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Bison Dan

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Everything posted by Bison Dan

  1. Why don't you first practice on beating NAIA teams - then move on.
  2. If you like to base your reasoning on the hypothetical probabilities of computer rankings so be it.
  3. Keep telling yourself that.
  4. Will your schedule you're talking smack??
  5. Seems like a hell of a deal to me - 75.00 for season tickets for the best seat in the Alerus.
  6. Heard over at eGriz that in 2013 they already have a game at ASU. Two preconference away games in the same year?
  7. I think you may have to reread Kolpack. Can't find where he said that "no way they'll ever travel here".
  8. I guess you didn't see my post on saying a good get? Just don't count on the return game too much.
  9. I wouldn't take too much comfort in the buyout - It's been stated over at eGriz that the Montana athletic dept. nets over 1/2 million per home game. But you'd get a nice check for the cost of going out there. You have to remember they pay well over $50,000.00 for teams to come into Griz Stadium so writing a 100,000 check wouldn't bother them to much if they got a good home game.
  10. Name a gf reporter that's not in the tank for UND? It's a requirement for employment in gf. Fact is Montana has a history of buying out away games. Was there any mention of what the buy out was?
  11. Good get - I have a feeling if something comes their way (another home game) the return game may not happen. I'd be fun to look at the contract.
  12. The experience of having 20,000 fans at a Gopher FB game is gone for now. With the new stadium the road team will be lucky to get 2,000 tickets.
  13. I doubt it was the vast majority he was talking about.
  14. Oh I think he was calling someone else 3rd graders. Anyone can post under any name on those Blogs.
  15. From what I've read on this board I understand that the agreement with the NCAA is contingent on the tribes continuous support. When a new chief comes in and he doesn't like the name out it goes. I also think that the SBoE wanted a 30 year agreement which I don't know if a tribe can do that. Usually when a new administration comes in everything is voided from the old one. I think the UND admin just wants this thing to go away.
  16. Freedom is never free - Ever wonder how many lives have been saved by invading? As far as our reputation who gives a rat's ass what any other country things of us. Most countries look for any excuse to hate us. Everyone hates the most powerful and richest of anything. As far as the economy goes its the same thing that happened to President Clinton at the end of his term with the Dot Com mess. Which policies did Bush put in that had the investment companies purchasing commodities contracts (they thought that oil was going to 200l) pushing up the price of oil. Or which policy did he have that had the government tell banks to give mortgages to people that couldn't afford it?
  17. Now everyone knows what the phase "yellow dog democrat" means.
  18. Your proud to have Franken as a MN senator??
  19. Does this really surprise anyone? This has been reported for the last few years - that's why they changed their lingo from "global warming" to "climate change". News flash to libs - the earth's climate is in a constant state of change, always has been, always will.
  20. I hate to say it but the first 2 sentences are close to being true. The "market" determines what prices are set at. Where his reasoning goes in the toilet is the last 2 statements. The market is now world wide and this bill will put us at a competiltive disadvantage with most countries (China and India). So what does it do? It puts additional costs on US businesses which in turn will HURT American consumers & business. Some cost can be passed on but you can only pass on so much until your cost of goods are too high conpared to your competition (world). The American consumer will suffer, American businesses will suffer, and America as a whole will suffer. For what? Phony science?
  21. How can any rational person support any of the bills coming out of this congress when hardly any congressman has read or can even understand what's in the bill? What's the rush? Why don't we have a debate on it?
  22. Oh I wasn't meaning gov. health care but improving what we have.
  23. CO2 only makes up 3% of all greenhouse gases of which "man" only contributes 4% (96% naturally occuring) why is it only man made CO2 being targeted? As a total amount of greenhouse gas man made CO2 is insignificant. Another question why are lib's so willing to believe that man is destroying the earth?
  24. It really depends who you ask - If they are healthy and haven't used the system much they probably are going to like it. Like most things that the gov. provides most think it's free. I know that many of you don't think that mandatory health insurance is the way to go (rights) but I think that's the only way we get the healthy people (young) into the system. It should be a law that everyone has to have a basic plan. Another thing that would help is to unmandate all "extras" that current health plans cover. If they could design a basic plan with incentives for "wellness" I think the plan would be affordable and people would take care of themselves better.
  25. Big talk when you know it will never happen. GVSU had a nice run. Is it over?
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