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Everything posted by tnt

  1. Where are all those gopher fans that always deride people living in North Dakota when they lose in sports? You couldn’t pay me enough to live in a place where people take disgusting criminal acts by those that are supposed to serve the community as an opportunity to destroy and loot. I just pray that type of person and behavior stay far away from North Dakota.
  2. ...and the officer was so concerned about him as a threat that he can have his hand in his pocket rather than free to react to the perceived threat.
  3. Didn’t this happen before and that’s how we got Saunders? If you keep saving it for a year or two but continually lose your best players in the process, what is the point.
  4. It says disc golf in the membership info. Are they planning on having both running simultaneously? If so, heads up!
  5. Bound? No? But what they ended up doing didn't make financial sense any which way you look at it.
  6. Apparently some people think it is important, because after family complained they reversed course.
  7. Do you think UND has any need to pay attention to the wishes of how the donor wants his gift to be used?
  8. So we should shame people that don’t wear something that has shown not to be effective in environments where they are required.
  9. Because they are doing wonders in the assisted living homes.
  10. I would be fine with no mask shaming either way. If people feel better with them on, more power to them. In the same token people that decide to wear them, shouldn’t cast judgement on those that choose not to wear them.
  11. We have found out that you can take all the precautions, and it doesn’t seem to matter, as has been the case in jails and assisted living centers. They wear masks and shields and people still die, and are infected. The numbers say that you are very unlikely to get this in passing, but if you are in direct contact for long periods of time. Don’t know about you, but I have not encountered a person out and about that is eighty and beyond, although I go late to any stores. If they are out there, you certainly have to question why.
  12. Tell me how many North Dakotans pass away from the flu every year, and the numbers from Covid so far. So, you are the person who designates how many lives lost is acceptable?
  13. All I know is that if Redneck ever stops wearing a mask, he has some serious explaining to do, because elderly are at risk from the plain flu as well, and as his experts have said, this is going to be around for years.
  14. You mean the same city that banned any new drive thru’s which have been the answer for keeping restaurants in business is going to find other ways to destroy businesses? Go figure.
  15. They wear masks in assisted living homes, yet you say they aren’t being protected. You say there is plenty to do to protect them, but I have posed the question no less than three times and you have not expounded on your ideas on how to protect them.
  16. I wasn't the one that was insinuating that people that wanted the economy open didn't care about the vulnerable. Now you are telling me there is no way to protect them. Ironic.
  17. For once answer the question, why are the people most protected dying? They are ruining the lives of 99 percent of the population to try and protect the vulnerable, and guess what it isn't working.
  18. Sounds like a good time for North Dakota to start pouching some businesses.
  19. Yeah, when you are looking at adding more funding for the arts in a crisis, it shows there is a total disconnect. It's like those skipping their mortgage payments buying a speed boat or other items that aren't essential. Most citizens need to have some fiscal responsibility, but the government doesn't think that applies to them.
  20. You beat me to it. Give the government money to use based on them having money for you when you retire, then watch them continuing to change the rules when they spend irresponsibly with your money.
  21. https://www.valleynewslive.com/content/news/FBI-arrest-foster-parents-of-child-who-died-at-Spirit-Lake-Reservation--570534701.html Is this Erich Longie related to the Erich Longie who was a huge nickname opponent?
  22. Is this the same Schlossman that didn’t have a negative response when it was stated the NHL might be looking to play games in Grand Forks. Also waiting for him to say it would be irresponsible for UND to play in front of a full house in Nashville if there are any active cases of Corona around. Of course with him it is only the NHL’s fault for allowing fighting, and no accountability for the players who know what blows to the head can do. No personal accountability in his own little world.
  23. Which is why calling people experts is puzzling to me. There are people on both sides of some of the issues with Covid that have credentials, but it doesn’t make them any more correct in their assumptions than the average citizen.
  24. ...and government will see how they can control their constituents and will be more emboldened to control their everyday rights. I.e. travel limits to protect the environment and early lockdowns on any new virus. The ones that will be screaming the most that the government has to save them are the states that wouldn’t open back up. Just a hypothetical, but what would our reaction have been if this was a biological attack by terrorists designed to ruin America’s way of life? Would we have united like we did after 9/11, and been resolved to get those responsible, or would we be cowering in our basements and letting them change our way of life from here to eternity and just resigning ourselves to a “new normal”? I know how I would feel about keeping the freedoms we have for which others fought and died.
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