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Everything posted by BobIwabuchiFan

  1. 31-26 Griz...
  2. Fighting Suhakis.....
  3. Bob Iwabuchi is my all time favorite...crazy goalie always wins in my book! I always like how everyone assumes your favorite Sioux player can only be a hockey player - I suppose because the Hockey team was the only one that really supported the name and then maybe Basketball....
  4. Oh yeah and so can the professors and administration...what waz I thinking??/
  5. Just name us the Reds and then the rest of the politicians in Grand Forks can behind the name finally....
  6. For my money, this posting topic is the best to watch and read...should rename it the innovation thread due to all the different variations of having Sioux sports achieve higher DI status...Pretty cool, even if the odds are not very good...
  7. Again, its going to be a boring first year of the Bubba regime primarily because we don't have the bodies and skills at the positions we need on the offense. Defense is king with Bubba and he wasn't going to have his first year be marred by a crappy defense even if he doesn't have the kids. Specifically, when talking to the parents of the players at tailgating it seems a handful of guys who are fast got moved to defense to shore of that side of the ball. The takeaway from this approach is we better be happy with whatever we get from the offensive side of the ball. As for mixing the plays, I have to think Rudolph is not going to have such a disparate breakdown between runs and passes this game. In particular, I'm thinking we are going to see 15-20 passing plays mixed in with a ton of running. My prediction is 28-3 MSU Go Sioux Football!
  8. My money is on this approach... Kelley picks a name quickly after January deadline and rides off into the sunset...He's probably interviewing for a new job now anyways instead of the proclaimed journey "To better understand Tenure across the country"....
  9. Didn't we just see a graphic from SAB stating we have more administrators than actual professors on the college campuses? Talk about bubbles, then we got one doozy coming around the bend when the bills are due....
  10. What I saw in particular with our QB is that he barely has any confidence in his own passing right now...We had multiple opportunities for big gains if the QB made the pass. I also saw extreme stupidity in his interception pass where he rolls to his right and throws, while running, behind his intended receiver which results in a tipped ball. I also think if we are going to make progress on the offensive side we are going to have to make shorter passing plays 0-10 yards to a TE to compliment the rushing game and also help build Mollberg's confidence. If we keep with a conservative offensive scheme then we will need to get use to scoring less than 7 points a game with the current Big Sky schedule...
  11. With crossed fingers, UND 10 SB 3....It will be second win of the year and probably our last win for the year.
  12. Honestly, did anyone think we were going to end the season with 5 wins or even 4 wins? Bubba was hired late, pulled off a miracle in my mind to gather 20+ kids to the team, and he is creating a behavioral and expectation shift on a team that has been mediocre at best the last 5 years. I couldn't care less what this year ends up being as it's a step forward, however small, towards the bigger goal of 3-4 years later having a playoff team.
  13. Darrell, why so testy? When you state specifically that North Dakota will not be an acceptable name, I want to know how you come to this conclusion - is it because you are a lawyer or because you stayed at a Holiday Inn Express last night...
  14. Siouxperfan7, The 80+ years of history will soon be forgotten when no one can speak of it on campus and the remaining non-conformists die out. I was at a UND basketball game last year and yelled out "Go Sioux" and the crowd around me looked at me with disbelief - I'm sure they didn't want to discomfort Robert and Marcia who attended the game in a pretty white and green outfits to show team support. Its all part of the marketing plan to rebrand the University's sports teams and I for one don't agree with having to pick another name for the team. North Dakota fits fine and really represents the state the best way possible.
  15. So says Judge Darrell...When did you get your JD from UND again?
  16. Well deserved by Fargo...They kick the crap out of teams we would dream about beating...If you do that for 3 years in a row you deserve it! Definitely a lofty goal for my beloved Sioux, but kudos to the Bison for showing what ND football is about.
  17. After watching Saturday, I'm not too confident we have the resources we need on the offensive side of the ball to really put of some points. The defense is much better than the offense for sure, but not multiple levels better either. I think we will need some football luck to make it a game in Missouri...My 2 cents.
  18. My thought is the Alumni Org is taking the lead from the University and not issuing these plates as it's their full intention to come up with something different than ND in very near future. As for the 'no new name crowd', which I consider myself to be proudly part of, I could live the rest of my days with the solid interlocking ND logo. Maybe some #activism could help?
  19. The settlement mandates a new name? Anyone have the section of the settlement that mandates a new name be chosen or face the wrath of the NCAA? I hope Darrell has his .pdf of the agreement handy...
  20. fightingsiouxforlife, good for you and your choice to choose another name only aligns with the belief that once a new name is chosen the faster the older one is forgotten...unintended as it may be, the consequences of the choice are yours to keep in this case. Nice try
  21. UNDBIZ...'That's not even remotely true'...Please tell me how not?
  22. So how are the girls doing that went missing in Nigeria? Anyone have updates on the #SaveOurGirls campaign from the White House and First Lady? Silence....I thought so....
  23. Just keep it North Dakota...Hal Gershwin had the right idea...We are proud, we are North Dakota...The only ones forcing this issue are the ones who wanted to remove the name to begin with...now that its gone and it doesn't have any correlation to how Natives are doing in society or how they are treated at the University, they want to instill some other name in hopes of shaming others from using the word Sioux at all on campus.
  24. I'm sorry to rain on anyone's parade, but the Sioux will not be back to form by next year...It will take at least 2-3 years of Bubba recruits to set the team straight and that's hoping no one jumps ship on the coach and starts a Fire Bubba thread in about 6 weeks. Got to tone down the expectations and give the team time to build. We will most likely get throttled by NDSU in 2015 and hope to be very decent in 2017 - that's my goals for the team and I think its more realistic than most.
  25. I wonder when the court date is between these two parties...I can't see either one backing down now....
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