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Everything posted by dlsiouxfan

  1. What these kids did was completely unacceptable. I'd say indefinite in-school suspension until they write the letters of apology mentioned earlier. If they or their parents object to those terms then I think the school system should go forward with expulsion. Red River High school needs to have ZERO tolerance for racist garbage like this.
  2. A lot of this could be avoided if Gene Taylor wasn't viewed as such an arrogant idiot within the AD community. He acts like a complete asshole with his public statements and then expects others to honor their commitments with him. He behaves with zero integrity and then expects to be treated right by others. it doesn't work that way.
  3. NDSU will have an option of begging to get into the Big Sky and likely getting in with UND's help or spending the rest of their days in a Summit/ GWFC combo league with SDSU, USD, and schools like NJIT and whatever new Division II move-up wants to park their athletic program for a couple of years.
  4. When the Slummit explodes, UND will be in the position of getting to choose it's own travel partner in the Big Sky from among the three Dakota schools. How does the renewal of the UND-NDSU football game with an initial game in Grand Forks sound?
  5. From the sounds of it, the Slummit League is in full meltdown mode. The rest of the Dakota schools could be homeless by the end of the month.
  6. Yes, but your Average Joe on the street and in the ND legislature doesn't know that. All they'll see is NDSU shelling out $400K for an opponent and then Bresciani crying about funding in a different section of the newspaper. Your assuming that the ND populace is as informed as the people on this board when circumstances have proven that the vast majority are not.
  7. All UND fans need is patience. The game will likely not re-start without an act from the legislature. This is probably 5 years from happening. NDSU is going to end up shelling out $400K to replace the Western Carolina game and then Bresciani is going to piss and moan to the legislature about needing additional funding for the sewer of a university he runs. Even Bison fans like those on this website should understand that the optics of that are terrible, but perhaps I've once again overestimated their intelligence.
  8. You do know this claim is libelous? Not even the initial charges that were brought against the players alleged this. In fact, only one of the players was found guilty of anything and that was possession of marijuana. If NDSU kicked every player off the team that had a marijuana possession charge they'd run out of players.
  9. If the kid is serious about his education he'll pick UND. If he wants to gather petition signatures for $9 an hour the rest of his life then he'll go with NDSU. It seems like a pretty easy decision.
  10. This is an incredibly dumb issue for the Star Tribune and for these community leaders to focus on. There are plenty of places in our society where discrimination against African Americans and other minorities is very real. There isn't an issue with discrimination in the Timberwolves organization or anywhere else in the NBA for that matter. I'm as liberal as they come but the leaders quoted in this article largely distract from the real issues surrounding racial discrimination in this country when they comment on trivial stuff like this.
  11. Highly unlikely, since most NDSU co-eds take up two or more seats by themselves.
  12. The NBA is the primary reason the NHL is locked out right now. NHL players want NFL, NBA, MLB type salaries while their league doesn't generate revenues even close to that of the other three leagues. The NHL gets closer and closer to obscurity the longer this mess drags out.
  13. UND would likely be 4-3 or 5-2 against NDSU's schedule. I think we beat PVAMU, Bobby Mo, Colorado State, and South Dakota. We'd have pretty even matchups with UNI and YSU. We likely lose to Indiana State as they have a pretty underrated defense in my opinion. Do you watch any games outside of the MVFC? Do you know what the MVFC's playoff record looks like outside NDSU's runs the last two years? I'm sorry I'm not impressed by a conference that routinely loses playoff games against OVC and Patriot League teams.
  14. In other news, NDSU leapfrogged Georgia Southern in the AGS poll after 34 votes were mistakenly cast for Georgia State University. Someone alert Kolpack as this surely requires an investigation.
  15. Your act is getting incredibly old. NDSU is a really good team playing in a mediocre to poor conference. NDSU will likely make a playoff run but any other MVFC team that makes the playoffs will be sitting at home the following week after an ass-kicking on the road against a Big Sky or CAA team or an upset home loss to a Patriot League or OVC team. It's what the conference was known for prior to NDSU's addition and nothing has really changed.
  16. There was a handshake agreement for a Minnesota Gopher FB game right after the nickname was dropped the first time. That fell through after dumbass Carlson and the idiots in ND's legislature passed the nickname law in their attempt to screw over UND. I think it will likely get done in 2017 or 2018. Who knows how the Gophers will be then but this year's version is only moderately improved from last season.
  17. I watched part of the AC-Youngstown State game and the SIU-ISU game today. The MVFC is really down this year. Both YSU and ISU are highly overrated. Neither team should be in the top 25 and I can only chalk up their undefeated records to this point to favorable scheduling. Both teams would be near the bottom of the Big Sky this year.
  18. That's the bizarro world version put forth by NDSU fans. The actual reason the rivalry hasn't started again is due to NDSU's whiny crybaby of an AD (Gene Taylor). Gene got incredibly butthurt when UND wouldn't schedule the Bison when they first moved up. Since then their has been numerous attempts by UND to re-start the rivalry on favorable terms to NDSU (first game in Fargo, every other season) but every time they get close Gene Taylor moves the goalposts. It will get re-started when NDSU finally decides that having an AD that behaves like a child isn't a good thing for the university. This will happen sooner than Bison fans think, especially since the dickless loser had to issue a state-wide apology this past week for his startling ineptitude in handling the election fraud charges against the Bison FB players.
  19. Montana will finish with a much better record than UNI, who is about to have their whole season go down the shitter due to over-scheduling in their nonconference. Other than Youngstown State and NDSU, the rest of the MVFC is total garbage. Not a single one of the MVFC leftovers has any postseason success whatsoever. Every year is a down year in the MVFC.
  20. I predict that Dom Izzo is the first person to know what Coach Bohl has for breakfast Saturday morning. It's a tough call as he'll have to get up pretty early to get his nose up Bohl's ass before Kolpack beats him to it .
  21. Give me a break.... the Bisonville die-hards are loathed by nearly every fanbase they come in contact with. I have co-workers down here in Minneapolis who still talk about how obnoxious Bison fans behaved during their games against the U of M. You had posters on your message board that were cheering Hanson's injury. UNI fans and Montana fans can't stand you. Hands down you have the worst fanbase in FCS football.
  22. It's because NDSU has one of the most classless fanbases in all of sports. For the majority of Bison fans, success just isn't as sweet unless they can rub it in someone's face. They get more excited for UND losses than they do their own victories. It starts at the top with the classless pieces of trash who run their athletic programs (Taylor, Bohl, Bresciani, Chapman) and is mimicked by their fans. They're a disgrace to the state of North Dakota with how they choose to publically conduct themselves both here on this message board and in their everday lives.
  23. If you love NDSU and hate UND so much why don't you just transfer there? You could wear your Craig Bohl pajamas all over Fargo and no one would say a word to you. Flipping burgers and delivering pizzas for the rest of your life would be a small price to pay for the man-love you'd get to exhibit for anyone associated with NDSU football.
  24. According to a poster on bisonville, one of their starting linebackers was charged with a minor last week. He started tonight, but apparently will sit next week against Prairie View. So in all, the Bison had 10 players who've been charged with misdemeanors this week and none of them were suspended. That's 10% of the roster. Bohl,Taylor,and that entire program has zero integrity whatsoever.
  25. Pretty classy of the Forum to not even run an article about the charges being dismissed. They ran the arrests on the first page of their paper and not one word on the dismissals. At least the Herald had an article today.. The Forum sports section has really turned into an absolute rag. Kolpack and his flunkies are some of the most pathetic excuses for journalists around. The story of Jemison's arrest and dismissal is being buried right now despite wide knowledge of it within the F-M media. On another note, I think a lot of people in the Grand Forks community owe these young men an apology. The GFPD has once again proven itself to be an absolute embarassment to the community.
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