million people died... did he mean 200 K.. the guy struggles to even finish a complete sentence.
  6. Actually, I live in the Twin Cities - we call it MSP on a Thursday night... 50 dead so far this year and many more shot. So, sad.
  7. Little update on Sweden The Health Agency of Sweden says that since hitting a peak in late June, the infection rate has fallen sharply. That’s amid an increase in testing over the period. “The curves are going down and the curves for the seriously ill are beginning to approach zero,” Tegnell said. https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2020-07-28/sweden-unveils-promising-covid-19-data-as-new-cases-plunge
  8. Absolutely, agree - having them in the Cities will be a lot of fun. In addition, it will be interesting to see what the Tommie's emphasize for sports: Basketball, Football or Hockey?
  9. I completely agree. Option 1) Allianz field - But I am not sure they will let 6 football games to be played on the pitch? 2) TCO - Egan 3) CHS Field in St. Paul
  10. I don't think the Tommies are going to go non scholarship for long.. St. Thomas is a football school and they have deep pocket donors and they have this facility just down the road available on Saturdays. https://www.krausanderson.com/construction/portfolio/twin-cities-orthopedics-performance-center-minnesota-vikings-headquarters-and-practice-facility/
  11. As they say - be careful what you measure... I watched the JR Smith video the other day and I thought to myself what would happen to me if I did something like that to one my local rioter's (note: I live in the Twin Cities) and then bragged about it on social media. I would be fired from my job and I would have to move (which really doesn't sound like a bad option at this point to be honest). The double standards are amazing: https://ftw.usatoday.com/2020/05/video-shows-j-r-smith-beating-up-a-protester-for-allegedly-breaking-his-trucks-window
  12. I don't see Augie letting this get to a vote without a strong idea that it is going to happen. If Augie happens, something is going on with another school (WIU or ORU). St. Thomas is a lock at some point (2020 or 2021). Unless another conference comes forward like MVC for St. Thomas.
  13. Did individuals who became symptomatic again have a similar experience to the first time or was it less extensive the second time. I would assume less given the body's own immune system has already been exposed to the virus thus better able to fight it the second time.
  14. Sorry, didn't see the post. I was behind on the thread ...
  15. It was pure political theater. When I heard about his request for 30,000 ventilators. It took about 5 minutes of searching to find that the national reserve had 12,700 ventilators at the start of this mess. He was publicly asking for the impossible and he knew it. And of course Trump walked right into it..
  16. Does Augie hope for: UNC or St. Johns or Mankato or UMD to move up … or WIU or ORU to drop?
  17. Aren't Summit League games supposed to be on ESPN+ or ESPN3? This is a step forward? Neversports was not the best but I could count on watching the game.
  18. I have sling and I found it on the PAC 12 Oregon Network
  19. FSSD

    Montana St GDT

    No Pluto Sports Channel today?
  20. Or was it the Bison HOF mother - calling out the NDSU athletic department that they trusted there son's well being with!!
  21. PG - Stewart G - Brown G/SF - ???? F - Walters C- Rebraca
  22. I am fine with Dayton - if they win its gets the conference an additional credit.
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