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Everything posted by WiSioux

  1. There are some very salty NFC North fans...
  2. My guess would be Penn State gets a section, MAYBE two.
  3. Someone commented on the tweet and I agree it is odd how quiet Penn State is on all of this. We know they got a ticket allotment but I couldn't find anything on their athletic website or Twitter about the game.
  4. I got my tickets! Yay!!! See you all there
  5. Doctors said the on ice work by the medical personnel saved his life. Glad he's doing much better!
  6. $250 a ticket they're asking... Seems really steep
  7. I see there are already tickets for sale on Craigslist... Those people are irritating. If you have zero intentions if ever actually attending the event then leave the tickets for someone who does... Not to make a profit
  8. I'm guessing the students have a reserved section... Guessing
  9. Now that all you CC members have had a chance to buy tickets anyone wanna share your code so us general public people can still sneak in a touch early?
  10. Will we get a country star to single the national anthem? Are there any North Dakota connections to look for?
  11. Is there a restriction to how many tickets can be purchased with the public sale?
  12. I see the students have a pre-sale on the 13th
  13. By all means feel free to start/suggest some of your own original cheers at the games. I'll wait... This applies to all sports at UND. Fans whine and complain that the students don't make enough noise... Last I checked your hands clap and your mouth can yell as well. Season ticket holders generally sit with the same people week I'm and week out... Why don't you as a section create a new cheer?
  14. You do realize we spent the majority of last year outshooting opponents and losing, right?
  15. Anyone who has been in Price is Right is okay in my books. Welcome Uncle Andy!
  16. Someone smarter than me should go get Chaves' tweet... He still supports Bubba and can't wait to continue to build with him.
  17. This is the second sweep since 1980... The other time being when Duncan, Oshie, and Toews were on the team.
  18. When is everyone going? I'm thinking Thur-Mon
  19. And here I thought the refs only helped the Packers /s
  20. CC beating SCSU 1-0 halfway-ish through the first period
  21. In college hockey there is no difference... Except that Big 10 schools may be inferior.
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