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Everything posted by BobIwabuchiFan

  1. I have a friend who bought a lower bowl ticket for Saturday's game against Omaha and needs to sell...Would like to get face value or make an offer. SEC 101, Row R, Seat 13
  2. Got to learn how to tackle...wow!
  3. Spread offense all night if the Kats are smart...
  4. Dumb penalty! Defense did their job and now we need to run it down their throat!
  5. Worst 3rd Qtr of the season? I can’t believe we are still in this after that boondoggle...Run the ball with 3 backs and destroy their damn D-line! We outweight these guys significantly! We can own the line of scrimmage!
  6. Wow....call time out as the coaching staff! WTF!
  7. North to South running please!!!!!
  8. 17-23 Kays with 3:34 left in 3rd
  9. Jesus Christ! Why do we abandon the run every time before the other team stops it! This is turning into the Playoff again! Run the damn ball until they stop you!
  10. I'm thinking when you take the blow-outs out of the calculations for offense last year, you will see how anemic it really was...no doubt the defense had a terrible year with injuries as well. After 4 years of picking your own players, I don't think the excuse that the OC is running a diminished scheme so his team can handle it works for me...Rudolph hasn't shown anyone he has the coaching capabilities to set UND on the right path offensively yet and I think if he has the same 'Scheme' this year with no better results most of the trouble will fall on Bubba's head...gotta win or you have to move on.
  11. I'd say the most likely scenario is a 5-6 or 6-5 season...Too many variables for the season with the O-line and the defensive secondary/LB core to get a strong feel on the close games. After a 3-8 season, I think its unfair to expect an 8-3 season out of the gate. I hope I'm wrong, but that's my simple thought process...For a 100% confidence, I can say the tickets are bought and the tailgating bus has the tires checked, propane full, and coolers inspected and we are ready to go on the first game!
  12. So there is no way in H#ll that baseball is going to be a sport again at UND other than intramural?
  13. I'm wondering with the move to the Summit, what would it take for UND to bring back the baseball team other than a $20 million endowment?
  14. Wow...the costs must be astronomical!
  15. What I don't get is how DeLorenzo gets to stay on at UND...He was part of the Kelly growth program which caused UND to crazy on building replacement (utilization rate is so low they are now destroying buildings) and expanding our athletics programs to 21 sports (U of Wisconsin Madison had less programs at the time!). Add on the fact that an across campus survey showed him with the lowest scores in trust and integrity...so what gives?
  16. How is asking if something seems like discrimination is assumed as threatening to the person asking the question? Aren't you jumping the gun a little by assuming that is the intent of the question?
  17. So why doesn't Bubba change out the coordinator? I can understand loyalty to a peer, but his loyalty to this guy could be his undoing as the head coach of the UND football team...Granted, the team needs to execute, but some of the play calling (e.g. Playoff game) was excruciating to watch.
  18. I think his Strategic Plan is rock solid and a significant paradigm shift for the University...The fact he hasn't communicated it effectively and brought people on board seems like the negatives here...many people are scared of the changes on campus and most of these fears could be gone if someone did a good job of explaining the why's and how's of the changes. Additionally, ND culture finds it repulsive to be a job hopper and his recent foray into interviewing for a "bigger' school hasn't helped him in the Trust department as well. Many people are leaving the University without positive things to say about it (e.g. Maybe they needed to go?? Who knows), but an even better indicator is the amount of UND alums I talk to that aren't interested in sending their kids here given the current operations of the University which get played out negatively quite a bit in the Herald. Hopefully he will remain for at least 5 years to give his strategic plan a chance at success, but if not we will be back to square one again...
  19. I heard it was Daryll who called him to just confirm that everyone wants the F'Hawk logo at center court and not to back down to those FSF people! By the time he got back to the negotiating table they had already closed the deal with the same terms as before...oh the humanity!
  20. That was my understanding...he was there for the first few minutes to introduce himself and the 'UND negotiating team' and then dismissed himself...Honestly, I think it was a stroke of genius on his part or actually listening to someone who is a negotiating expert. The whole friction point for KEM was the President and instead of what's best for UND everyone was focusing on him. Apparently, the move was successful in keeping the relationship in tact and at this point that's a big win for UND!
  21. That's what I'm hearing...he did the introductions and left until the meeting was over...actually a good approach considering how hostile it got with him as the lead negotiator...
  22. Wait for the Rod tip to bend a little and then slowly turn the reel a half turn until you feel tension and then pull it back hard...there, you just caught a Darell!
  23. See UND-FB-FAN responses to date...
  24. If only you had a time machine Kip...
  25. Yes, both inflation and the addition of the Betty which is connected to the facility...Note that one was paid by privately while the other came out of ND tax coffers and each building has significantly different maintenance and ongoing capital needs. Lastly, a new hockey arena would never have been built by the State and the only reason we have the Alerus is because we needed to spend Federal matching funds or lose it...
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