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Everything posted by BobIwabuchiFan

  1. Jesus, can't the bison fans keep MSPBISon on their own damn board? This guy is about as arrogant as you can get...Is he part of the Summit conference governing body now? Isn't there a rule or some policy we can make up for this guy in particular? Where the hell is Chapman's body gaurd when you need him!!! \ BobIwabuchiFan
  2. You are right again...Everyone wants to play with NDSU again...How could I be soo wrong on that call!! I think once you get away from this message board, most people would rather play montana or montana st than play NDSU...The luster is gone and when the name changes, so will the fight for Nickel. But, I'm sure you will tell me that we can create a new trophy...Maybe like the mile marker of the I-29 sign trophy. Good luck.... BobIwabuchiFan
  3. Given the ridiculous path of this discussion, I now know why Chapman needs a bodygaurd...Its to keep away the NDSU fans!!!! They are freakin crazy!!! BobIwabuchi Fan
  4. Very rarely disagree with the K man, but this time he's utterly wrong about fighting...two words for ya...JIM ARCHIBALD...End of discussion! BobIwabuchiFan
  5. Too late for what? I never stated that UND shouldn't go division I...What I'm stating is to quit trying to schedule with NDSU because people don't really give a !@#$...Lastly, we already schedule more games against minnesota every year than you do... So what's your point again? BobIwabuchiFan
  6. Question for the hockey experts.... Although I like to watch the game closely and rarely pay attention to the line changes, I was quickly interested in how the Sioux kept cycling one guy out onto the ice everytime there was a transition. It definitely looked liked the fresh legs allowed the Sioux to keep attacking Denver without a full line-up change. In addition, it looked like it worked very well from a Chemistry point - is this something they have been doing for a long time or is this something new? Lastly, whats the deal with Blood...I definitely think he should sit tonights game and let Jones back in....Blood was very poor on the defensive end of the rink and he kept making mental errors that allowed DU opportunities to score....Anyone agree? BobIwabuchiFan
  7. Sadly, I agree with clones from Fargo on this point...Quit asking NDSU to play us...We don't need it! Period! Next year I'm going to see the Sioux put up a courageous attempt at winning against a DI team that was ranked #1 in the country last year for a couple of weeks!!! Why would I want to go to Fargo with a good chance of winning against the Ag School and forfiet these types of opportunities with real teams and in the real spotlight. NDSU wants to align itself with the BIG 10 teams and that fan base and I'm in favor of pushing the conference relationships that our AD can build with the BIG 12 and the Southwest conferences - maybe we look better for BigSky or whomever. In addition, I could give a rat's ass what Fargo and its college does...Give up on all the coombya bull$%!# about North Dakota athletics and football tradition because its gone and done with every new years recruiting class from Texas, California, or anywhere in the deep South. The best lesson in this is to compare our progress to ourselves and not someone else - if we do that, then we can gaurantee that we will exceed our goals and most likely be playing a different group of teams outside of the MVFC and let the infants in Fargo boast about their greatness in the shadows of Minneapolis.... BobIwabuchiFan
  8. My question on the talent is how does it produce? Parise and Toews were phenoms and got us to the final four, but again no ring. I think back to the 1997 team and the 2000 team and I find it hard to find a top 10 draft choice or blue chipper in the crowd...Please correct me if I am wrong... BobIwabuchiFan
  9. With the Bison loss today, did anyone see the hysteria at Bisonville??? These guys can't stand their own Q-back and are starting to bitch abouth their own coach for christ-sakes!! U would think they just lost another game to the Sioux!! BobIwabuchiFan
  10. I agree the video is not as good as the bunker video, but consider at least that the bunker video was already spoofed previously and the creator most likely had this version to work off of...The letters from Fargo was definitely new and not something that was ever utilized before....All and all, two good attempts at humor! BobIwabuchiFan
  11. I especially like the Rocky Hager mention at the end. Good times, good times... BobIwabuchiFan
  12. Seems someone has generated a response to the Bunker spoof on UND. Its pretty good Search for 'Letters from Fargo' on YouTube... BobIwabuchiFan
  13. Honestly, Who gives a crap what Fargo does...They proved they can do it without us and we'll do the same...Not so bad to have the two schools playing in different conferences is it? Its not like you guys are going to have a hockey team that would make it into the WCHA?? I don't get all this crap about we gotta play each other for the betterment of the state and we haven't played you guys for 4 years - who cares??? BobIwabuchiFan PS Name someone who even has been recognized as a leader in their engineering field from NDSU? Having troubles? So am I!!
  14. I guess I have a problem with giving the current student government and the school newspaper a seat at the naming table as most of them are already trained to do what their adult counterparts did to the current nickname - flagellate and pontificate without action. BobIwabuchiFan
  15. I think your logic is agreeable with most Sioux fans...The primary sports are going to struggle and most likely pull through and the secondary sports will have a tough time enhancing their status. I would also think that given UND's current Hockey program that generates significant dollars will also help with the football program as it continues to stabilize and become a positive revenue generator...Has anyone done a simple cash flow statement on UND's sports teams to date and how they compare with NDSU? I would be interested in seeing who will be generating the most income for each other's programs and if this will have any effect on future product...
  16. I think that we are already seeing the $4 gas drive different behaviors from the car manufacturers...For instance, GM just shuttered 4 facilities that primarily built SUVs. In addition, GM is marketing their new electric vehicle for release in 2010 - less than 18 mos away! When the US starts to transition to smaller vehicles and hybrids, it has a direct effect on quantity of gallons purchased and thereby reduces demand. If the industry makes the changes stick for the next 2-3 years, you will have a sizeable demographic of vehicles running on electricity or a combination there of lending to the momentum of this significant change in behavior by the consumer. The only stickler is going to be if the Oil Bubble bursts with the increase in the interest rates and the strengthening of the US dollar....
  17. I've come to the point where I want to have the nickname changed because it will allow most of us to forget His Horse is Thunder and Doreen Yellowbird even exist as they will be removed from public discussion and thought. The end result is no one cares and they can go back to victimizing native americans by pretending their victim agenda actually is helping them while it only alienates native americans from the majority. As for a new name, I would agree that native americans should have nothing to say about the nickname as long as it does not relate to Native Americans or Native American imagery. Ultimately, I will continue to wear my Sioux jersey and when people as me about the symbols I will remark, "Its a depiction of a once proud warrior people who really no longer exist". BobIwabuchiFan
  18. Sorry to be a stickler, but it really bothers me when people start throwing around 'statistically significant' as if they know what they are talking about. Saying there is a 'natural' difference does not mean it is statistically insignificant. I would imagine providing an F-test or T-test data on this would help you state your case as opposed to guessing what is 'natural'....Please note, as I'm sure you remember, that small sample sizes provide very low levels of confidence! BobIwabuchiFan
  19. If the nickname goes, what incentive is there to cater to Native Americans in North Dakota? The harsh reality is that there are many other special needs groups that will take up the vacuum in ND and the end result will be a negative one for the tribes and not the university. Lastly, if we could not be given the benefit of doubt from the Tribal Councils, then it is my opinion they should have no say in the future nickname...and yes, it will not have a tribal or native american connotation. BobIwabuchiFan
  20. How long is the blunt you are smoking? Do you actually believe what you are typing? Ask yourself where the 100 million donor from NDSU is at? Okay try 20 million? Give up? Fine, just keep dragging and hold on until you think of a big bag of doritos!
  21. Just one question for you Danno...Why did it take the AC 90 years to catch up?? Appartently timing or the abundance of time has alot to do with it!
  22. I'm interested in hearing about some opinions on the final score tomorrow night's game between RR and Roseau...I'm pulling for RR and see a close one with RR winning 5-4. Anyone care to pontificate? Check out the poll... BobIwabuchiFan
  23. I believe you would be correct...chose the name not because I am him, but rather that he was a hero of mine as a kid in GF and it was always cool saying his last name! BobIwabuchFan
  24. It's pretty stunning that the UND Div II coach ends up going to a higher paying job with a school in the same conference NDSU is joining - where are the offers for Bohl? Why aren't falling all over themselves in IA to get Bohl? BobIwabuchiFan
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