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Everything posted by tnt

  1. John Chenal got a few carries for Wisconsin in cleanup time against Michigan. Would have been nice to see him in a UND uniform.
  2. With those and the added cushion of the hair, we should significantly reduce the risk of concussion.
  3. Getting consistency out of a bunch of freshmen you are counting on is tough, but if you happen to be the team they go off on, you could be out of the tournament in a flash. I think Michigan has a few guys that stayed that make them dangerous. At tournament time you have to be cautious of a Holy Cross or an AIC, don’t know why you wouldn’t have some level of anxiety playing a team with numerous potential first rounders.
  4. Jackson Kunz was 1st star with 2 goals in Green Bay’s 4-2 win against Muskegon.
  5. Wonder if the Big Ten is already on top of it, being that they created a scheduling agreement with Arizona State for this year. Who knows if that is just to fill out their schedules, but I would think there would be mutual interest. There may be other Big Ten members thinking about taking up hockey though.
  6. tnt


    Let’s see, you’ve just seen how things you did when you are young can follow you, and you choose to put something out there that could come back to haunt you as well. Where are the adults in all of this? I chose not to question parenting at first because sometimes you can preach right and wrong and still end up with a bad apple, but everything that has come out since speaks volumes.
  7. tnt


    ...and don’t forget the lack of coverage about the hockey team’s Covid issues. Just like when he came late to the game on coverage of Women’s hockey, he sure has written a lot about this lately even though it was known since he was recruited, although some of the details were sketchy.
  8. tnt


    https://www.si.com/hockey/.amp/news/led-by-coyotes-und-and-usa-hockey-the-hockey-world-failed-mitch-miller More bad publicity.
  9. tnt


    I certainly don't like the appearance of it because it seems to validate that whoever screams loudest controls the narrative, but truthfully he probably did Berry a favor. He won't be answering questions this whole year, and it doesn't give opponents the ammunition to negatively recruit against us from that standpoint.
  10. tnt


    With Kiersted, JBD and Rieger possibly leaving and Luke Bast and Morrow coming in, there could be room for Gabe to stay. Do you keep a character guy like Rieger? It would be hard to say you can't stay to guys that have given their all for the program, but this situation has muddled things.
  11. tnt


    No, but I'm sure they will be looking for a stud defenseman with a lot of experience in the transfer portal for next year, with all they stand to lose after this year.
  12. tnt


    They could have crappy attorneys and it wouldn't matter. Judges will come down on the side of political correctness most of the time.
  13. tnt


    ...and the Coyotes said he can still pursue a hockey career. It is just a speech to try and make UND look better for backing out of a commitment. So if he is such a horrible person, why would you want him floating about campus looking for more people to prey on?
  14. tnt


    That's true, the focus would have hurt the ability for the team to talk to the media without having to answer questions all the time.
  15. tnt


    If he did, would you believe him. If he tried to refute something people would say he isn’t taking responsibility and making excuses. Darned if you do, darned if you don’t. Probably right now he should keep his mouth shut and stay off social media and put his head down and live up to any confidence anyone has put in him.
  16. tnt


    Seriously? Did they fire anybody? That is the way the cancel culture works.
  17. tnt


    Not so sure about this, with 10 teams saying they had him off their list, and I would bet that the victims mom will be more proactive in denying him a chance to play pro hockey.
  18. tnt


    Again, the problem people have is with the egregious ongoing nature of his actions and his lack of apology to the victim. No, he wasn't forced to apologize, but addressing it with the NHL teams was necessary for his future aspirations.
  19. tnt


    I'm only saying that if he is not blue chip, then there would have been "safer" recruits that have already exhibited character and are less controversial. That is a slippery slope to go down if you decide to be the program that can rehabilitate reputations because of the slim room for error, and it is not just his reputation on the line. If it works out, that is fine, but I don't think that would always be the case. Suffice it to say, that for many who were calling for his head after the two losing seasons, this would have been the last straw had we not had the turnaround season we had. Just don't know if I would put my reputation on the line like that, but since Berry seems like a guy that has his players best interests in mind, he obviously is willing to stick his neck out.
  20. tnt


    This is what perplexes me, the coaches always say they recruit character. Don’t really want to start a new philosophy that we rehabilitate people with poor character. We always hear how college coaches sleep poorly at night for fear of that call in the middle of the night that a player screwed up. This seems like it would up that level of anxiety even further. Don’t know if I would volunteer for that responsibility because any misstep puts the University in a bad light and brings negative publicity that can be hard to live down. In other words, you better not be wrong.
  21. tnt


    My issue is that this appears to be saying that redemption should only take you so far. It was fine for him to play in the USHL and do o.k. there, but we draw the line if he can actually make money at the sport, or get an education. Did Randy Moss deserve to play in the NFL, or Jameis Winston, or any of a number of others who had issues well beyond their Junior High days? It just seems like it was fine for him until he got to a certain level, but then we need to put a limit on his success. The ironic part is that it probably would have been much better for MM if he had gone undrafted and had the 4 years of college to try prove himself further.
  22. tnt


    I hadn't really thought of this much, but I fear that the focus we are putting on this when we should be talking about and enjoying the upcoming season is what we may hear quite frequently from the media and fanbases each week, and possibly if we get into the National Tournament. Like most people said, I would suspect he will be on short leash so he better be prepared to be scrutinized on and off the ice and hold his tongue and actions when the opposition tries to push his buttons. With all we have going for us this season, I would hate for it to blow up by him screwing up and derailing it. Hopefully this isn't an issue and redemption becomes a theme instead, but it seems a bit of a risk to leave that fate in the hands of one person, especially one with that kind of background. I would gather after all of this, there is no way the USA World Junior team takes a flyer on him though.
  23. tnt


    If we are talking about starting the season that may be the case, but with 10 games in 20 days, Berry pretty much said everyone will be playing. Hopefully that depth pays off for us as most teams won’t be in game condition. Being able to play so many guys without a big drop off could be a nice advantage if they can get the right combinations together.
  24. tnt


    This is why I didn't put it in my list of questions, but it obviously is one of the first things that comes to mind after a situation like this. Without knowing all the facts, it just seems very strange that they didn't go the extra mile to make this right and require the same of their son. Even if your conscience didn't demand it of yourself, you would think common sense would.
  25. tnt


    That's a great point. Accountability will be evident in locker room talk. If he hasn't changed it will be quite evident and I would guess team chemistry would take a negative hit.
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