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Everything posted by WiSioux

  1. And here I thought we were going to talk about Nashville...
  2. Wants a third goalie in case of another injury.
  3. https://grandforksherald.com/sports/hockey/4557265-und-goalie-peter-thome-out-longterm-fighting-hawks-bring-new-goalie Thome out indefinitely. UND to bring in a new goalie.
  4. Social media didn't exist at the old Ralph... All you need is one social media posts with a racist/sexist/etc chant going viral and it will be a !@#$ storm for the University.
  5. As a non North Dakota UND alum I never understood the infatuation with NDSU. Maybe because when I was in college we didn't play NDSU in anything. Never did, and still don't care what the school an hour south does.
  6. Fundraiser plug: UND alum's family is having a benefit tomorrow in Fargo at Shotgun Sally's 11-2p to raise money for cancer treatment. Silent auction includes items such as autographed UND hockey jersey, autographed Toews Blackhawks jersey, autographed Carson Wentz helmet, and autographed NDSU football.
  7. 9:32 remaining in the first period
  8. And it stands... UND 2 UMD 1
  9. Or the top defensive pairing for Duluth was in the penalty box....
  10. Hoff is in. I can't believe Bowen got hurt in the scuffle last night. Did anyone with tv notice anything?
  11. Back on topic... With Jody being in Nashville this week anyone hear any rumors of when the game will be confirmed with a set date?
  12. Using Ray Richards as a drone training area is actually pretty genius! It should be out of the way of the UND planes, far enough away from the airport to not impact operations at all. Way to be a leader in UAVs! This will be beneficial for the rapidly expanding aviation industry. http://blogs.und.edu/und-today/2018/11/big-step-for-und-giant-leap-for-uas-in-society/
  13. Boo... I thought it was hockey time. I have a whole more hour to waste.
  14. Apparently you just need a few rich alumni to donate $35,000 and some of the students will stay for the whole game. Of note, even with these promotions the 3rd quarter $1,000 prize was unclaimed twice and the $5,000 fourth quarter prize was unclaimed three times... https://www.usatoday.com/story/sports/ncaaf/2018/11/23/college-football-one-big-ten-school-paid-students-stay-games/2081646002/
  15. Have you learned nothing? People are not mascots. /S
  16. Yes, I spent two summers in Grand Forks. I cannot think of a single I ever hangout on a patio at a bar or restaurant.
  17. Embarrassing that barely 2,000 students voted. It's not a small chunk of change for an incoming freshman... not factoring in the 2% increase per year it's $1,680 over 120 credit hours. Not saying that it didn't need to be done, a new Union will be nice although I have to question who thought we needed a rooftop patio in North Dakota... really?
  18. False. I've lived in both Colorado and Michigan and there are definitely college hockey fans in these states. Plus the entire New England region. In the NCAA world football is bigger. In the UND world hockey is and always will be bigger.
  19. It tells you how bad the football program is when you're all proudly proclaiming that there are more football fans than women's hockey fans. Congrats, the football program has fallen to a new low.
  20. I've yet to hear anyone attempt to start a Hawks cheer or chant of any kind. Can't not participate in something to be never heard.
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