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Everything posted by dlsiouxfan

  1. We're on the same page. If REA isn't going to pay for the repairs then UND should get that much larger of a payout. If REA starts spending the money saved on repairs elsewhere (such as Board or management salaries) then it's basically theft. REA's primary and most substantial revenue stream is provided by UND. If REA feels they now have the authority to spend our money in a manner that defies our wishes then I think it's fairly clear cut that they aren't living up to their end of the contract.
  2. So if the REA is going to force UND to pay for all repairs and maintenance that results in a logo removal shouldn't there be that much more money for the REA foundation to return to UND at the end of the year? Somehow I doubt this will happen with that parasite Hodgson and the REA board calling the shots. If REA really wants to play hardball on this I hope UND brings suit for breach of contract.
  3. Forgive our Bison visitor. He hasn't seen well-played football in so long he no longer knows what it looks like.
  4. Were our intentions really good when we confined Native Americans to reservations? i would argue by no stretch of the imagination were they good. As far as your other point about the call screener, I would argue that's just another idiot Hannity hired to further his agenda. The stupid leading the stupid and and there isn't any more you can say about that.
  5. Honestly, resorting to hyperboly hurts your argument much more than it helps. Nickname opponents may disagree with you but it doesn't make them Nazi's. Go and tell a holocaust victim or WWII veteran that the two groups are similar and think about how foolish you'd feel.
  6. The premise that social programs or actions designed to help those who are less fortunate will lead to immoral actions is faulty to the core. In reality there are good acts, evil acts, and a great deal of acts that fall into the gray area in between. Most people can agree that certain actions such as helping others obtain basic necessities, giving to charity, aiding others who are in distress are actions that would be considered good. Other actions such as committing genocide, torturing innocents, keeping human slaves would and should be considered evil by everyone. Suggesting that just because a person's commission of a good action (such as feeding poor people) led to their later committing heinous evil actions just because both acts were committed by the same person is ridiculous. It's the same as saying just because a car thief put on a pair of sneakers in the morning and then stole a car that the individual's choice of footwear led him to commit grand theft auto. I also take a great deal of issue with the author's suggestion that exhibiting consideration for others who are less fortunate is somehow unwise. Whether we like it or not we're going to have to share this planet with each other and a society built on a very few controlling nearly all of the wealth while the majority of the population starves and suffers is unsustainable and this has been proven throughout history. You would think the author would have learned this in his history classes since he is so much "wiser" than the rest of us due to his private religious school education. Bringing this back to the topic of the thread, I would argue that naming sports teams after Native Americans would fall into the sizeable gray area. Personally, I think the Fighting Sioux nickname is entirely harmless it neither harms nor helps Native Americans. I feel that it is not offensive and not a single individuals troubles can be attributed to the Fighting Sioux nickname and logo. I also really don't hold the delusion that the plight of Native Americans is somehow better because we've chosen to honor them by calling ourselves the Fighting Sioux.
  7. I know this is off-topic but, but really the National Review? A rag that's only purpose seems to advance the agenda of those who would like to see the clocks in this country turned back to the 1950's. I wonder how this writer can accuse Western universities of lacking morality while writing for a paper that at various times in it's history was advocated for the continuance of apartheid in South Africa, Jim Crow in the American South, and torture of American citizens.
  8. I'm not a fan of Schultz even though I agree strongly with his political views but what exactly about that blog post or Politico article would lead you to interpret his statement as a slam on Fargo? So he said he would leave Fargo ten years earlier. Well he's had the greatest success of his career since he left Fargo so a statement he would leave ten years earlier would seem fairly reasonable There is exactly zero context provided in either the blog post or the article so I really don't know what would get you so upset other than your possible dislike of his political beliefs.
  9. Do you have a link? Can you cite a specific quote? Or should you we just assume you're talking out of your ass. Your entitled to your opinion but you're not entitled to just randomly make things up. Seriously, nickname nuts if we run off Kelley no one with half a brain will even touch this job. Kelley made the best decision given the circumstances and I'm sure he probably have given anything to keep the Sioux nickname without completely destroying the school's athletic programs. That wasn't an option so he made the best decision possible. Grow up and quit searching for your pound of flesh.
  10. Agree. This blog was long overdue. It's especially good to hear that a lot of these young guys are developing on both the offensive and defensive side of the ball. I personally think it will be an exciting next few years of Sioux football.
  11. OK we get it... you hate all the sports except for hockey. Now can you just STFU and go back to the hockey and nickname forums so the rest of us who actually care about the other sports at UND don't have to listen to your BS?
  12. Breaking Face should just change his name to Broken Brain for starting one of the dumbest threads in Siouxsports history.
  13. It's a nickname. The university isn't any less great for us no longer being the Fighting Sioux. The athletic teams aren't any poorer. The academic programs are still top notch. Nothing has changed but a nickname. The sun will come up tomorrow.
  14. Strongly agree. I think the only thing that's sustained his career is being teamed for Bison football games with one of the worst announcing teams in history. Next to Phil Hansen, who most games is unable to string together two sentences without sounding like a complete idiot, and Jeremy Jorgenson, who thinks every Bison player does a great job on every play regardless of outcome, Scott Miller is at least tolerable. That is until he lets loose with that awful catchphrase.
  15. As a progressive liberal I can't think of any that are trying to destroy American. I have seen quite a few teabaggers conservatives that seem dead set on secession or armed insurrection. They seem more like the group that's dead set on destroying America.
  16. Well I guess I really have no reason to hold back now. Division I hockey is a joke. Hockey overall is an afterthought that nobody gives a crap about west of Devils Lake, east of Warroad and South of Fargo. It's largely the sport for rich kids who aren't athletic enough to play other sports. You disagree, then why is does the greatest hockey player of all time (Wayne Gretzky) have the physique of a school girl? Sioux hockey may win 10 championships but it ultimately doesn't amount to much as only 50 or so teams play Division I hockey and most of the schools that people associate with success in collegiate athletics don't even field teams (Florida, USC, Texas). If UND were in the NCAA tournament they most likely would have squared off with a school that is a recognizable name in every household in the country. Today the hockey team played Minnesota- Duluth. Point. Set. Match.
  17. The first time a team from North Dakota (whether it be NDSU or UND) wins a first round game in an NCAA basketball tournament it will be a bigger story both within the state and nationally than anything the hockey team could ever hope to accomplish. The NCAA basketball tournament is the best and most watched tourney in collegiate sports. People all over the nation tuned in to watch today's games. Next week the hockey tourney will be lucky to receive any mention at all in most newspapers. Face it hockey is a regional niche sport that 95% of the country could give a rats ass about.
  18. Anybody else wish that Knickball 2 and Mplsbison would find some other forum where the two could continue their endless debate regarding this so the rest of us could try and actually discuss this issue with some amount of reason?
  19. You have to admire the hubris of Gene Taylor and Bison fans. They're football program is circling the drain and they still have the nerve to come on here an talk !@#$. Fact is UND had the best football team in the state last year and the Bison football program is a hot pile of garbage right now. It doesn't matter how many idiot fans in Fargo show up to watch that rancid pile of crap they call a football team since we have the best program in the state. The games will happen when they happen and when Gene Taylor finally grows a pair I wouldn't be surprised if we beat them by three scores. It's typical Bison BS. All talk and no action.
  20. Anybody who is actually looking at things objectively will realize that we have probably the most competent President and AD that the school has had in the last 25 years. Kupchella did nothing more than collect a paycheck for his entire term but since he occassionally rattled a sword in defense of he nickname he's now idolized by nickname supporters across the state despite the fact he almost ran the university into the ground. Thomas, while being a great football coach and a likeable guy, turned the athletic department over to the REA which created about 90 percent of the problems we're currently facing. I don't know how you can describe Buning's term in the AD position as anything less than a disaster. If you ask Kelly and Faison they'd probably tell you they'd love to keep the nickname. It would definitely make their jobs a lot easier, but being as they actually will face some level of accountability if the Division I move fails, unlike REA managment, they have to act in the best long-term interest of the university. This means taking a much more measured response to this nickname controversy as it's essentially a lost cause at this point. In a way both men are in no-win situation regarding the nickname. Fighting hard to keep the nickname will only damage the school in the long- run as it will most likely derail the Division I move and will probably damage the entire school eventually as the NCAA will no doubt take future measures to end the Fighting Sioux nickname. Meanwhile when the nickname changes, REA and other die-hard nickname supporters will probably run these two out of town which is a crying shame. If the past is any indicator we only need to look at the poor performance of their predecessors to see what we can expect from their future replacements.
  21. I wouldn't be surprised at all of USD comes out of the Fargodome with victory. Next year's Bison team will be among one of the worst Bison teams ever to take the field. They'll struggle to win a single conference game and I'd be extremely surprised if they manage even a 4 or 5 win season.
  22. Actually, I've heard if NDSU were to offer a 1-game contract with no return game that both Mussman and Faison would promptly tell Taylor to shove it up his ass. The series will resume on a rotating basis or it wont' resume at all. That being said expect it to resume in 2012.
  23. The decision should be evident if you look at the probability of possible outcomes. Even under the most promising of circumstances there is still only about a 25% chance that Standing Rock takes sufficient action to approve use of the nickname by November 2010. That's it. Meanwhile their is probably a 50% chance that the Summit moves on and accepts another school for expansion. We take a huge risk by letting this thing go on until November. Are the nickname supporters willing to risk the worst possible scenario (no nickname, no conference for foreseeable future)? Are you willing to accept that outcome? If you are I'd love to hear what you think UND's next course of action should be if that scenario plays out. Also even if waiting til November does miraculously save the nickname at the expense of Summit League membership, what will be the response from nickname supporters? Will they increase their donations to the athletic programs that essentially took it in the shorts for the nickname? Will Sioux hockey supporters suddenly start supporting the volleyball and M&W basketball teams to voice their appreciation for them being the sacrificial lambs for the Sioux nickname? I highly doubt it. Personally, I think the SBOHE is ultimately going to take this risk despite what common sense says is the correct course of action and those of us who are actually fans of the university and its athletic teams will have to just cross our fingers that the Summit League doesn't add another school before this gets resolved. I also predict that the same people who are threatening to stop supporting the school if the nickname is dropped now will do the same thing in November when the nickname is actually dropped. This whole process will someday serve as an example of how not to make decisions in public administration.
  24. Call me an elitist, but quite honestly I could care less about any sport that produces meaningless Division I titles that no one outside of Minnesota or North Dakota really cares about. I honestly really don't care how many professional athletes the hockey team produces for a professional sports league that can't get better ratings than arena football or WWE wrestling. I've got plenty of entertainment options, and I'm not in it for charity for kids who quite frankly wouldn't be athletic enough to earn an athletic scholarship in really any other sport and who for the most part never graduate and squander away their opportunity for an education. To me Fighting Sioux may be synonymous with elite hockey but it's also synonymous with athletes like Phil Jackson, Jim Kleinsasser, and Chris Kuper who either excel or excelled in true professional sports leagues against some of the top athletes in the world. College hockey may be great while it lasts but I wouldn't be surprised if it goes the way of collegiate wrestling within 10 years. As for collegiate hockey, it floats a lot of people in Grand Forks boats but I'd much rather watch nationally televised basketball and football games than any hockey game that won't be shown outside the state of ND. I know there is a lot of hockey supporters who this post is seriously going to piss off but if somebody is going to come on here and take shots at the other athletic programs on campus then they are going to have a fight on their hands. One thing that North Dakota needs to accept is that it can be a nationally recognized school in both athletics and academics but it needs to focus on areas that actually garner attention outside of he eastern ND and western MN.
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