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Everything posted by tnt

  1. He realized he has fallen leaps and bounds behind Dave K and needed something juicy to try regain his rightful place in the trolling hierarchy!
  2. When is Keller coming back? He was their best recruit.
  3. But we don't have road playoff experience yet, and getting another home playoff game is hardly a given when you look at how Portland State and Northern Arizona dropped from year to year. Those same teams we stunned with miraculous comebacks this year will be ready to even the score next year.
  4. Yeah, I'd plan for 9000 UND fans, and 20 gopher fans! I'm sure we had more fans in New York than they had at home last night.
  5. Everyone knows there are turning points that specifically don't cost you the game, but change the total complexion of the game. If UND, would have lost to BC in hockey last night, how many people would have said it was Gardner's penalty that cost us the game? They could have killed the penalties, yet it was a turning point that turned the whole tenor of the game.
  6. Is Gersich ok? He got his legs taken out late in the game and was slow getting up.
  7. You mean this Connie Triplett? https://www.sayanythingblog.com/entry/gerald-groenwold/ Also, talking about militarization, didn't her husband get in trouble for pulling a gun on someone years ago. And refresh my memory, didn't they get in trouble for not evacuating during the flood when they were supposed to? Here's something Connie, you might want to just fade into the sunset of your career and call it a day.
  8. Hopefully they'll be full of themselves and turkey.
  9. Yeah, maybe they need some actual subzero temperatures, so she can actually be telling the truth about subzero temperatures. Show us those subzero temperatures Shailene.
  10. http://www.grandforksherald.com/news/4165507-fargo-developer-explores-massive-outlet-mall Is this a missed opportunity for Grand Forks? How many more Canadians will bypass Grand Forks to go to Fargo?
  11. tnt

    Moo U diaries

    Just curious, is it posable you have a degree from NDSU?
  12. Wouldn't it be priceless to see everybody that wanted Tomek to play recently do a complete 180 if Berry put him in against Michigan State and they fell behind by 3 early. The irony would be classic considering the reaction to Hakstol playing Cam against Lake Superior a few years back.
  13. tnt

    2016 Attendance

    Were you at the last home game that gave us the possibility of setting up a home playoff game? That was in essence a home playoff game and the attendance wasn't what it should have been. If student attendance was bad at that game, what do you think it will be like if they have to pay?
  14. Wilkie has committed to CC. I am assuming he is related to Chris since he's from Omaha.
  15. Went there with the work crew recently and nobody was blown away, especially bang for the buck. Everyone agreed Wild Bill's would still be the go to place.
  16. tnt

    2016 Attendance

    Shouldn't the Betty have been full for volleyball yesterday? Maybe the footballers can't think logically and show up. See how that works!
  17. ...and I might add why there is a big learning curve for this team to make in all aspects.
  18. tnt


    Lot of people have made those bold statements in the past, only having to eat crow. There run was supposed to end years ago when they lost to Illinois State in the regular season. Hoping that happens this year, but until it does I don't know how anyone can be so bold.
  19. tnt


    I've always thought that passing teams that can protect are the bigger threat to NDSU. The teams that beat them over the last few years, or played them tough like Montana, SDSU and Eastern Washington all have good passing attacks. Other than that, they always seem to be able to out physical teams, especially some one dimensional MVFC teams.
  20. tnt


    No doubt when attendance doesn't meet your projections you'll turn around and rip hockey people for the turnout.
  21. tnt


    I'll go to the football game, but you can guarantee that everyone will be ruining the outcome of the hockey game for you at the football game.
  22. Gabe Bast with a goal and an assist in his first game back playing with Penticton. Kawaguchi up to 2nd in BCHL scoring. Mitchell Mattson finally starting to score for Bloomington.
  23. I agree, which makes it all the more ironic that it was at St. Cloud that he had his best game.
  24. Yet you take the most minimal information and turn it into huge conference conspiracies. For someone that can turn more of nothing into something, it sure is strange that when there is an actual connection you totally dismiss it.
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