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Everything posted by tnt

  1. So, no problem, it is what it is, despite having major advantages in recruiting. So this all happened just within the last 3 or 4 years, because last I remembered we had a run of NCAA tournaments going, a run of top half league finishes, and a run of making the Frozen Faceoff/WCHA Final Five. We'll see how the rest of this year goes in those regards, but I don't think the coaches can be totally absolved in all of this. If mediocre is just the way things are going in college hockey, with all the budget problems we have been having, you might as well hire Grant Paranica and let him choose a cheap staff. My guess is the power play would not be any worse, and with the recruiting advantages they should still be able to finish in the middle of the NCHC. That said, I think things change next year and the subsequent years, which proves the point that they had some bad recruiting years by focusing too much on grinders and role players.
  2. I guess if you can't beat the Griffins, you might as well get a Griffin.
  3. Not only that, but most of the people constantly complaining were excited when we got many of the players on the current roster, so I would expect not to hear "good get" on future recruits when they commit.
  4. If he's anything like Senden, I'll take him on my team anytime!
  5. I still wish they could find a grad transfer or someone with a bunch of Junior experience that has a scoring pedigree, to complement the young guys they have coming in. Obviously easier said than done, but our program is attractive enough that we should always be able to maneuver bringing in guys that would add skills we could always use.
  6. Hopefully this pushes Ricky forward like Dustin Johnson did when he overcame that horrendous ball moving ruling on the green in the U.S. Open a few years back. What doesn't kill you makes you stronger, and it obviously did for Dustin Johnson coming out on the positive end of a major after that.
  7. Maybe Eades implements the same system as UND!
  8. So in the last three years, where has UND finished in the league compared to where they were predicted to finish? I think we were predicted third this year, and that isn't going to happen.
  9. I have really liked the effort lately, but when you constantly talk about how snakebitten you are and allow something you have discussed just as often in bad penalties, you aren't doing yourself a favor in all the tight games by not addressing it with discipline.
  10. What frustrates me is to hear Berry once again talk about selfish penalties with Gardner, a without any action. He really must be a player's coach if there is no accountability. I actually think it is selfish of Berry to continue to allow this to happen without some sort of discipline. Who knows if we score another goal if we aren't shorthanded for those four minutes. No player is bigger than the team, and Berry needs to be their coach, not their friend. If you're not disciplined there, you probably lack discipline in other areas as well. Like the effort, but when you're having trouble scoring you can't afford to give up things in other areas.
  11. It absolutely baffles me how someone can spend as much time trying to convince an opposing fan base that their team is not in the wrong. I can see putting out a contrary view, but to keep up the back and forth just seems like you somehow are begging for UND's approval. Marsha, Marsha, Marsha!
  12. Wait a minute, didn't you go to Canisius?
  13. That sounds like a perfect job for McFeely or Kolpack.
  14. Maybe it's the NCHC Insider curse, as Poolman hadn't missed a game in college until NCHC Insider did that story on him.
  15. Yeah, in Schlossman's Friday morning reading he talks about fans jumping off the ship, but over the last three years he has picked practically all splits and even this year predicted them to be swept on occasion. Fans obviously seem a lot more optimistic over the last three years than he has been.
  16. Are you an NCAA drug tester?
  17. It's called Journalism 101, especially in a he said, she said situation. "Didn't elaborate" seems either convenient or lazy for a reporter that obviously had plenty of questions for the other side. Quite the expose, almost a modern day Woodward and Bernstein.
  18. Did his job? Matt Larsen said a student athlete gave it to him. How about a follow up question on how he found that out so you can follow up on that?
  19. The article says that Matt Larsen "didn't elaborate". Here's something, as a reporter, ask a question to get him to elaborate. Having talked to a former NDSU football player that said he wouldn't make it at NDSU today because they are maniacal about the diet of the players and go nuts if they eat anything outside of the designated plan, I can see the players following the instructions of staff to the letter. Someone needs to elaborate, whether it be the family, or NDSU.
  20. What is the standard? -40? -50? -60? If you stay outside a couple minutes longer -40 can kill you just like -50. If you're going to determine what is acceptable, then create a standard. Of course, then the schools would say we don't have any days left to give, so we need students to be there.
  21. Berry is one of the most likable guys as well. Serratore has done o.k. with Air Force, but I think a lot of the memories of the people are from how hard of an out they have been in a few tournament games they have been in. They haven't exactly dominated CHA and AHA, but they have had their moments. He was well liked when he was an assistant here, but I don't think there was a noticeable change when he left, although I'm sure he has grown leaps and bounds in his coaching ability since then with the additional experience.
  22. Schlossman has retweeted the reprimand from the NCHC for Rico Blasi's comments on the officiating. Would be nice if they would also reprimand an official who refused to even look at a play that ended a players season. If commisioner Fenton can't see the irony behind this, then he is blind.
  23. If they haven't been doing this all along, then I don't have much faith in the direction of UND athletics.
  24. Would be nice to at least get a win and a tie with the extra point, but yeah this team has been inconsistent so optimism can be elusive. Wish they could have got the tie and extra point in the series here. Got to finish ahead of Denver because we most likely will be playing them in the first round playoff, and that may be our only pairwise hope.
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