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Everything posted by BobIwabuchiFan

  1. So, is there a financial report from the UND AD that shows your supposed pilfering of the UND Football revenues to the Men's Hockey program? Or is it more money going into the maintenance and updating of the facility which happens to house the Hockey Program?
  2. So using basic math, the 52,129 paying fans of Football at the Alerus paid ~$20 each (5 game season at $100) yields a total ticket revenue of ~$1.1 million in revenue of which UND gets 48% or around $500k for potential reinvestment in the football program. The mens hockey team had 291,692 paying fans purchase a $20 ($500 season for 25 games give or take) for a total of $5,8 million in revenue in which UND gets 48% or around $2.8 million for potential reinvestment in the hockey program. Now, I'm no Math major, but it sure sounds like all things considered one sport is a cash cow and one sport is a cash pit. Does that mean you can't support both programs? No, but some deference should be shown to the hand that feeds the program though...Additionally, once UND gets the full revenue of the tickets they also receive full responsibility for the maintenance and capital investment in a building that cost more than the current Med school (Don't close your eyes, but they have 22 buildings slated for demolition because they can afford the maintenance and upkeep of those buildings with their current revenue projections).
  3. So I thought the reason the ticket revenue goes through REA was because the University tried running tickets office/operation but it cost too much...They moved it to REA and the employees as well so they went off the books on campus...is that not true?
  4. IMHO....The visit to Vegas was to get a major donor calmed down and remove Kennedy's piss poor approach from the situation immediately. To that extent, my understanding is he visited for about 5 minutes and left the room to have others proceed with the meeting. Kennedy and the University has no leverage in these situations because they have to beg for more money when the State decides to cut funding (Will continue this way for a while). In the eye's of the largest donor to UND, Kennedy was arrogant and incompetent - these folks are not political adversaries who he needs to fight and beat...these are people who have a heartfelt need to express appreciation for their experiences at UND by giving significant $$$s to the University (Please spare me the BS about how you think they should act with their own money - once you pony up $100 million then I'm willing to take your advice). Retroactively, I think once Ralph saw how the management of the University really works during the initial planning of the REA, he felt they would piss away the gift and in no time would be begging the State to support their poor decisions. The end result would be a substandard building for a premier college hockey program and a diminished University given to spending significant amounts on maintenance and capital building support versus academic scholarship and department development. "Meet the new boss, same as the old boss..."
  5. Thank God Kennedy got to win in his deal with Engelstad family!
  6. Hold your cards, we have a Bingo!
  7. So do we have any big time commits yet or are we still fishin?
  8. They don't have a logo other than a big E? Why did they not put their team logo on midfield?
  9. Its a victory that you have no details about yet? Funny, wouldn't you wait until the facts come out before calling it a win?
  10. Yeah, the Farmers should be in discussions with that evil lady to make sure more of her family's money is appropriated fairly to them versus UND...where's Kennedy when you need a win for the Farmers!
  11. Could you maybe capitalize and bold the above entirely for the rest of the conspiracy theorists on the board...
  12. Just saying that a President who goes into a discussion with a big time donor who thinks its about winning and losing is already on the wrong path - How do you Win and the donor loses? If you keep winning you won't be playing the game for long...
  13. He didn't win...he showed up at the meeting and left immediately...an interaction with a donor is not a win or lose situation for the President of the University by the way...if you think that then we are in for more disappointments from donors in the future.
  14. I'd say still having a job after he blew it up initially would be enough...
  15. Got Bubba as friend on Facebook and he wished me a Happy Birthday on my day and followed up with a question, "Do you have your football season tickets and tailgating spots yet?". The guy works his ass off for the program. Period. He knows that the team and the fans have to come together to generate enthusiasm and revenue to make Football a worthy investment by the AD as opposed to the minimal increased investment in the program. To that extent, the team has to produce...no excuses and I don't expect Bubba will give any either. By the way, my tailgating spots are purchased and so are the season tickets from a life-long Hockey fan....
  16. Exactly my point...one was built with Private $ which has to pay property taxes and one is paid by public $ and doesn't pay property taxes...which one will make your pocket book fatter? The whole reason Universities want the housing in their control is how much money they make from it...At UND, on-campus housing/food service for a year will cost you about as much as the tuition.
  17. Yeah, we got the same one...its called the Boden!
  18. Hence, I stated with an "IMHO" at the end of the sentence which connotes an opinion, not fact. As for your speculation, I would agree its tenuous at best as well....
  19. Basically, Kennedy flew out to Vegas, made introductions and left the discussions to the adults. The end result of the discussions is the North Dakota logo stays at center court and UND thanks the mega-donor foundation and family for helping them navigate this thorny issue. Someone at NDUS decided to get involved and establish what was going to happen IMHO. I'm hoping the REA extends the facility management contract further as I'm confident once UND and NDUS get control of the building it will become a huge property tax boondoogle for the city to support the building (see TRF experience). Especially since UND can't manage the money they have now and with ND looking at making even more cuts to Higher Ed funding....
  20. I guess I'm sarcastically referring to her and her associates who are taking money...sounds like that is not what is going on...
  21. Is there some documents showing she and her corporate associates are making money off of this arrangement? Asking for a friend...
  22. Thanks for the honest feedback...It's a tough pill for many to swallow at this time and given the fervor of the "Get on board with the Hawks or you are a hater of all things UND" crowd, we will most likely be living with this embarrassment for many years to come. I personally don't mind the fighting hawks name, but the logo looks like it was done by someone who had an A going into the Marketing final and mailed it in knowing they could still pass the class with a C final grade.
  23. If I remember correctly, it occurred when the stated, "You're Fighting Hawks Scoring"....Then they stopped saying that and the booing went away...
  24. The logo, not the student athletes...do you not see the difference? Scratch that...dumb question...
  25. What color is the sky you live in? Booing our own team? Righhhhhtttt....time for your medications.
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