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Everything posted by FSSD

  1. Looked at game notes and that would be NO! Really, what kind of conference is this!?!?
  2. Its JBB - nothing makes sense. Hey JBB, the one item you are forgetting with SDSU and USD is the they have mortgages to pay for with the facilities that they built/building. NOTE to USD and SDSU fans, this is not meant as a slight toward your schools. I thinks they are great investments in the schools and they are long over due. NOTE: UND also has a 7 million dollar mortgage on the "Betty" that as of 2017 had a 1.4 million balance remaining. The maturity date is 2020. So, more funds $700,000 annually will be available for other capitals projects or available to other programs next year I believe that the other thing that could be misleading about UND public numbers is how REA and its revenues and expense are included in the reported numbers. The REA is a separate entity so I am not sure how there numbers are accounted for in UND's public numbers.
  3. I thought that this wasn't a sorry?
  4. Right in the middle of recruiting season.... anyone want to rethink their commitments to NDSU because you see first hand how committed they are toward you. Just throw the player away and then make the story go away. In the end, "haven't they already been through enough"... ops wrong quote.
  5. Tonight it will be interesting to see if the seniors figure out how to close out the game. 3 tough losses (UNI, SDSU and NDSU) winning those would have changed the direction of the season. Of course it is not too late. But, if it comes down to crunch time do you still go the Seals, Avants and Stewart..... or do you go Brown and Moody.
  6. too bad, because I think that USD is weak down low. Having both Rebraca and Avants on the floor would have caused problems
  7. He was a graduate transfer. He finished undergraduate school at UND and got another year of graduate school at Loyola. He did exactly what he is supposed to do.. I don't understand the angsts. Welcome back Carson and best of luck going forward.
  8. Have you been to the Dakota Dome. The most you can seat is around 5,000/6,000 per side. I do believe that total number is going to be just over 9,000 TOTAL after the renovations. They would need to add to the end zone to get over 10,000.
  9. I looked at his tweet and I am kind of confused. It looks like a hook'em horns hand sign which we all know is for the University of Texas. Why the hell is he talking about the North Dakota Buffalo? Dude keep your !@#$ straight.
  10. The true national brand prevails once again.
  11. I have sent the money to PayPal. Have a nice Christmas.
  12. If they start Summit League Football I am fine with Augie... if not why do it?
  13. FSSD

    2018 Season

    It helped Weber to have WR engaged in blocking down field prior to the catch several times. It always seemed like it was 3rd down.
  14. Only a Bison fan would take being wrong as a compliment. Good work.
  15. Whats the controversy? The new nickname sucks period.
  16. I work in this area and the definition of the Millennial generation has been moving around a bit. So, I would not necessarily get too upset with someone thinking Millennial are in college. Now based on the definition from Pew Research in 2016 a Millennial would be 20 to 37. Using my own household as an example. It would be 19 - Freshman year, 20 Sophmore year, 21 Junior and 22 Senior. So, they would typically be Sophmore/Junior/Seniors this year based on the 2016 definition. In 2017 you started to see the definition of Millennial change to "1981 to 1996". Which would change the population in school today. And I would expect that this will continue to evolve over time based on my observations in the field. So, I would settle down just a tad. I can see why someone would miss the target slightly when the target is moving. Now, I will now bow out of this discussion - carry on.
  17. I tried to watch last weeks game on watchbigsky and it started midway through the 3rd Q. I could not get to the start of the game. I really enjoy the big sky but the move to eversports and then pluto TV are steps backwards from the America setup they had.
  18. I thought that we voted and the name is "Darell"
  19. Actually, I didn't... someone else posted on this thread to put it on the main page. I just happened to be reading that single page and simply provided a comment. Not sure why this caused you problems... but peace.
  20. Hell NO, the student body came up with JUNK like How About We Keep Sioux - after that disaster, you don't get a second chance at anything.
  21. I thought that the 2016 Championship did not count because of the soft unbalanced schedule?!?!
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