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Everything posted by BobIwabuchiFan

  1. How much did the Men's FB program contribute to the overall budget last year? I'm hearing the biggest drain on the budget has been Men's Football for the last 3 years at least and with the stipends being added its really amped up the loss associated with the sport...Is this true or just some narrative being sold by the Academic side?
  2. If NDSU wins another FCS title, then I think they would be on board to move up to FBS and would most likely be in the same bandwagon as UND and the Montana schools to advocate such a jump. It has to be both a UND/NDSU approach or nothing with this kind of stuff in my mind, but again its all snowflakes and smoke at this point anyways...
  3. Tank Harris is literally a Freakin' Tank! That guy rocks and gets the crowd pumped up! We need about 10 more guys like him smashing mouths on the field and making them open up when he's on the sideline!
  4. Valley Golf Course is another option for the Ray Rick's golfers on a budget...
  5. UND 10 CP 37 ....I think we suffer a mental lapse after the come from behind win against USD...I'm also hoping for some reverse psychology as well...
  6. Defense wins championships and we have a good defense and sweet DBs...Note sure if we can the offense going on the road...A close one for sure... US Post Office 17 Puddy Tats 13
  7. A picture with a simple sentence...1000 ways to interpret the picture combined with the sentence. Have we even heard from these people or is it just assumptions based on our own biases?
  8. "Stupid is as Stupid does"...
  9. That's what I'm hearing as well...the travel costs are a big factor in the $1.4 mil deficit...
  10. What I thought was interesting from the Breakfast with Kennedy meeting yesterday is his direct statement about finding the right Athletic conference for the University and it seemed as though he was hinting that the BigSky may not be the right fit for obvious cost reasons...
  11. My hope is we can stay Football in the Big Sky and move the rest to make up the $1.4 million deficit...If not, then there will probably be more cuts sadly...
  12. Actually from individuals who are working the AD office...its been a very tough topic of discussion given the recent loss of the Men's Baseball team and last minute save of the Golf Program. By the way, I remember when Grandma Butterwicks use to be Sambos!...And, no I haven't eaten there in maybe 20 yrs...
  13. I think they should have a big inflatable hawk that hovers over the end zone and screeches when we score!! Too much?
  14. Can't wait to get the tailgating bus out on Saturday and start the pre-game ritual...Go Sioux!
  15. I'm hearing we are trying to back out of the Big Sky on all sports except for Football and try to find a home with the Summit league due in large part to the total costs and the severe budget shortages being experienced at UND...I think we are on the polar opposite end of having finances capable of going FBS...
  16. Good luck getting more money from the Alumni when the University has already disregarded the real feedback on the nickname process...Kinda like telling someone to pound sand and the next minute asking for a donation. I wonder how that's gonna work????? At least Hockey will still be funded....wink, wink!
  17. Do they or do they not call the sports teams North Dakota since we were relieved of the old Nickname? Yes or No? Spectre??? Phil Spectre??? Never heard of her...
  18. Nothing can replace the old nickname and North Dakota is the best replacement in my opinion...Are you a psychology major???? What's your ulterior motive deep down?
  19. Its a simple design that means something to the people from this area of the country and the Alumni...Interlocking ND and we are North Dakota...sells to me!
  20. Incorrect. As a team name used to introduce our teams for the last 2.5 years, I am factually correct. Nice try green arrow...
  21. Unlike you, I don't have a problem being known as just North Dakota...I didn't like it at first, but "We are one, we are North Dakota" sounds pretty damn good right now given all the backstabbing and circular firing squads occurring on this page. Being North Dakota is a nickname and by itself is unique. Lastly, trying to control the free speech of other people in respect to what they yell for or wear for symbols on their garments at a sporting event isn't very American in my mind and anyone who cowers to that type of power needs to check themselves if they really want to say they are American! Flame Away!
  22. We have been North Dakota for the last 2.5 years and it hasn't caused any outbursts or complaints from schools we have in our conferences, so how would it do so if it was chosen as the permanent replacement? I think the answer is it won't and the whiners on this board can't handle it...Oh by the way, I have both Sioux and ND interlocking logos on my tailgating bus for Football and on my hockey and baseball jerseys - how does that fit your narrative?
  23. Yes, I did get a donation request letter from UND and tore it up...They must be looking for donations to pay off Kelley's retirement package.....
  24. How are the budgets being cut for men's basketball and football in favor of Hockey...does anyone have real numbers to compare as opposed to gut feel on how a program is being "treated"?
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