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Everything posted by Teeder11

  1. Depends on who you ask. Sports editor Wayne Nelson = Nodaks Sports writer Tom Miller = Roughriders Sports writer Brad Schlossman = Just "North Dakota" Sports writer Greg DeVillers = Could NOT care less Publisher Korrie Wenzel = Fighting Hawks Former Publisher/current columnist Mike Jacobs = Sundogs And they have run several letters for and against the five finalists and just "North Dakota" in the past few weeks. So to answer your question with a question ..... Who knows?
  2. Would you believe it ended 25-21? UND.
  3. "His running looked pretty good (minus the turf monster that got him at the end)" That section of the field is like the Bermuda Triangle for UND. I seem to remember Tyree Ivery got eaten up by that same monster around the same spot last year.
  4. Thanks for the correction!
  5. Might be a compulsive thing... North Dakota Court records show a similar charge in 2013 that was prosecuted in Southwest District Court in Dickinson. Hope he can get on a better path.
  6. Yup! ^^^^^ http://und.edu/news/2015/09/odegard-roughrider-award.cfm Odegard will join other prominent North Dakota residents – past and present – who have connections to UND, including famed aviator and explorer Carl Ben Eielson, NHL hockey star Cliff “Fido” Purpur, Judge Ronald Davies, NBA player and coach Phil Jackson, U.S. military leader Gen. David Jones, former UND President Tom Clifford and North Dakota Chief Justice Gerald VandeWalle.
  7. Can/should UND use this little bit of a recruiting advantage to go head to head for Montana, Idaho, Utah, etc. and other good western U.S. recruits that aren't going MWC or Pac 12 anyway -- more than we have in the past? I'd hate to see these western Big Sky Schools not have to pay a price for our steep investment in our scholarship athletes. I realize it's a risk because the attrition rate has been relatively high with our recent past players who have hailed from the Pacific coast states. Mat Cox has been a pleasant exception to that trend. And I know we also have Bridges, Butler and few others from out there.
  8. UND wins!!!!! UND takes the match over Drake 3-0. Takes set 3 25-21.
  9. UND up 2 sets to 0 against Drake in the Fruday opener of the UND Classic Tournament.
  10. UND plays a little better in set 2, wins 25-17!
  11. UND takes set 1 over Drake, 25-22. UND was playing timid until Pryor took a TO and chewed them out a little. "I freak'n warned you," he said to them.
  12. Thanks so much! I was going off memory and I missed that. It seemed like we were really coming hard on every down in that series.
  13. If Santiago has a big game this weekend, he could very well be almost halfway there.
  14. Cieslak is a beast and had a sack.... Dranka and Greely were Dranka and Greely and that's a good thing. I did not notice anything on Greer. The DL was effective in tying up the OL and letting the LBs gobble up tackles. The DL did have a few shining moments in the Wyo backfield, though. Edit: I did not think that Dranka and Greely appeared much bigger than last year, IMHO
  15. Nice assessment, Nodak! You are right on the run D. Also, the fact we had very few boneheaded mistakes as for penalties and such was very telling that Bubba is instilling discipline and the players are buying in. Now let's shore up our pass coverage and special teams coverage.
  16. UND gets 17 votes. http://www.ncaa.com/rankings/football/fcs
  17. Looks like Coastal Carolina is the new No. 1 in the NCAA-FCS Coaches Poll. UND received votes.
  18. Wow! That's all I can say after my first UND away-game experience ever. Everything, from the solo road trip down Old Hwy 85 through the Black Hills and eastern Wyoming to the hospitality of all I encountered in Wyoming to, of course, the big win in Laramie, was an experience I will never forget. The Pre-game experience: The Wyoming campus is beautiful, and I love the synergies that are built when you have all your sports facilities stacked on top of each other on campus. They, too, have a large IPF but nowhere near as big as ours. Just 100 yards of Turf under roof.... no track nor room for spectating. Pretty bare bones but effective for its purpose. I liked the fact that UW has a radio frequency you can tune into to get all the on-campus parking info that you need for game day and otherwise. UND could really use something like this. The tailgating was nutz and very friendly. When the cheer team marched by me and my buddies in our UND garb well before game time, every one of them acknowledged us with a friendly "Hello" a smile and a "Welcome to Wyoming!" More than once we were embraced by UW tailgaters who wanted to share their beverages with us and talk football. The common questions we were asked before the game was "Why does everyone say your defense is so good?" "You're not the ones that won all those championships, right?" And "Why does Notre Dame allow you to wear that logo?" We were very friendly and humble in our responses.... kind of giving them the ol' "Aw shucks, we're just happy to be here and have a chance to compete." Ran into some former North Dakotans now living in Wyoming -- who were obviously, big Bison fans. They were proud to get our attention and show off their UW Brown and Yellow colored T-shirts that read "Sioux Suck." Turns out one was from Dickinson, and I used to party with some of his older relatives when I was growing up there in the 80s. We took the ribbing good naturedly and parted with friendly handshakes. On the flipside there were hundreds of UW fans who had dual allegiances to the Cowboys and to UND. They showed up for the game with a mix of UW and UND clothing. That was nice to see. The beer wasn't too terribly overpriced -- we were able to get two Coors pounders each for 8 bucks. The game: There were about 200-300 UND fans in attendance throughout the stadium, mostly in the southwestern corner. They were loud and had plenty to cheer about, obviously. Most know I am partial to "Roughriders" as a new nickname for UND. I saw lots of ways that we could put our own stamp on the Roughrider name before, during and after games similar to how UW uses the Cowboys monikers and mascot. They had a colorfully adorned Cowboy (not the mascot), mounted on horse, ride into the stadium just before game time ala Florida State with their Seminole rider. The UW Cowboy carried a school flag and came to an abrupt halt on about the 20 yard line right in front of us, and threw the flag to a member of the cheer team, who speared it into the ground. That's just one example. The only lame thing that I saw/heard was that the UW team rushed the field to the cliche intro music "Thunderstruck" by AC/DC. What? Are we at an NDSU game? Can't say enough about John Santiago. After each head-turning rush, I would turn to my buddies and say "Do you realize, we have this guy for four more years? His move at the 5 yard line to deke the oncoming NT showed that he is years ahead of his playing age and he has the talent to pull it off. In their post-game comments, the UW radio guys referred to Santiago as UND's "Secret Weapon" that know one had any clue about coming into the game. Don't forget that, in all of his success, on Saturday, Santiago got loose around the edge on a 70-yard TD run that got called back on a penalty. Penatly or not, I think that run gave him confidence that he used the rest of the game. I thought Clive Georges showed flashes of what he can do. Seibel did what he had to do on punt returns, no mistakes, but I think we need more speed at that spot. I thought Keaton was a very good game manager. That QB keeper for at TD was executed to perfection. Meindel was very good in the punting game but our Special Teams coverage needs a little work. Taubenheim's FG miss was on the opposite side of the field... from our perspective it looked like it was good so it must not have missed by much. As impressive as the final score was .... I think we could have had at least 10 more points if it was not for the penalty that negated Santiago first long TD run and the fact that Taubenheim's FG miss followed a delay of game penalty on a try in which he put it through the uprights. From my viewpoint and if I recall correctly, the 92 yard TD pass for Wyoming, came at a point when UND's defense was running on all cylinders on a third and very long. UND pinned its ear back and brought all comers in a blitz package. The corners also initially got sucked in to this momentum just enough for their WR to get loose down field on a fly pattern. Coffman floated the ball right over the WR at about the 48 yrd line and he was gone. Coffman did get hurt on that series from the heavy pressures brought on by UND. It was one time when UW guessed correctly what our aggressive D was going to do. I am sure our coaches will shore this up in the future. Finally, I can't stress enough how nice the people of Cheyenne, Laramie and all of Wyoming were to all of us UND fans. I even got pulled over on my way home on Sunday by an HP, who let me off with a warning. It was so great to be part of UND football history in such a fun environment! Bring on Drake!
  19. Offense: Studsrud and Seibel Defense: Ratelle and Disterhaupt
  20. I'm going but I dont know what to expect from Game Day in Laramie. Excited as hell!!!!
  21. Thanks! I didn't mean to derail things, I just had no idea if this interest by other fan bases was unique to us.
  22. Good point. Do you see as many UND trolls over on BV as Bison posters on here? I don't know because I don't frequent NDSU boards. Just curious.
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