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Everything posted by dlsiouxfan

  1. Why would you expect them to make adjustments at half time? This coaching staff is completely incompetent. Also, WTF is the deal with the pre-snap penalties.
  2. Mussman and the whole staff need to be let go after this season. The team has gotten worse from the start of the year and from the body language out there it looks like a lot of the players have quit on the season which is absolutely inexcusable. UC Davis is a bad team but we're an awful team. I don't know if there are any leaders on this team.
  3. Thought I'd get people's thoughts on this. Personally I could care less if we ever play them again in anything. If the schools ever meet again I expect any meeting to take place in Grand Forks and not in that dumpy trailer park that goes by the name Vermillion.
  4. Yes, I wouldn't consider any of the Summit League schools peers and that includes NDSU and SDSU. I live and work in the Cities and UND is generally considered on par with Minnesota and Wisconsin academically by employers while the other Dakota's reside in a much lower category lumped in with schools like UW-Eau Claire, Winona State, and Moorhead State. It might be an unpopular opinion in ND but to the rest of the country NDSU really is a peer institution of IUPUI and Oakland while UND isn't.
  5. Would rather have UND's rivals be Montana and Montana State but understand that would create some odd couples on the other side so I'd be happy with that arrangement.
  6. I don't think this is NDSU or SDSU's fault at all. Your administration has lacked integrity for as long as I can remember and it's apparent that USD's new leadership has no credibility either. I think the conferences worked out just as they should have, UND will be with peers like UC-Davis and Montana and NDSU is with peer institutions like IUPUI, IPFW, and (hopefully soon) Chicago State.
  7. Honestly, you haven't made a valid argument in this entire thread. The MVFC didn't act until it's hand was forced by us joining the Big Sky. Delaying our decision only would have delayed the inevitable by a week or so. Please explain to me who in our administration should be held accountable in this? Our AD and president took USD's AD and President at their word and USD betrayed UND and the Big Sky to go sniff SDSU's ass for the foreseeable future. How does that reflect poorly on our university? As for your comment about the indoor training facility it's set to break ground this spring. The dollars are in place and it will probably be completed before the BSA. Get a hold of yourself.
  8. Who cares about USD? All their leadership has proven is that they have zero integrity, much like the leadership of NDSU and SDSU. I hope they enjoy the Summit League playing against other garbage schools like IUPUI and IPFW. They are their peers after all. I'm still ecstatic we are in the Big Sky. Screw USD, screw the Summit, and screw the MVFC.
  9. The conference has a terrible record this season in out of conference play and Lennon's team has been a tremendous disappointment. I really have no problem saying that Lennon's squad has underperformed this season since it's the truth. He'd probably admit the same if he were to comment on his team's performance. That being said after watching the SDSU-Youngstown State and NDSU-ISU yesterday I'd be shocked if the MVFC get's more than one team in the playoffs this season.
  10. Will you even be back here when the Bison lose their next two to miss the playoffs yet again? Your squad is currently an also-ran in a mediocre FCS conference so I'm not sure you have that much to brag about.
  11. Are you 12 or is that just your IQ?
  12. Thornton will likely never see the field for NDSU and probably would have sat behind both of the guys UND brought in last year for his entire career had he attended UND. The kid would have been better off staying home and playing for the University of Mary.
  13. There are some talented players on this team but without better coaching they will never reach their potential. I think the last two recruiting classes have been good but recruiting is only half the battle. Under Lennon, UND may not have always had the most talented squad but they came ready to play every game and played with an intensity I haven't seen by a Sioux football team the last few years.
  14. dlsiouxfan

    SUU @ UND

    They both have demonstrated that neither one of them should have the job. Both were great players in their day but both have left a lot to be desired as coaches. We need to bring in a new defensive coordinator and if that means the end of the 3-4 then so be it. Every year it seems to be new excuse with these guys and it needs to end. They can point fingers at the offense sustaining drives but they were beat on third and fourth down all game long and even the first series thoroughly got their ass kicked until the interception.
  15. dlsiouxfan

    SUU @ UND

    Quite frankly this team is soft and a big part of that is coaching. The secondary has gotten worse every year under Kelling and I swear a few of our seniors back there were better players as freshmen than they are now.
  16. dlsiouxfan

    SUU @ UND

    After this season we need to look at making a coaching change. Whoever we bring in should have carte blanche to do whatever it takes to get this program competitive whether that means signing juco's, playing freshmen, pulling scholarships on unproductive players, etc.. It's entirely evident that the program Lennon and Thomas built has been completely decimated.
  17. So it wasn't racist of Rand Paul to advocate for repeal of the Civil Rights Act provisions that prevent segregation of lunch countertops or restaurants? It also wasn't racist when Dr. Laura repeatedly shouted the "n word" at an African- American caller? How about Rush Limbaugh telling an African American caller to take "the bone out of her nose"? It's hard to imagine being any more racist than all of the above without deliberately trying.
  18. And nearly all of them changed their party affiliations to Republican within a decade after the passage of the Civil Rights Act. I know it's convenient to leave that part out as it doesn't help your argument but to an uninformed reader that provides a great deal of context. I don't believe all conservatives are racist but those of racist viewpoints find a whole lot more receptive audience in the Republican party and Conservative movement. You have conservative icons like Glenn Beck and Rush Limbaugh who have said some of the most vile racist crap on their shows and they are immune from criticism within the conservative movement which doesn't help your cause much. Not too mention the high number of conservative icons from Jerry Falwell to Rand Paul who have taken firm stances against civil rights in both the past and present. If you're going to start painting with such a broad brush as you choose to paint Dave K and myself then you really can't complain when the same broad brush is used on you.
  19. Mussman may or may not be the guy to take this program to the level of where it needs to be but I'm seriously concerned about the quality of coaches we can bring into this program with how poorly our head and assistant football coaches are paid. It's inexcusable that Idalski is making more than Mussman and it will absolutely kill this program if this situation continues.
  20. Hey that's great it only took them like five years to get the first 10 million. So when are they breaking ground? 2020?
  21. What Bohl did to Mertens was absolutely shameful. 95% of NDSU's shortcomings the last two seasons were directly attributable to Bohl but he let a 22 year kid take the fall in order to save his own ass. Bohl demonstrated a complete lack of character that should serve as a lesson to any future recruit who considers playing for him.
  22. Congrats you now have wins over the worst Big Ten football team in history, a piss poor Big Twelve team, and just beat a school that UND has defeated 14 of the last 15 times the two schools have played. I apologize that we're a little underwhelmed.
  23. So what do we have to do to get you to cry and quit this forum?
  24. If anyone cares to venture over to idiotville there seems to be a consensus that USD is going to work us. Hopefully we come out guns a blazing and handle the Yotes as we usually do.
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