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Everything posted by dlsiouxfan

  1. He had a hell of a game against NIU as well who I'm watching beat the Gophers right now. He's probably the most explosive offensive player in the state right now so I understand how that would irk a Bison fan like yourself.
  2. Attendance listed at 7,996. WTF! This team has gotten better each game and is on the verge of developing into something special. They deserve better fan support than the UND and Grand Forks community has given them.
  3. Anybody listening on the radio. Did we stop the fourth down try?
  4. They need to fix this as soon as possible. I've heard way too much about this guy's favorite burrito.
  5. I really wouldn't be surprised if this one isn't even close. The Bison offense is dreadful and USD probably hasn't been this good since the 80's. USD will also have the advantage of playing with a serious chip on their shoulder after all of the bulletin board material NDSU's fans, coaches, and administrators have offered up the last four years. My prediction is USD 31 NDSU 3.
  6. I really think the weakness of the MVC was exposed this weekend. SIU may be the top team but to this point they've been utterly disappointing. UNI may still be a pretty good team as Stephen F. Austin is probably a legit contender but the rest of the conference, with the exception of WIU, has looked mediocre to poor on a weekly basis.
  7. Not really sure you can hang this on him. Only one running back (Binns) has left the program from Mussman's two recruiting classes. Any recruiting deficiencies really should still be pinned on Lennon at this point
  8. That's the best part about the rivalry renewing is a chance to shut some of these guys up. You'd think they were god's gift to Division I by hearing their fans talk. Then you look at their records and realized they are well below .500 in most of their "marquee" sports. If you read their board they rip on every other football program in the region while coming off a 3-8 season where their only three victories literally came against probably three of the worst football teams in all of FCS. Guess being a Bison fan must require a loose grip on reality.
  9. I guess we'll see. The Bison weren't exactly world beaters last season either so I'm a little confused by the confidence of a lot of Bison fans.
  10. What exactly would most of you have had the UND administration do differently? We sued the NCAA and the judge told us to settle. Should we have wasted another million dollars to go to trial and lose? When a judge tells you to settle it's a pretty good sign that you don't have a very good case. Is it all really about the dropping the nickname a few months early? Would it really have made any difference if we waited until the the deadline in the settlment agreement? Should Kelley have made fire and brimstone speeches in support of the nickname and then sat on his ass like Kupchella? Is that what qualifies as standing up for the nickname in your eyes? How much expense should our athletic program and university have incurred to keep the nickname? $2 million? 10 million? 100 million? Is the nickname the only thing worth preserving in the entire university? A lot of you nickname supporters need to sit down and truly evaluate what UND could have done differently.
  11. What exactly do you mean about it not being a big deal? UND's application for the Summit League was not even being considered due to the Sioux nickname. Now that it's been retired the Summit has announced a site visit which will almost certainly end up in an invitation to the conference that will become a future home for all of our sports except for football and hockey. Further with the the Summit and MVFC studying the possibily of forming a joint football conference it will most likely end up providing us a home for football as well. I'm not going to tell you if you're right or wrong for hating the Summit League but you can't expect us that actually support UND athletic programs other than hockey to accept the future success of our sports being impaired due to the lack of conference affiliation caused by the nickname.
  12. I may be in the minority on this but I would actually like to see us play them again. Last year's loss was probably one of worst losses in Sioux football history and I think the program needs to avenge that loss by kicking the living !@#$ out of that team. They should have never been on the field with a program of our caliber but our coaches and players took the week off and absolutely embarassed themselves.
  13. I was a little confused by the article initially. I wasn't sure if they were discussing actual livestock or NDSU co-eds.
  14. If you look at the guys with the arrests for NDSU the majority where from ND,MN, WI. Schultenover, Johnson, Reid, Sczepanski, and Jangula were all from what would be considered the traditional recruiting areas for NDSU and UND. Moeller, Washington, and T. Jackson were from areas outside of the traditional recruiting area. Furthermore, if you look at what were probably the two most aggregious offenses perpetrated by the players mentioned (Schultenover's drug dealing and the Best Buy theft ring) both were entirely perpetrated by players from the traditional recruiting region. The issues seen at NDSU would seem to have less to do with where the players are from and a lot more to do with the individuals character themselves.
  15. I really don't know if this is at all affiliated with the website so Jim may not be the person to ask. Personally I don't know why they'd need to ask for money to do this so I may be a little leary of sending money to this one-time poster. Just my two cents.
  16. The fact NDSU has 35 scholarships extended right now just reeks of desperation.
  17. My apologies for interrupting your groupthink. I'll refrain from commenting in this thread and you and yababy can continue to worship your Ralph Englestad idols while sporting your WWRD bracelets.
  18. I'm full aware that a contractual breach has nothing to do with criminal charges. I've never said that one would lead to the other. If you actually read what I said it says "civil or possible criminal liability". Nowhere does that insinuate that the two are one in the same. You'd think for how much time most of you spend on this website you'd actually be able to read.
  19. Foundations have extremely strict regulations when it comes to self-dealing. You can't set up a foundation to fund with a charitable gift, take the estate and income tax deductions associated with your gift, and then pay yourself or a family member whatever you see fit. The regulations penalize such behaviour especially if the charitable organization that is supposed to benefit from the charitable gift is negatively impacted as a result. Furthermore, I have little doubt that REA foundation would qualify as a state contractor if their receiving all of the revenues associated with a state sponsored activity (UND hockey). This would subject them to all of the applicable restrictions and scrutiny that come with such a designation.
  20. Perhaps you can enlighten me but what source of revenue does REA have other than revenues from UND hockey and other UND sports? Possibly some small revenue generated from concerts or other events but, if the Alerus is any indicator, any revenues generated from such events would be woefully inadequate to offset the costs associated with managing the venue. If the REA refuses to replace the items according to the NCAA settlement then that's fine but I really hope they have a good explanation to give us as to why they think they should be able tell UND how to spend it's money. I have not looked at the contract between UND and REA but if it really says that REA has full discretion to spend all funds received from UND hockey however they see fit then the UND administrators who agreed to it are even bigger idiots than I initially thought. Lastly, my hatred for REA is well established and I'll tell you it stems primarily from this reason. REA is a parasite entity that would be completely incapable of sustaining itself without the university yet routinely places it's own self interest above that of the university and the athletic department as a whole. Hodgson knows he has no job without UND hockey but he is willing to call our bluff because the UND administration to this point has displayed little if any willingness to stand up to REA management.
  21. If they are refusing to pay expenses they are contractually obligated to pay (repairs and maintenance at the arena) and began using available funds to pay bonuses to Hodgson or other REA boardmembers they could possibly face criminal liability, especially when dealing with a governmental entity like UND. It doesn't matter that REA is not a party to the NCAA settlement, they do owe a fiduciary responsibility to UND. Revenue generated from hockey is rightfully UND's and UND allows REA to manage these revenues with the understanding that necessary expenditures be made or else the revenues be returned to the university. The revenue generated by hockey is not REA's to spend as they see fit.
  22. Well I guess we have another person calling me a moron while demonstrating a stunning lack of reading comprehension. Where in my post did I ever make any claim as to how Ralph Englestad would feel about the nickname decision? It's impossible for either you or I to ever make such a claim which is essentually what I stated in my previous post. Heck, I'll even give you the benefit of the doubt as his position probably would have been a lot closer to yours than mine. Still it would be incredibly foolish of our administration to have given any consideration to what may or may not have been a dead man's thoughts given the current situation. A lot of things have changed since Ralph donated his money for the arena and the current or future administrators at UND shouldn't be forced to wear WWRD (What would Ralph Do) bracelets and consider what Ralph would have to say about every situation affecting UND athletics.
  23. The settlement say logos only need to be replaced as part of the routine maintenance of the building. This means when it's time to put in new seat cushions that the seat cushions be replaced with new ones that don't bear the Sioux logo. If REA has a problem with this and refuses to replace the cushions altogether then there had better be a higher payout coming to UND at the end of the year since it's obvious the REA isn't using the funds to pay for routine maintenance. If there isn't then REA has breached their fiduciary duty. It should be obvious that by taking this stance the REA management is inviting increased scrutiny of their spending. It would be nearly impossible for them to justify any discretionary expenditures without subjecting them to possible civil or even criminal liability.
  24. Ralph donated the money for the arena under a whole different set of circumstances. He is no longer around to express his wishes. We have no idea what his wishes would have been if the circumstances surrounding the nickname were the same back then as they are now. He may have clung to his guns on this issue or he may have been more pragmatic given the harm keeping the nickname in the face of NCAA opposition would cause UND. No one can really know. The administration at UND had to make a decision given the circumstances presented to them. Whether they were right or wrong is up for debate, but I would guess that they thought about a whole lot more than the perceived wishes of a deceased benefactor before making their decision.
  25. It's funny the two of you have the nerve to question my intelligence when both of you apparently have reading comprehensions skills that leave a lot to be desired. I never said the NCAA had the standing to sue REA. They don't and definitely never will. UND would have a case as the contract between REA and UND provides that all hockey revenues go to the REA with the understanding that REA will use those funds to pay necessary arena expenses and return any profit to UND at the end of the year. If the REA is refusing to pay basic arena management expense (like repairs and maintenance) and then not returning those funds to UND, they are breaching the contract. Despite what many hockey fans believe the hockey team is not owned and run by REA. It's still UND that pays for the scholarships, the coaches salaries, and UND student athletes make up the squad. Revenues from games played rightfully belong to UND and under the agreement REA is responsible for managing those revenues, but does not have sole disgression as to how they are spent. The REA has a fiduciary duty to manage those revenues appropriately and it appears here they may be breaching that duty. If either of you think that I've misunderstood the agreement betwen REA and UND then feel free to state so here, it would probably be a much more effective strategy of defending your position than making flippant comments about my intelligence.
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