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Everything posted by Hawkster

  1. Well there's no arguing that Wentz is always getting injured. Good players know how to avoid those situations.
  2. Wentz never seemed very impressive before the injury and now he's hurt again. He's going to go down in NFL history as a bust. He is by far one of the most overrated QB's in a long time.
  3. I believe Lowell was 63. Yes, terrible news, way too young
  4. Wishing Hunter the best. God speed your healing.
  5. But unfortunately it's always the same ONE team in FCS.
  6. I always look at it as the commits start rolling in. Sucks that someone had to be an idiot. I always thought it was possible to undue any alterations on Wiki. Apparently you can't.
  7. No, but it was Gene Taylor that acted like a bully when he didn't get his way on anything.
  8. My take on former military higher ups is they are used to giving orders and expecting people to jump. They don't look at all sides and sometimes they don't understand compromise when it's needed. Someone already said Armacost was thin skinned, coming from a co worker apparently. We don't need someone that's too demanding. Yes, Tom Buning is a prime example, but also remember Gene Taylor at NDSU. He was ex Naval Academy and look how overbearing and dictatorial he was often times.
  9. I intend to take a wait and see attitude with Armacost. I'm just not excited about ex military guys, they often seem like they are a bad fit. Hopefully I get proven wrong.
  10. Naw, I'm pretty sure it was Dom Izzo that said that.
  11. Hawkster

    2019 Season

    You can bet Chaves put in a bid. If he didn't, we'll be looking for a new AD Sunday afternoon. No way he didn't though, I just hope we get in.
  12. I don't think there ever was one. Too militaristic.
  13. He seems like a fine candidate but why do I keep thinking about Tom Buning when he was AD? I know, different people and different positions but still from a military academy.
  14. I have a feeling Nichols was added to the list for some token diversity appeal. Not that I find anything wrong with her.
  15. If I'm not mistaken we both move on. Give me Senden for Sat.
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