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Everything posted by dlsiouxfan

  1. This is 100% true. One would have hoped that Faison would have had the ability as an AD to not lead with emotion on this issue and sign a contract that will severely limit his ability to negotiate games in the future. However, Faison has no idea how to do his job and quite frankly is a large part of the reason this program has deteriorated to the point it has. It's apparent from NDSU's press conference that the offer was more or less Gene Taylor's last insult to UND before he walked out the door and, unfortunately, thanks to our AD and head coach we were stupid enough to accept it. We accepted an offer that was intended to be an insult. That's where this program is at right now. Also, any UND fan, administrator, or coach that thinks they will ever play a game in GF needs to have their head examined. I'm a UND football alum and a season ticket holder so it's incredibly painful to watch this university continue to be mismanaged. This university just isn't serious about football. I'm tired of the kool aid drinkers who continue to think that this program will improve or somehow catch NDSU while we continue to do the same stupid !@#$ that got us in this place. Let's be honest this program won't catch NDSU by having the fourth highest coaching salaries in the Big Sky. This program won't even win the Big Sky that way. This program won't catch NDSU as long as our football program's offices, locker room, and weight room continue to be in our cramped, broken down old stadium. Hell, fixing an obvious problem like that isn't even in the initial phase of the new IPF as the locker rooms and football offices aren't even in Phase I of the project. We like to pretend that we have some grand scheme of catching NDSU but our plan is essentially the same tired plan of hoping for NDSU falter while trying to run our own program on a shoestring budget. It's a tired joke. I'm of the opinion that really the best thing that can come of this game is that they beat us so fucking bad next year that our alumni and administration are so embarrassed that they finally get off their asses and start trying to change the way we do things around here. If that's what it takes for this university and community to invest in this program then so be it.
  2. Might as well play for the Nickel. This is more or less UND going all in. Either we win one of these two games or this program is effectively fucking done. In that case NDSU should have the Nickel anyways.
  3. A couple of points that haven't been brought up yet. 1. As a UND fan, it will be extremely difficult to get tickets to either of these games. There will be an allotment of like 200 for family members of the players and coaches and that's about it. 2. If you're lucky enough to get a ticket by likely paying well over face value, you'll be spit on and harassed for nearly the entire time you are at the stadium by their redneck fanbase. 3. Both of these are probably going to continue to be true for the foreseeable future as there will not be a game in Grand Forks.
  4. This is a joke. Faison should resign immediately. I guess we can plan for a future of zero non-conference home games with other FCS schools and below market guarantee games. We pretty much have zero leverage to schedule games against meaningful opponents now. I know Bubba wanted this to happen but sometimes it's your job as the AD to see the bigger picture.
  5. Yes, so why would we go and give his successor a deal that we wouldn't give to him? Makes zero sense.
  6. UND football has always had a pretty bad relationship with NDSU football. UND football will always have a bad relationship with NDSU in football. The two are rivals. The only football teams that NDSU has a good relationship with are teams they always beat.
  7. If Faison agrees to two games in Fargo for a below market guarantee then he should be axed. It's ridiculous for anyone to think that UND agreeing to this will generate any sort of goodwill from NDSU's administration regarding future games in Grand Forks. It more than likely locks UND into playing all future games there for the foreseeable future. Also, how can we go out and negotiate other guarantee games at market rates if we agree to take below market guarantees to play in Fargo? Why would Minnesota or any FBS school pay us market value if we're giving away games to NDSU? How can we schedule home in homes with other top FCS schools if we're willing to play on the road exclusively with NDSU? How can we expect other programs to take us seriously when we're willing to whore ourselves out to the other FCS school in the state? There is little if any way this benefits the program.
  8. There is little if any reason for UND to play a game in Fargo without a game in Grand Forks in return. If that happens, the AC will expect every game in Fargo from here on out. There should not be any expectation of goodwill on their part for future games as NDSU's administration is corrupt to their core. Schweigert and UND should not give a single inch on this. UND's best bet would be to call a press conference and announce that they are discontinuing all talks of re-scheduling a game with the AC. I'd time it for right before the legislature meets and you'd have the series mandated within a few weeks.
  9. You need to get over yourself. I'll go on record as being against renewing the rivalry if it means taking a below market guarantee game to play a single game in Fargo. The rivalry will get renewed eventually and it will be on an every year basis with games alternating between Grand Forks and Fargo. NDSU's position is untenable over the long term, there is only so long your administration can prevent the series from resuming while at the same time crying that your !@#!$ diploma mill of a university isn't getting the funding it thinks it needs. Taylor is only delaying the inevitable and when the legislature takes this up it won't be pretty for NDSU rubes.
  10. There is zero reason why UND should take a below market guarantee to get this game started. $190K for a game in Fargo? That's less than they pay the Ferris State's of the world. If they want to pay UND a guarantee, it should be at $300K-$400k minimum. That's what UND gets for an FBS guarantee and I'd much rather have us to do two of those in a season than take below market guarantee to do a favor for NDSU. This just proves what we've known all along, which is that Gene Taylor is as big a POS as the majority of their fanbase.
  11. This series won't resume until the ND legislature mandates it. That will likely be in the next session or the one after that. The terms will be every year and we'll all have to watch Gene Taylor cry publicly like a child once again.
  12. Other than Sparks I don't recall any of these players having any other offers when they were recruited. I'll also add that three of the players are walk-ons (Schmitz, Vesledahl, and Selland) and it's pretty unfair to criticize a walk-on for leaving a the program if they don't see playing time in their future. This last comment isn't directed at you but some of the other posters in this thread.
  13. The players listed are probably leaving for a myriad of reasons. Some probably saw the writing on the wall regarding playing time, some probably have lost interest, and more than a few had their scholarships pulled for both reasons they can control (character, attitude) and for reasons they can't (lack of talent). There is little reason to tar and feather them for leaving after effectively being cut. That being said, this probably should have been done years ago. This roster has been woefully under-talented for years and an overhaul was needed.
  14. Actually according to that link they lift three times a week during the season Sunday, Tuesday, Thursday and four times a week during the offseason Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday. I know this is pretty much identical to how often UND has their players lift. It's also how NDSU, Nebraska, and countless other programs do it. No one has their players lifting 6 days a week as almost all of these programs are bult around powerlifting/ olympic lifting movements that are too physically taxing to perform 6 days a week. I guess my point is any player who is lifting on their own at the Wellness Center on off days or as a second workout after the programmed workout is finished, is at best wasting their time and, at worst, actually putting themselves at risk for an overtraining injury. If these players want to put in additional time on their own it would be better spent doing independent film study, player organized skelly and inside sessions, or learning the new playbook.
  15. They'll need stuff a lot more potent than creatine
  16. He actually gets it better than probably anyone else on here. The fact that these guys are training on their own, on off days, can only mean a number of things. 1. They aren't being challenged enough by UND's strength program (Doubtful) 2. They aren't working hard enough during their scheduled weight and conditioning session (Possible) 3. The are working hard enough during their scheduled weight and conditioning sessions and are setting themselves up for overtraining injuries by stupidly training on off days (Possible) 4. They are mainly at the wellness center to play basketball and possible do a few curls in front of some of the co-eds (I'd like to think probable) If these guys are doing intense barbell training and sprint and agility training four days a week like I know Baukol's program is, then any additional training on off days is actually counterproductive. This isn't just my opinion, read some of the experts like Mark Rippetoe, Jim Wendler, etc.. They'll all say the same thing, that intense strength training past four days a week isn't sustainable. Ask Baukol himself, he'd probably tell you these guys shouldn't be doing other training on their own outside of his program.
  17. I'm with you. Keep baseball and drop the lacrosse idea. Baseball costs little and has a large alumni base that donates to the university. Lacrosse will cost a lot, draw little to no fan interest, and will be a financial drain on the athletic department near the magnitude of women's hockey. The only reason I'd support dropping baseball is if we had to in order to get the Title IX space to drop women's hockey.
  18. Exactly, this university gets closer and closer to statewide irrelevancy each year.
  19. Johnboy is a typical NDSU graduate. It's what happens when you attend a university that will give anyone with a pulse a diploma and seems to specialize in teaching the functionally illiterate how to access the internet (see Bisonville).
  20. I think at this point anyone who tries to justify the amount of money we spend on hockey for the very little amount of exposure it generates needs to have their head examined. NDSU is getting more publicity for just one tourney victory than all of our hockey championships combined. The recipe is simple.... football first, MBB second, everything else third. It's the tried and true way of having a successful athletic department. There is little be to be gained by wasting resources on niche sports. We need to stop thinking that we're somehow smarter than everyone else before we're completely left behind.
  21. The truth hurts! NDSU is a garbage institution. You'll figure that out the hard way if you ever leave the state of ND.
  22. Yes, it is football. Just like it is at nearly every university. Just like it should be at UND. MBB is undoubtedly number 2 which is also how it is at most every other university in the country. They apparently don't give a !@#$ about women's athletics nor about academics, but in the grand scheme of things if you excel at the first two no one will really notice that you suck at everything else. It's why their enrollment grows every year while UND's continues to shrink and our president has to pump up crap ideas like online education to pump up enrollment..
  23. That's over two decades ago! Since Ralph's gift, this university has neglected every other program on campus. Eventually, we need to decide we're done getting kicked in the teeth and go out and actually take NDSU head on.
  24. What's sad is UND could do everything that NDSU hasd done if they shifted the emphasis and funding they currently have in the athletic department from hockey to the rest of the sports. Instead we'll continue to waste all of our money on a sport no one gives a !@#$ about while continuing our decade long march to irrelevancy.
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