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Everything posted by WiSioux

  1. I'm not one of them but there are so many people in this country that cannot afford to take 2-3 weeks off of work. I say let everyone run free, if you've got a weakened immune system you can stay home and the rest of us will get the virus and get over it. *Shrug*
  2. If they don't restrict basketball then they better not restrict hockey.
  3. Wow.... Just a few short months ago we were debating whether or not he'd be fired... Now they're hired him for an additional two years, four total. I did not see that coming. I honestly don't see what he has done to deserve this deal especially with two years remaining in his contract. It's time to put up, no excuses.
  4. Lol I just noticed that watching the replay this morning. Oh Pinto...
  5. Question for those who watched the game online (I was at the rink but other end) and the rule experts... at any point in time between the "life ending" hit and the goal did we touch the puck? Does it matter? In any other instance after a delayed penalty when the offending team touches the puck play is stopped. Is there any way in a review they would say it's a penalty but you lost possession before score so play would have stopped and the goal doesn't count?
  6. Matching minors on the board at the end of the period. #21 for SCSU #3 for UND
  7. Maybe we should start a new 2022 thread as none of this has anything to do with Nashville... Just saying...
  8. Is it time to go to Nashville yet?!?

  9. Just got two tickets for Friday this afternoon so myself and @siouxforce19 will be in attendance! Hopefully it goes better than our trip to Mankato...
  10. Thome has indeed earned a second start. I too hope to see more offense tonight and am hoping for a sweep.
  11. That seems like WAY too many subtopics, many if which would be relatively dead for the majority of the year.
  12. https://www.inforum.com/sports/hockey/4873948-Former-UND-All-American-goalie-Shelby-Amsley-Benzie-hospitalized-after-being-hit-by-a-bus Please leave your opinions about women's hockey out of this thread. Former UND women's hockey goalie Shelby Ansley Benzie has been hospitalized after being hit by a school bus while snowblowing. I haven't seen anything official saying what sorts of injuries she sustained but she was initially in critical condition. My thoughts and prayers go out to her and her family in hopes of a speedy and full recovery.
  13. I hope Thome plays... Something isn't right with Scheel.
  14. Sightlines will be terrible at a baseball stadium.
  15. Man what is up with St. Cloud? They throttled Mankato then lost to the Gophers...
  16. Who is playing worse... Vikings or Packers?
  17. Roar Lions Roar This is all I could find for a forum... Not much for hockey on it.
  18. I hear Vegas was fun and all but let's go some place new next. That's the point of destination games... To go some place new. I vote Seattle.
  19. I thought they were aiming for the new Seattle arena next
  20. Question for those of you who got Wildhorse Saloon tickets... Is that a mobile thing too? Or in the off chance of a resale opportunity should I be looking on Ticketmaster or here?
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