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Everything posted by LeftyZL

  1. On a side note, I just moved to Duluth which is a little more than half-way to Houghton, MI. I think I am going to take in the games up there in October. Has anyone ventured up there to see the games? What's the arena like?
  2. I think every team is different on when they start selling individual tickets for home games. I know in Duluth where I just moved, it's not til October 2nd, where at UND someone said it's next Thursday. Check the teams website and you should find an answer.. EDIT: Just checked out the DU website, and it says individual tickets go on sale Saturday, September 8th at 10am.
  3. The University of Minnesota doesn't even count those 2 championships on their own website towards their actual total. If they don't, you shouldn't either.
  4. Just because he signed his LOI doesn't mean much I don't believe. I would guess that when Marto signed his LOI with UND that the coaches were figuring on losing at least 1 defenseman. If Lee does stay, the coaches could just tell him sorry, release him from his LOI, and allow him to go play elsewhere if that's what both sides wanted to do. And Marto doesn't have many other options. He can't go back to juniors. Also, if a defenseman like Chorney gets hurt, allowing Marto to play, do you really think that Hakstol won't sit Marto back down when the injured player is back? I like our defenseman and the way the pairings were set up. You can't put a player like Marto in and sit someone like Jones who play completely different styles of hockey. He'll play sparingly this year, if at all. He'll be our Scott Foyt this year. Maybe they will red-shirt him. I don't really know. He's a good player, he's just coming into a tough situation is all this year.
  5. LeftyZL

    Gas Prices

    It's almost impossible to control. If a station like BP goes up because of a shipment, sure the other stations around it will profit for a short time, but eventually the other stations will have to go up as well or else they'll run out of gas. And what station wouldn't go up an extra nickel if it increased their profit margin.
  6. LeftyZL

    Gas Prices

    I know for a fact that when gas was $3.299/gallon, the actual cost for each gallon was less than $3/gallon. So Grand Forks has gone back to the price gouging method for a period of time. And while gas has gone dropped in the area, it still isn't where it should be. The cost of gas dropped $.16 over night one day last week, yet gas stations around didn't reflect that change when they received a new load of gas. There's no way the towns of McIntosh, Erskine, Fosston, etc.. should be cheaper than GF when the gas has to travel farther away from the pipeline via trucks.
  7. I'm sure this has been thought about and discussed elsewhere, but wouldn't it be better for the team, numbers wise, if Lee signed early? With the number of players the coaching staff signed to come in this year, they obviously figured more would turn pro. We are just overloaded at defense, especially if Lee stays. We'd have all 6 returning from last year, plus Lapoint and Marto. Where do you put everybody? I was talking to a guy yesterday about the situation and he brought up an interesting point. Let's say Lee stays...We have to get Lapoint into that lineup somehow. He's too good. That would involve moving Genoway up to forward most likely since he's too good of a player to sit in the stands as well. And with Genoway moving up, Radke would be the odd guy out to me. And on top of all that, we'd still have Marto. Like the guy told me, UND has no real obligation to keep Marto, they could just tell him "Thanks for coming out, but maybe you'd have a better chance to play somewhere else this year or in the future." Sure, it would be outrage in the community for the local guy to get snubbed, but what else are you gonna do? If a defenseman got injured, I'd move Genoway back to the blue line most likely and substitute a forward into the lineup before I'd put in Marto.
  8. Just on a quick side note to this topic, but I looked on the website for the Fargo arena and see that it will cost $385 per seat for season tickets. Seems a little steep for a junior team, even for the number of games. I wonder how many tickets they've sold or reserved for next year.
  9. In talking about abilities, I think you pretty summed up Porter and Kozek in that last paragraph. Instead of saying they don't have a lot of similarities, I'd say that they do in fact have a lot of similarities. They both play physical and both are pretty close in size(6'1" vs 5'11"). I wouldn't consider either a fast skater, both have a tendency to shoot wildly around the net, and both have had trouble controlling the puck. And I think Porter was counted on to score more goals than he did while here, but he didn't. And we're not going to start talking about the draft pick assumption that "because he was a 2nd pick, blah blah blah." They're both good players. They've both adapted to roles at UND that they probably weren't accustomed to from where they played before UND. They've both played through injuries. If Kozek can play with a play-maker this year who can get him the puck so that he can set up somewhere on the ice just like Duncan, he can be just as dynamite.
  10. Duncan is the guy that single-handedly kept this team competitive the 1st half of this year while Toews and Oshie were battling injuries and Toews was playing in the World Jr's. Without him carrying this team this past year, it could have been even uglier than it was the 1st half for the team.
  11. It's 4-4 now....5 1/2 minutes to go. Andrew Hutchinson(?) with the game-tying goal on the PP for the USA.
  12. As of right now, the women's golf team in sitting in 7th place out of 8 teams. But their day is done, while 2 of the teams ahead of them still have 1/2 of their rounds to go. There's a good chance our women's team will be sitting in 5th place after today.
  13. Just to clarify, a season pass at King's Walk is only $395 for people ages 19-23, and only $195 for some aged 18.
  14. LeftyZL

    Toews Watch

    What are Toews' prior offenses that would warrant him being sentenced to 10 days in prison?
  15. The part I bolded, I thought that happend a few minutes later on in the game, not at the time Selanne started bleeding. I wouldn't call it a dive, but he sure tried to make it look worse than the little tug he got was. I'm still not sure how Selanne got cut. They showed the replay and he was in front of the net, but no stick was near his face from what I could tell. Obviously the refs missed something in the traffic or away from the play.
  16. And since the Frozen Four was April 5-7(players left on the 3rd), that would correlate(?) with what you said in an earlier post where Finley hasn't been seen in class since the Frozen Four. So he potentially dropped a class. I dropped my share of them back in the day. That doesn't mean he is leaving the team.
  17. Not necessarily, but definitely possible. There are 3 coaches on a team: A head coach, an associate head coach, and then an assistant coach. So far, 1 has been filled and another is currently taking applications. Maybe Miller will remain with the team as the associate head coach? I have no idea to be honest.
  18. What's your definition of putting up huge points for a defenseman? Lee's Numbers are 4 goals, 23 assists for 27 points his 1st year. Lee's Numbers are 2 goals, 24 assists for 26 points his 2nd year. What's wrong with those? I feel that people don't like him because he's not a physical defenseman like we've had in the past. I know that that has been said over and over, but it's the truth. He's not a bruiser. And that's fine with me.
  19. Why are you already giving up on a head coach who has never coached a game at UND? If, after 2 years, Steve Johnson/Mr. Stafford/Scott Koberinski didn't improve our program, would you call either of those coaches a failure or would you say "Give them time" because of their UND ties?
  20. Jim- I filled out a bracket, but don't find my name on the leaderboard. Is there anyway to confirm/deny if my picks are those under the person with the blank space instead of a name? Thanks.
  21. Sioux Crew is also in 120, according to the tickets I got through them today.
  22. I don't know if you are still a UND student or not, but as of 10:50am this morning, Sioux Crew still had 20 tickets left for sale.
  23. Thanks. I can be reached at LeftyZL@hotmail.com.
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