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Everything posted by dlsiouxfan

  1. You cannot be serious. A few more years with that worthless SOB as president would've ran UND into the ground.
  2. dlsiouxfan

    UND @ SFA

    Ditto to the last two posts.... We still have a ways to go to achieving what this program can become but I'm still confident that by the end of this transition we can be there.
  3. dlsiouxfan

    UND @ SFA

    A lot of it comes down to scheme. Our kiss-ass announcers hinted at it in the second half when they were wondering why we weren't getting on the line and bumping some of their receivers instead of playing off them 8 yards and letting them catch the ball freely in space. We continue to do the same things over and over and expect different results.
  4. dlsiouxfan

    UND @ SFA

    Save the crap. We are both fans of some really bad football teams right now so neither of us has anything to crow about.
  5. dlsiouxfan

    UND @ SFA

    Coming into this season I felt that athleticism of this program was at an all-time low level. I think this score confirms that. Let's face it, remaining Division II when the NDSU and SDSU moved up killed recruiting until these last two classes. We need to continue to have strong recruiting classes but scores like this definitely won't help matters.
  6. dlsiouxfan

    UND @ SFA

    I'm really glad I stopped listening.
  7. dlsiouxfan

    UND @ SFA

    I could live with a close loss on the road where we show up and compete. But to get absolutely blown out like this by a team that isn't that good is completely inexcusable.
  8. dlsiouxfan

    UND @ SFA

    Mussman should can both Mannaussau and Kelling before he the two of them bring him down with them. This is the same garbage as the last two seasons. We're now returning tons of experience on the defensive side of the ball and these two have proven they just can't get it done.
  9. dlsiouxfan

    UND @ SFA

    Yeah he's said two or three things tonight that have sounded just terrible. Not Berg's best night at all.
  10. dlsiouxfan

    UND @ SFA

    The Southland is a middle of the road FCS conference and almost never wins a playoff game though.
  11. dlsiouxfan

    UND @ SFA

    Exactly right.... SFA is pretty average as far FCS teams go.
  12. dlsiouxfan

    UND @ SFA

    Kelling is completely mystified right now. We can't stop their run or their pass and evidently didn't make a single adjustment at half time.
  13. dlsiouxfan

    UND @ SFA

    We just need to tackle. Missed tackles have been killing us.
  14. dlsiouxfan

    UND @ SFA

    The key play in the game thus far is the gift TD after the fumbled KO.
  15. dlsiouxfan

    UND @ SFA

    We definitely need to improve our athleticism on both sides of the ball.
  16. dlsiouxfan

    UND @ SFA

    If he can't throw we have to take him out.
  17. dlsiouxfan

    UND @ SFA

    Despite what Berg says I highly doubt these guys are faster than Texas Tech. It's been poor tackling and atrocious play on offense that has done us in to this point.
  18. dlsiouxfan

    UND @ SFA

    We haven't even got off the plane yet. This is inexcusable.
  19. What's the over/under for empty seats for the Bison opener next week? I'm going to guess around 11,000. Anyone else?
  20. Iowa State snaps one 10 game losing streak to almost certainly begin another one next weekend.
  21. The nickname has cost us games with both Wisconsin and Minnesota for football and has the potential of costing us conference membership for all of our other sports. It's hurting our recruiting by making it impossible to get games against the three most high profile schools in the our region (Minnesota, Iowa, and Wisconsin) and it's denying opportunities to our athletes. In my opinion there is no way the nickname is worth the price we're paying and could pay in the future. I'll be sad to see it go but there comes a time when Sioux fans need to be pragmatic in their thinking about the nickname. We have our backs against the wall on this issue as the powers that be have stacked the deck against us. We will not win this fight and the only people we punish is our athletes by continuing our hopeless crusade. It's time to drop the nickname and move on.
  22. Honestly, here is just another example of a missed opportunity and money left on the table for the university. It's getting difficult watching us squander opportunity after opportunity.
  23. This is typical Bison fan BS. They want to come here and throw crap everywhere and then they cry like little babies when some of it get's thrown back at them. It's why their fans were the most hated in Division II and are well on their way to being the most hated in FCS football.
  24. Pure fiction. I challenge you to find one credible site for this. Coleman's own attorney's even say it was a clean election. Franken won because he got more votes. Deal with it.
  25. I took your advice and called my Senator (Amy Klobuchar) and told her to vote for it.
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