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Bison Dan

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Everything posted by Bison Dan

  1. Famous lib's like FDR and others have said that Public unions shouldn't have the right of collective bargining. For this very reason: Public unions collect dues that go to people that are running for the legislature that agree with them. Once elected they proceed to agree on any public union demand. That's why the states like CA, NY, NJ etc are in trouble. It's easy spending other peoples money. Gov. Walker said that the cuts the unions agreed to would just be collective bargained back again the next contract.
  2. It will be interesting to see how this affects fb recruiting this fall. Final year of transition and first class not in transition but no chance of any home games in playoffs. Looks like all the hockey people have scared off the lessor sports posters. But then there never was many of them anyway.
  3. My grandma also (also Bohemian) made the best Kolches. If you click the link look at frame 5 - that's how I remember them.
  4. New definition of a Racist. "anyone who disagrees with or criticizes someone who is a minority"
  5. If NDSU was going to go to the BSC it was with SDSU. Package deal. Even then the travel was a huge deal and costly. You're right about UND being lucky because I doubt you'd get in now. Water over the bridge now. NDSU might pick up some easy home games when the BSC starts to travel East.
  6. Because he's connected to NDSU doesn't mean what he said isn't true. I doubt there are many BSC schools waiting for the trips to GF.
  7. I can't remember the year but he lost to the Bison in the last game of that year (bad) and that Sunday he was gone. To say he wasn't terminated is playing lose with the facts. I have no idea what his thoughts are on UND but if he wasn't fired he was told to leave.
  8. You're delusional. You also thought your sophomore class was fated for greatness too. What happen to that?
  9. Kind of like the WCHA looks like the NSIC.
  10. It shouldn't be too hard for you to compare transitions without them going on at the same time.
  11. For someone from a school that is bringing up last place of the 4 Dakota schools in their transition I wouldn't say too much.
  12. Since you're so interested in NDSU http://www.inforum.com/event/article/id/309425/ Only other school is Montana State that is in the "very high research activity" group - in ND, SD, and Montana
  13. That's right star UND's house was right on budget and not a penny over! Which school wanted a new house to start with??
  14. You got that right. Best ever!
  15. I think you're spot on - teams are just too scared to play you at home.......
  16. The Alerus was build for one reason: little man's syndrome - plain and simple. For a city of 50,000 it's hard to have the REA and the Alerus and have them profitable. Besides the two venues (FargoDome & Alerus) are really quite different - the Alerus completes with private business for conventions, weddings, etc. and that's it's major source of income.
  17. Pre flood they had the best onion rings and hard rolls there was. In the restaurant business management is everything.
  18. My money's on UND dropping baseball after 2012. Wouldn't surprise me a bit.
  19. What do you consider facts. Douple says one thing and Kelly is saying it never happened. Believe what you want but this has nothng to do with NDSU. Everyone knows Kelly wanted the name gone so it's not a stretch to say he's had talks with Douple about helping get rid of the name.
  20. Delusional reasoning at it's finest.
  21. Bison Dan

    Time to recap

    It always amazes me that everytime that something "BAD" happens in the world of "SIOUX" - fans have to start a thread like this. Does anyone readly think you can diminish NDSU's transition to DI? or what we have done after? You're just setting yourselves up for failure.
  22. Still refusing to admit that UND problems are mostly self-inflicted. You're in denial... By the way the only douchbags in this whole situation has been UND's leadership from the begining. Don't have to brag - just look at the 4 Dakota schools transition to DI. It's not really that hard to figure out....
  23. Maybe Kelly was stringing Douple along until something better came up. What's really funny is all the sh*t NDSU (Chapman & Taylor) got for this (from ss.com) and we find out it was actually Kelly and Faison. TOO FUNNY.
  24. I think people like you that don't have a clue should have their taxes increased. Funny how it's always easy to say someone else should pay isn't?
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