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Everything posted by dlsiouxfan

  1. Faison has to open up the pocket book for our next coaching staff. I don't care how much paying football coaches makes Hakstol cry but it's time the university starts getting serious about the football program. I'd like our next coach to be someone with Division I level coaching experience. I don't want to waste time while a Division II staff tries to figure out what kind of athletes they need to play at this level. We did that already and have failed miserably. I hate saying this but we should make a push to hire either Vigen or the D-Coordinator at NDSU. I hate everything about that program but they know how to win and would at least have a clue about how to build a program here.
  2. I'd bet almost anything that we have off the field incidents. This team is ready to quit on it's coach and on the season and it's all of week 3.
  3. That started the skid. A good program would have made changes after that game and tried to turn the tide the other direction. We didn't and this is what we get.
  4. I know we've had far too many games like this but I have to say this is probably the worst loss in school history. I wasn't old enough to remember the 50 point drubbing of UND by NDSU but that might be the only game that's comparable to this. I keep thinking this program has hit rock bottom and is on it's way back up but at this point I don't really know.
  5. That was totally classless but right now we are completely incapable of making them pay for it. It might be a decade before UND gets a shot at retribution for that play.
  6. Any bets on the Idaho State game in three weeks? I predict Idaho State by two scores. This team is that bad.
  7. Sorry you wasted your time watching this. This program does not even resemble the program it was 10 years ago. It's been one long slow decline. Hopefully, this season will be rock bottom but who knows at this point. The UND athletic department used to actually pretend to care about sports other than hockey but that was a long time ago and we seem to have a goal of having one of the worst athletic departments in all of Division I sports.
  8. I agree... at least at QB we have another option. Our defense is completely talentless. Some of the guys playing right now on this D are among the worst to have played in school history.
  9. Yeah it's time to play Bartels. If he doesn't play well then it's just another position where this program has had a total recruiting failure.
  10. This team has zero discipline and was seemingly completely unprepared to play this game. Our talent level at most positions is awful. Right now the university needs to decide if it's serious about this football program or not. Big changes need to be made and at this point and I don't think Faison has the balls to do it.
  11. Get use to it as we'll probably lose the next two games like this.
  12. Plus they show the sidelines and it's all smiles. These losers don't even care if they get blown out at home.
  13. This team will be lucky to win another game all year. Disgusting.
  14. If Mussman is let go, we'd likely have a field of extremely weak candidates to replace him with what we pay our head coach and assistants at UND. Why would any quality applicant want to coach at a school that invests more money in paying it's women's hockey coach than it does it's head football coach? It's a joke. I'm not trying to defend Mussman because his performance hasn't been overwhelming by any means, but we probably should at least give him the benefit of the doubt since this program gets next to zero support from our administration.
  15. I think this thread is example number one for why no one associated with UND should ever give credit to NDSU for anything ever. The school is essentially a cesspool that specializes in churning out mouth-breathing idiots who spend all day crying and taking offense to almost any commentary regarding their university that is even slightly critical. Never has their been a group of people with a larger inferiority complex than Bison fans. If anyone needs another example, just head over to Bisonville where a letter to the editor from a UND alum about re-starting the football rivalry has spawned 10 plus pages of commentary about how they've moved on and don't need to play UND. In addition, there are numerous comments about how Dave St. Peter is a total idiot by people who most likely live in their parents basement and deliver pizza for a living. If Dave St. Peter had graduated from NDSU, he'd damn near be one of the most successful alums in that school's history, but apparently he's an idiot according to the Bisonville basement buddies who are smarter than him because they spend 13 hours each day on the same website.
  16. dlsiouxfan

    SDSU at UND

    I think you worry too much about these things. If anything I'd chalk it up to the age difference between the two. Bohl probably sounded a whole lot different 15 years ago when he was chasing co-eds around Lincoln too.
  17. I wouldn't mind us offering him. Just not as a QB. That size and athletic ability are hard to come by and would probably be useful at other positions. Might be tough to learn a new position in just two years though.
  18. Let's add this quote to the increasing evidence that the average Bison fan doesn't know jackshit about college football outside of their own team. Kansas State is a very poor Big 12 team. Best OL in the league? Not even close... I bet Oklahoma would have something to say about that, I bet Oklahoma State would as well. Heck, I think I'd take Baylor and Texas' as having better OL's. This K-State team is probably one of the worst that Snyder has every assembled. I would not be at all surprised if they lose again this weekend to Louisiana-Lafayette. If that happens, I'm sure Bison fans will just pretend that game never happened like they continue to do every year when the FBS team they schedule goes onto finish in the bottom 3 of their conference.
  19. Kansas State looks like a team that will win 3 or 4 games this season at best.
  20. I honestly don't understand the appeal of college hockey to the fans on this board. I know we play Minnesota and Wisconsin in the sport but it's at best a third tier and probably more like fourth tier sport at both of those schools. Other than the occasional game against Notre Dame (who once again doesn't really care about the sport) or Ohio State (who obviously doesn't) it's a game mostly against schools who don't sponsor any sort of Division I athletics. Give me a football game against Montana any day over a hockey game against St. Cloud State, Merrimack?, or Colorado College. Outside of Grand Forks, I'm pretty sure sports fans like myself are the majority. I live in Minneapolis and other than a few rubes who follow Gopher hockey and stop following college hockey immediately after the Gophers are eliminated, the sport takes a deep backseat to the big three at both the professional and collegiate level. This is in the so-called "State of Hockey" and college hockey isn't even close to the following of college basketball and college football. That doesn't really bode well for the sport's following nationally. It also doesn't bode well that every year it seems like the Final Four teams include, at best, one school that anyone has ever heard about and three other teams that no one would even be able to tell you what state they are in without searching the internet. Reality is that UND hockey benefits from the fact that almost no other colleges play it in wide swaths of the country. If schools like Alabama, Texas, UCLA, and the like had hockey teams, UND would not be in the highest tier of Division I college hockey. They'd in a division very similar to where the football team is now.
  21. For some reason Lakes is still best buds with every player on the team and knows every new recruit the first day they set foot on campus. The guy is a Teammaker who constantly brags publicly about his access to players and recruits. If I were Bohl and Taylor I'd be doing whatever I could to keep my players and more importantly recruits away from him since he's just a bad incident waiting to happen. To your second point, stripping a former player of his letter is not insignificant. It's probably the most significant punishment a program can dole out to a former player.
  22. He's a booster. There is nothing that says he needs to remain a member of Teammakers. Schools suspend boosters all of the time for crossing the line. Look it up online. His actions regarding this are completely inappropriate as they have been in the past, yet NDSU continues to allow him access to their players and continues to allow him to be a member of their booster club.
  23. Those players were stripped of their letters and to my knowledge will not have them reinstated even though two of the three had the charges against them dismissed due to overzealous police work by the GFPD. NDSU has not doled out any punishment that is any ways comparable. While I agree that Bohl and Taylor have no obligation to comment on these charges, I think this incident is indicative of a larger problem at NDSU. These players spent between 2-4 years in the NDSU football program and apparently lack any moral compass. On another board you have a booster who is now actively threatening a female reporter for simply doing her job and is encouraging others to harass and intimidate her. At one point does it become a lack of institutional control on NDSU's part. These players obviously felt they were above the law at NDSU and continue to think they are so. Lakesbison has been allowed to pursue all sorts of questionable and borderline criminal behaviors and yet he's received nothing in terms of sanction from the NDSU athletic department or from Teammakers. In my opinion, both are clear cases of an institution that's displaying a complete lack of institutional control over it's football program.
  24. When I played (approximately 10 years ago now) pretty much everyone was on campus with the exception of incoming freshman from mid-June on. There were few if any exceptions to this. It was just understood that if you wanted to contribute you would be there all summer long working out with your teammates even if it wasn't technically "required" due to NCAA violations. I'd assume that's still the case and quite frankly I'd be disappointed if it isn't any longer. I would bet that UND has pretty similar summer workout participation to that of NDSU.
  25. Watching the ND legislature from afar, it seems as though they've gone completely off the rails. ND voters need to stop using the election process as means of increasing the average IQ of their districts by sending the village idiot to Bismarck.
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