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Everything posted by Teeder11

  1. Consulting firm is long gone... this is all UND feeling its way in the dark.
  2. Haha! One man's "mere mention" is another's "campaigning"!
  3. Who knows.... I think this one makes more sense to allow to go through. But you are perfectly justified in your reservations.
  4. Looks like they listened to the e-mailers! Nice job, folks!
  5. This just in.... Twamley says a third vote could be an option to ensure at least a 50 percent majority. http://und.edu/news/2015/10/new-runoff-voting.cfm
  6. Actually, they use consultants just as much, if not more, in the high falootin' big cities, too. It's not just an issue out here in the Sticks. We're just more xenophobic to that kind of influence compared to folks in other places of the country.
  7. People might just pack the Betty to get a look at an assistant coach. Too Funny! But very cool. John Stockton, wow! Him and Malone... now that was a sight to see back in the day!
  8. ok, ok, ok... By that solid logic, I vote RR then. Thanks for showing me the light!
  9. Wait, I thought he was a Sundogger, or was that before he was a FH guy... I can't keep up with the ever changing versions of which nickname Kelley wants. They change as much as Kelley's voting "rules."
  10. kinda like a lowly Jackrabbit, if that had not been taken and we would have chosen something like that, huh?
  11. Looks like he changed his tweet... originally, it said the Jacks were Cloyd's first D1 offer.
  12. Or is the DC to blame for the inept play of the young secondary? Maybe Rudy's not GOB enough. Just saying.
  13. you mean, New Mexico....that's where they are from, and that's where they are headed.
  14. they won't touch it. It's Kelley's problem now. He broke it; he owns it.
  15. They were his "rules" to change. I put rules in quotes because everyone is using it in that context. They aren't rules ; they are a recommended process that a committee came up with and forwarded to Kelley to do with as he saw fit. They were not "rules." If we were president we could make other decisions but we are not, but then again, we don't have to worry about having our name and reputation dragged and ripped apart in public either-- thank goodness. We get to do our critiquing anonymously.
  16. To what end? He's basically done in 45 days. Save on the inevitable Golden Parachute that a firing would bring (you know how the NDUS works), and let him slink outta here quietly on his way back to New Mexico over x-mas vacation when no one is around to care.
  17. it's not a hockey game either. As president of the university, he owns the process and will take the credit and the criticism. It's his call and his process to change as many times as he wants. It sucks, but it is what it is.
  18. What about Arnell and Coyne? Maybe Ruhe or did he get one last season?
  19. I hear you, but if it is truly the students that are driving this FH trend, then, that's probably the best scenario for helping us move on with a new nickname. All that needs to happen to make it a lock is to hang number 8 in the process -- it will become legend! #wishfulthinking ( I know this isn't Twitter; you get the point)
  20. Yeah, that damn Kelley just couldn't stand seeing his favored "Nodaks" left off the list. Damn you, Kelley! Damn you all to H-E_ double hockey sticks!
  21. Good points but I don't think this is the only thing they do in their day jobs, though, it may seem that way to us sometimes.
  22. Yes. Sadly that's how it will be perceived -- true or not. Perception is reality, unfortunately.
  23. I don't think they should do mock-ups....that can't be a rush job. A lot of time and effort should be put into that process, too. IMHO.
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