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Everything posted by BobIwabuchiFan

  1. I think there is a pattern here on how the UND president and his team handle these HR actions...The police are called in and no one finds out why they were really let go and there is no show of respect for these long serving employees of the university. I also think the Mr. Groenwald is a shrewd business man and probably has a very high priced legal team ready to fight this out to the end - I could be wrong, but I don't think he worries about money more than his reputation and the organization he helped develop and build into to what it is now...Just my 2 cents.
  2. I think its safe to assume both parties are lawyered up and the fight is just beginning with this notice today of Jerry's termination.
  3. The fact you state the country wasn't based on judeo-Christian values shows you are ignorant of your American history...To the contrary, the founders wanted a country in which to practice their religion freely without government intrusion and determination of state-based religions.
  4. I very rarely agree with Darrell, but it just amazes me that the Herd Turds wouldn't take this opportunity to stomp the p*ss out of us. I know and everyone else knows from UND it would not have even been close the last three years if we played these guys and for the AG school to have the psychological opportunity to lay waste to your in-state opponent and hold bragging rights for almost 6 years straight is not enough to induce them to agree to a common sense contract? It just doesn't seem like they really believe in themselves...3 straight NCs and you don't have the courage to step on the field in your own house next year and then again 3 yrs later in ours and not show everyone how great you've become...Me thinks they doth protest the rematch too much!
  5. Why do we get caught up in this crap? We don't need them and they certainly don't need us to have successful athletic programs...Its been proven time and again to be true. Mafia Man, if you want to learn how to farm then go to NDSU...If you want to own the farm then go to UND {Dale Lennon}.
  6. Does anyone have any information on NDSU's foundation money balance? I thought UND had close to $300 million at one time last year...Is Fargo's amount that much bigger than ours? Also, how does the size the of schools compare once Fargo isn't giving out tuition waivers to everyone and their brother? Also, has NDSU gotten its budget back under control since Joe left...I had heard there were some issues with overspending at the University so as to align with Joe's plan of having the largest University in ND.
  7. My buddy just got a campus wide e-mail from Kelley stating they are working on a plan to rid the campus of this disrespectful and offensive behavior...I can only hope he plans a Michelle Obama approach which involves a selfie of him holding a large cue card stating something oblivious with a hashtag in front. Oh, the best part is there will be a video message posted at und.edu...get there before all the best bandwidth is taken up!
  8. Recent Herald coverage has been surprisingly good in its detail and level of digging...I sure hope UND has a solid reason for putting him on leave.
  9. How much time is left?
  10. What effect do you think the current unionization efforts of college athletes and the case against the NCAA to pay players a commensurate salary when playing college sports will have potentially on the scenario above...does it hurt the prospect of pushing into FBS or aid us in rationalizing the move to the FBS or does it have no effect at all on this potential opportunity? http://college-football.si.com/2014/03/17/ncaa-antitrust-lawsuit-jeffrey-kessler/ http://www.jstor.org/discover/10.2307/40040605?uid=3739768&uid=2&uid=4&uid=3739256&sid=21103790897363
  11. Basketball, sadly, is always about the last 3 minutes of the game...I'm confident it will be Sioux players jumping up and down with a win....
  12. Prior to this game they are 6-1 in March from my lowly understanding of their record...
  13. any chance we can get some score updates?
  14. Hockey, man...Hockey!
  15. Ouch!!! Dagger to the heart!
  16. I just like the idea of thinking big! We didn't take that opportunity when NDSU moved up and I hope we don't let ourselves miss the next big opportunity because we chose to think small...
  17. Hospitals are trying to go against doctors because they look at doctors as a large expense to their operation, hence hospitals were on board with Obamacare because it will force physicians to take lower payments and hence lower income over their career and will force independent practices to move into the Hospital model for cost reasons. The shortage of doctors, particularly due to the Medical school limiting to ensure income, will be broken by the hospitals hiring physician assistants and nurse practitioners who deliver basic care at a higher profit margin. Ultimately, it won't make any sense for a doctor to be in basic care, but rather push higher into the specialties that cannot be easily substituted by less educated or certified individuals. If I was a doctor, then I would try as hard as hell to have a separate practice from a hospital because once you are in their grasp it will be hard to leave. I also agree its BS to not get deductions for school loans because I was wise enough to choose a profession in which I am paid well. Additionally, I paid my loans off early by 18 months, but again we don't incentivize this type of behavior so its an anomaly. Lastly, we need to have real shoppers when it comes to healthcare for a free market system to work...No one does any shopping when looking for medical services or rates, hence we all pay the same for varied outputs and inputs on behalf of the medical industry. I like the coverage until you are 26 and pre-existing conditions coverage in the AHA but that is it - we could have had these things without all of this partisan bickering from the start, but I still think we need to make the system more marketplace dependent and then we will see the power of competition and innovation to control costs and make the users of the system better shoppers.
  18. What's the deal with the links that require signing up for the Herald subscription? Can you designate the links in your main page with a different color if they demand payment or subscription so the readers don't waste time clicking and getting the sales pitch?
  19. Anyone see where Tim Tibesar landed once the Bears dropped him???
  20. Does anyone know where Tim Tibesar landed after losing his job with the Bears?
  21. Great person as well from what I have encountered at the Fan Lunches and Wednesday Coach's Show at the Ground Round...We are very lucky to have someone like him leading our WBB team!
  22. I haven't seen this much excitement in Sioux Football in a long time and for me this is what its all about...The coaches have a belief and this belief is spreading to the players and to the fans...this is how good things start! BobIwabuchiFan
  23. I corrected it for ya.... BobIwabuchiFan
  24. I don't even think Phil identifies ND anymore as his home place...its more Montana he talks about...
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