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Everything posted by dlsiouxfan

  1. Everytime I think this program has reached a bottom and is back on the upswing we seem to reach a new low with crap like this.
  2. IMO It would have been better to only have had four home games and to find two more road games. If anything it would stimulate demand for tickets as there would be limited opportunities to see the team play. Three home games that will probably draw in 2,000-3,000 range against NAIA opponents does absolutely nothing for this program. I think Faison needs to come out with an explanation for why the schedule turned out like this. This crap about being excited to have six home games doesn't cut it.
  3. WTF! I've been a supporter of Faison to this point but he needs to have his ass chewed over this. This is absolute garbage and has made us the laughing stock of the Dakota universities.
  4. A loss to Drake would also be inexcusable. They fund exactly zero scholarships. That should be another blowout just like the NAIA games.
  5. Well this is certainly disappointing. With this schedule we should finish 7-4 or 8-3 at a minimum and we should probably go 5-1 at home. If any of the games against lower division teams are even close then Mussman had better have his resume handy.
  6. I really don't understand how some fans of Sioux hockey feel the need to post garbage like this. If you don't care about Sioux football or basketball then stay the hell off their forums. I mean I could spend all of my time in the hockey forum posting how I could give a rats ass about Sioux hockey's matchup with Mankato State this weekend but I would rightly be considered a giant douche.
  7. Not surprising when you consider that they'll let anyone with a pulse in.
  8. You really have no right to call a respected poster on here out on their sources when you make statements like "I'm 100% sure so and so didn't get and offer from NDSU" based on newspaper clippings and drivel from Hallstrom, Kolpack, and the rest of the Bison Propaganda team's statements. You are the last person on this board who should call anyone's statement BS.
  9. In all honesty I see no reason why they need to retire the Nickel Trophy just because we're no longer the Fighting Sioux. The trophy is modeled after a Buffalo head nickel which only has a tangental relationship to the Fighting Sioux nickname.
  10. Can you please explain to me why a supporter of UND's other teams on campus (like myself) should not absolutely hate this idea?
  11. I hate this idea more than any other one I've heard out there. If this is given any serious consideration by anyone other than a few deranged hockey fans then I'd start having some serious doubts about UND as an institution.
  12. Don't kid yourself the Bison wore down a team with 28 scholarships today and won in the fourth quarter. Montana State plays with the full 63 so they'll probably win by three plus scores. Today's outcomes just proved how !@#!$ the MVFC was this season. The three MVFC schools basically got set up with three byes and still only managed to advance only two schools. It will be nice watching MSU kick Bison ass next week.
  13. If we only have one non-conference game in such a scenario then I'd prefer it be NDSU. There is a lot of talk about the SD schools but I can tell you that as a former player games the build up for games against USD and SDSU was a lot more like the build up for games against Mankato and St. Cloud than it ever was for a game against NDSU. NDSU hates to admit but they need the rivalry game just as much as we do. The game elevated interest in the fans of both programs and judging by the 8,000 empty seat you'll see in Fargo tomorrow they could use that kind of interest.
  14. I could not agree more with this post. The other critique I would add that happens to be a "negative" would be I'm extremely disappointed in the coaches for fostering an environment where losing is now "acceptable". That hasn't been the case with this program since Roger Thomas took over after the Behrns debacle. UND has had less talented teams that were able to put together winning seasons simply because they went out every day and worked their ass off to get victories. We don't do that anymore and that reflects poorly on the coaching staff and the athletes.
  15. Whether it's right or wrong for the legislature to get involved does anyone really believe that this series will ever get renewed unless they step in? If the legislature does not force a game I really don' t think these two teams will meet on the football field outside of the playoffs for 20+ seasons at a minimum.
  16. If Taylor wants an every other year game then I suggest we remain open to compromise. That also means NDSU has to give something up as well. How about an every other year contract with the first game in Grand Forks? Each side gets something they want and the rivalry is renewed. Faison should call Gene's bluff and offer this to Jean Taylor. I have no doubt we'd hear another lame excuse from that spineless coward.
  17. You add absolutely nothing to this forum. Please go back to obsessing over Bismarck high school athletes.
  18. I'm sick and tired of this moral victory garbage. If you're happy with a close loss then you're a loser and you should find somewhere else to coach or play.
  19. Mussman should be fired after this game. That's inexcusable. He's not even playing to win.
  20. Well looks like we're giving up. If Mussman ever wonders why this team is a bunch of losers he needs to take a look in the mirror because he just gave up with that punt.
  21. I'd prefer one of them wins the job but if they aren't ready we need to bring someone in. This program can't have another season like this one or it will start to kill our recruiting.
  22. We need to scrap this gimmick garbage. The pistol and the no-huddle were both terrible ideas. All the no huddle has really gotten us this season is procedure penalties at inopportune times.
  23. I think both Hendrickson and Goska have proven we need to either bring in a juco or transfer in the offseason or plan on starting a freshmen next season.
  24. Get Goska out of there. He has zero accuracy and it's killing us. This staff is completely blowing this football game.
  25. Honestly, why is Goska in there? Are we even playing to win?
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