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Everything posted by Teeder11

  1. I believe he walked off with help from trainers.
  2. SiouxFootballnsider has a nice first week recap with projections. A must read! http://siouxfb.areavoices.com/2015/08/14/week-1-thoughts-2/
  3. The walking wounded is growing, and running back depth is even more of a challenge. Oliviera appears to have suffered the same type of injury to the ankle as Arrington. He left on crutches earlier in practice after turning on it wrong during special teams drills. That leaves Norberg, I. Smith and Austin Gordon as the only RBs practicing right now. Also DL Steve Greer was hurt during the first round of 11 on 11 drills. Looks to be a lower leg thing. On a positive note, CB Harris returned to full action today and looked 100 percent. A small scuffle broke out today between a DB and a WR during one-on-one drills. It was quickly extinguished by coaches and other players. I couldn't tell who the combatants were so I can't give you the Tale of the Tape. It was nice to see that kind of fire out there on the practice field as it shows heart with position battles still up in the air. I don't want to make too much out of this; SiouxFootballInsider put it best: #everyyear Cerrentino had by far the best catch of the day as he snatched a 50 yarder in stride with three DBs draped all over him. The hit of the day goes to walk-on fullback Josh Leonhard on Labat. Leonhard absolutely brought the boom down on one of UND's stud linebackers. The defense dominated red zone skelly exercises today with four INTs ( W. James x 2, Flowers and Arnell), and a batted-away pass by Dylan Bakker. No one QB was the primary victim. They all rotated through and all were challenged by the stout D. SEE YOU TOMORROW!
  4. I am too. It was just breathtaking the other day when I walked in it. Pictures do not do it Justice at all.
  5. good question. That's what I wanted to know. He wasn't in on any series today.
  6. One thing I forgot to mention is that Grady looks really good and comfortable at RG. He'll be one to watch if injuries mount, and certainly next year.
  7. That's my gut sense, though Bubba would never say that at this point, I don't think.
  8. I waited until both sessions of today's two-a-day were complete before I posted. Sorry for the wait. UND has its own recap of today's action if you want to check that out. I will try to keep my info different than what they have provided so as not to double up. Here goes: It was hot out there today-- "Africa hot" in the words of Robin Williams' Adrian Cronauer in "Good Morning, Vietnam!"The troops handled the weather nicely, and coaches and trainers managed the rest and hydration appropriately. There were no heat injuries to speak of after the first two a day. That said the typical bumps and bruises are starting to mount -- some worse than others -- as the stationary bike brigade was going strong on the sidelines.. WR Ramon Bridges did return to action today. Here's the latest bodycount as far as players who did not practice fully for one reason or another: Arrington (now wearing a boot on his left leg) Meindel Ruhe WR Hartness Nordby Merz Poole practiced but was icing his ankle immediately after the afternoon session. Woodsmall did not participate fully in afternoon drills but it could be because he is on a "pitch count" so to speak, to keep his rehab going unabated. A lot of you have been asking about the offensive line. It's my weak point as far as knowledge, but to quench the thirst for info that is out there I cobbled together som early observations. 1st team looks to be: RT Meehan RG Cox C Boas LG Anderson LT Stockwell 2nd team: RT Stiner RG Taylor C Cox slides from Guard to center LG Bell LT Camy 3rd team: RT Stiner stays at tackle RG Grady C Rooney LG Bell stays at Guard LT Blair Obviously, this is all subject to change. Other notes: Brandon Walker is really coming on at receiver to augment the this rebuilding nucleus of Seibel, Cerrentino and newcomers Alex Reed, Clive Georges and Luke Stanley. Punt return duties have mainly been handled by Irvin-Sills, Reed, Reyes, Georges and Santiago. If I was a betting man, and I am not, the return game is where Santiago will have his biggest impact initially WHEN he gets his shirt pulled. That's it it for today! Hope it was worth it.
  9. they've all looked good. The usual rookie mistakes, but that's to be expected. Tyus Carter has been most impressive, even more so than the FBS transfer at this point in camp. A couple of work horse guys who have shown some flashes would be Tanner Palmberg and Garrett Bollant. Vashon Tucker, the most recent signee, is still getting adjusted to his new surroundings at UND. Charles Flowers will be in as a depth guy. The safeties really got me excited this year. There are three legit guys at safety that are going to make some noise this year.
  10. Looks like Vernon Adams has a big test looming to see if he'll be academically eligible to play at Oregon. It's looming larger now that Coach Baldwin has reiterated that VA is not welcome back in Cheney. Study hard, Vernon!
  11. I'm glad it's helpful. The Heralds Tom Miller tweeted that a Baltimore Ravens scout was at practice today, looking at Ratelle and others.
  12. The pads were popping today! One of the relatively bigger story lines of today's practice was the health and depth at RB. Arrington hobbled off the field on his own power after landing awkwardly on his ankle following a running play. The play was over but the follow through carried Arrington forward for a collision with a DB and at that point Arrington went to the ground. He left for the training room and returned to the sidelines with an ice wrap on his ankle. He did not return to action today. On a more positive note (at least offensively), earlier in the practice, all of the RBs were absolutely schooling a group of LBs during one on one tackle-in-space drills. All of RBs, including Arrington, looked really good. I continue to be impressed with the burst, cutting ability, and speed around the edges with the ball of Oliviera and Smith. I should add that this group of linebackers comprised mostly younger guys, but Ratelle and Taj Rich were also in this mix. I still don't know who the new punter is but he had arguably the best punt during return drills. It was a towering punt as far as hang time with good distance. Mollberg and Studsrud continue to battle hard at QB. If you have been following, you know I am quit high on Studsrud, but I have to admit that Joe brings a calmness and a poise to the huddle and at the line. His patience and ability to read defences and find the check down reciever is quite good, too. Labat had a nice INT. Santiago is very noticeable immediately with his burst and speed. New people come to practice everyday and each day someone wants to know -- "who is #22?" WR Hartness and CB Harris are still sidelined. WR Bridges dinged up his knee and had ice on it. TE Ruhe was in full pads but took part in limited drills. On a side note, I love the access that Bubba gives the public to practices. I follow Ryan Holmgren, a Minot native and Wyoming beat writer. Suffice it to say, all coaches don't give the public nor the media, the kind of access that we enjoy here. I think Ryan got to see maybe the first 30 minutes of yesterday's practice in Laramie. Oh well, on to tomorrow and the first two-a-day of the fall camp.
  13. Greer hasn't shown much yet, as he looks to be still adjusting to the college game, the tempo, the heat, the intensity of practice, etc. I am curious to see what Coach G's assessment is, as that is the one that truly matters. I see there is a video clip out with comments from Gigli, and it sounds like the Herald will have something tomorrow on the D-line.
  14. There was a new p/k at practice today, wearing Bolduc's old number 86. He looks very tall compared to Taubs and Meindel. There was not much of any kicking happening today. The new 86 probably was probably slated to start later this fall but got moved up when Bolduc departed. Also Nevermann is expected back at the start of classes. Beyond that i don't know.
  15. no problem! Sure beats working.
  16. Another good practice today with a lot of energy and sense of urgency. Mollberg is starting to feel comfortable in the pocket again and had several crisp throws on a rope all over the field today. He's going to give Studsrud all he can handle for the starting job against the Pokes if he can stay healthy. Hiedelbaugh is looking more comfortable, too, everyday, and should make for a good scout team QB this fall. Kyle Norberg was on a mission today at RB. He combined speed and power on a number of nice runs. Judging the running game this early in fall camp is always hard with the pin the hip tempo and intensity they are playing at. We should learn more starting tomorrow when the team goes to full pads for the first time. The first two a day is also looming on Thursday. I think there are only 5 of this this fall camp. ( : Iwarri Smith was good again today at RB and returning duty. Hard to believe he's only 17. Smith took a pretty good hit to the thigh area early in Tuesdays practice. Looked like he may have suffered something like a Charlie horse, but he played through it and showed no ill effects the rest of the day. Many of the players had a case of the dropsies today,which is pretty unfortunate. That said, Walker, Cerretino and Georges had good receiving days today. FB Iverson had a good day, too, especially when it came to his catch and run abilities. It's never anything flashy and looks about the same vpevery time, but before you know it, your 20+ yards up the field. My only beef is that I think he should be harder for the DBs tobring down with his size. Ruhe was back on the field today and took part in limited drills. WR Hartness and CB Harris were present but did not practice. Full pads tomorrow! Get ready!
  17. I'm told Noah Johnson is impressing coaches.
  18. From my perspective, it does. I especially like Adler on the edges and the way he protects the QB.
  19. A spirited practice today at Memorial Stadium following Sunday's little butt chewing. Lots of chirping and squawking between WRs and DBs to the point where Coach Freund had to step in and take control. A good teachable moment by Coach Freund. That guy's got a bright future! There was also some contact after the whistle on some plays. Suffice it to say, the edginess among players moved up a notch today. Taubenhiem did double duty today for the most part with kicking and punting, as Meindel was a bit sore from Sunday's practice. Got to keep Meindel fresh as he's the only true punter on the roster with the departure of Bolduc. The only thing I've heard is that Bolduc no longer desired to play football. TE Ruhe did not practice today, instead he was a sideline presence for the most part, walking on his own power with no cruches or hard braces or anything like that. He tweaked his leg yesterday. WR Hartness hurt his leg and walked off on his own power to the training room. I think UND and maybe the Herald will be putting out info today on the arrival of Vashon Tucker. The last play of the last drill was an INT by Reyes. But someone from the Offensive side of the ball shouted "Nice push-off, Ocho," signalling that Reyes may have took liberties during the leap and grab. Running backs were running hard again today. Smith looked good and fast again. Arrington ran the hardest that I have seen him run since his arrival at UND. RB Norberg had a nice run up the gut but then ran smack dab into a Ratelle Wall. It was a case of the irresistible force meeting the immovable object! ( : Fresh off a nice story int the Herald about Disterhuapt, the young linebacker continued to try and insert himself into a leadership role by helping the young LBs and DBs during drills. He's a smart kid with a lot of heart. Fullback play, included Adler, Iverson and Coyne. Adler and Coyne were very effective on runs and catches, and Adler is a very good blocker. He sealed a key block on a play that went for more yards than it probably should have. Nothing eventful or anything to write home about today about the QB competition, other than some of the quick passes to the flats tend to sail way over the WRs heads. They've got to get that throw down. That an easy 5-10+ yards if executed right. Wish I could tell you more about the hogs on the OL but I didn't see anything that jumped out at me. The young guys are getting acclimated and there was a couple of botched snaps. See you later!
  20. That's why I tend to be keen on Studsrud, if for nothing else, his mobility. I always seem to get less upset when Keaton holds the ball an extra second or so and then takes off up field.
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