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Bison Dan

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Everything posted by Bison Dan

  1. Since lomackman is an expert on the bill - I hope he'll explain how it's going to lower costs?
  2. You can bet one of the Heitkamp's will run.
  3. I don't doubt that having a conference helps any program in recruiting but you and others are kidding yoursefves if you think that is the only reason most of your sports are struggling during your transition. The SU's and even underfunded USD all had or are having a better transition to DI than UND. Better schedules, bigger wins and even besting the "BIG" boys once and awhile. Something that UND has failed to deliver to it's fans.
  4. You're basing most of your list on 2 schools, UM and MSU, who might not be there in a few years.
  5. I think that's mostly right. With Montana being a border state ND would always keep track of those schools. Plus with Montana State winning the NC and Montana usually doing well in the playoffs we heard about it in the sports pages. The local sports never reported on any MVFC shcools.
  6. Why is this thread even continuing? If you're happy and this is the best thing ever then why? Reason: You guys are out on a island and feeling kind of lonely. So you have to make up amazing hypothetical reasons that being out on an island is better than what the other Dakota schools have. Be happy you're in the BSC.
  7. You ever been out there? Let's just go with homer & other posters that all the oil money will go to UND because they are in the BSC!
  8. Yes I have - my wife is from New Town and it was a thriving community 35 years old. Now it's main street has 1/2 the stores open and more closing everyday. How about Parshall - it looks like a 3rd world city. I'm sure Watford City is doing better, like Dickinson and Minot. Most of the oil workers are from outstate and when they finish their 2 weeks on they leave for home for 2 weeks. The Cenex's are doing the best of anyone out there.
  9. So what - you're still delusional.
  10. I think Faison missed a big opportunity to play NDSU on Sept 10th. Pay Idaho the buyout and play NDSU. I think I remember this was no big money game anyway. Gene probably would have sweeten the pot. This game would have given Sioux fb a big shot in the arm and given UND fans some excitement. It might have been a small financial hit but in terms of marketing and promotion - priceless!
  11. Then why is this thread still alive? Fact is most of you are still trying to convince yourselves that the BSC is the place to be.
  12. Do you really think anyone out west really cares which conference UND or NDSU is in? As fans we can travel to almost all our away games something that is very hard for UND fans to do unless they fly.
  13. Was at the game. NDSU played a terrible first half. They were only 55% on FT. UND needs a go to guy and a shooter.
  14. The thing about BB is on any given night one team can play lights out and the other have their worst game of the year. There is no sure thing in BB.
  15. Oh you're right you have a very good and successful hockey team. But from someone on the outside looking in it looks like the athletic dept. views all the other sports as secondary. Expectations aren't very high and very little pressure to win as hockey is the money sport. Case in point WBB - does anyone on this board really think that Fargo South has 3 DI athletes. That's just Roebuck being lazy and not going out in the summer and hitting the gym's around the country. That's the reason Amy got out of coaching - the fire was gone. I think that's what he was saying.
  16. So what's the big secret of not releasing it?
  17. So you like math? Missing fans or just no fans? 2010 UND home games 37.30% missing Last UND Playoff game 60.97% missing I love how you guys talk about our attendance when your's is so bad.
  18. Wow didn't expect that. We'll see next year.
  19. So UND not playing NDSU is Chapman's fault? That's what you're going with? WOW you have a distorted view of the facts! You need to get off that broken record.
  20. You can spin playing the fb game forever but how do you explain not playing in all the "other" sports?? Man up and realize that RT was being vindictive and hoping by not playing in other sports that our move would fail big time. Now in your 3rd year of transition we've played in volleyball and now MBB. How many games did we play against each other in our 3rd year?
  21. Doubt it will really matter what year it is.
  22. Still more than twice as much as your last home playoff game.
  23. Probably something you'll never have to worry about ever again.... :lol:
  24. Point system was still in place but the penalty for playing up was gone.
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