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Bison Dan

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Everything posted by Bison Dan

  1. You guys are actually proud of this win??? Look for a lot of disappointment this season.
  2. Agree Jose is tbe backup - when Jenson is back things will change. How about the Defense? We put the hurt on SDSU so we'll see what you do next week!!!!
  3. I think it's great you got into a conference. There's aways positives and negatives with any conference. Most of you all think there's only positives. The biggest thing is you're in a conference with an autobid.
  4. Get it into your heads NDSU has ZERO interest in moving to the BSC. We have bus trips for some of our games and when we have to charter fights they're short trips. Fans can drive to most of the away games which is a big plus. We play in our recruiting area which is positive for the recruits famiies. Our student athletes only have to deal with 1 time zone (usually) which is a big plus for not being tired and getting their school work done. Fullerton got schooled by Douple. Fullerton should have made UND/USD a package deal and he might have gotten them. UND and SUU announced early and that left USD with options. You all know what happened after that. You are now out on a island and get use to most of the BSC bitching about playing you without a true travel partner. By the way thanks for taking SUU off our hands!
  5. Good read... http://www.flatheadbeacon.com/articles/article/griz_grit_und_blowing_in_the_wind/20548/
  6. What did you expect him to say - "We don't have the money or fan base to move up" Everyone knew that the Montana schools wanted the Dakota schools in the conference. I wonder what they think about SUU?
  7. There's no reason for NDSU to go to the BSC even if they asked. Very happy where we're at.
  8. We'll find out next year as we play them September 24th!
  9. Where was und and you during our transition? Funny how it's different when the shoe is on the other foot. The big difference is during our transition we gave the fans something to hang their hats on. Wins over MN, Central MI, Ball State helped a lot plus it makes recruiting easier. UND has to play and win a big game. Maybe this weekend, as you have a wounded Giz to play.
  10. When the football team starts winning the fans will come. Everyone loves a winner. Since hockey is the dominate sport (by far) it's easy to figure out what the other sports have to do to get fans in the stands. WIN
  11. As usual you're wrong again - Mr. Tayor has send out contracts to play UND but your AD has always had an excuse not to sign.
  12. Yeah I'm sure the teams in the BSC will love to fly into gf for a volleyball game and then 90 minutes later fly back home. Sounds like a good plan. It won't take long for the bitching to start.
  13. As long as they still fly Delta, I doubt Delta cares. I think most big airlines hate small market airports.
  14. Bison Dan

    Landry Out

    Straight from the coach - Walker was a poor practice player. That's why it took so long to get him into the games, plus Tony was a senior. What the coaching staff finally figured out was Walker was a gamer and played his best at game time. Some players are great practice players and execute poorly in games. Walker was the opposite. Brock is out with a broken collar bone and our other qb is red shirting - Esley Thorton. Sounds like he's going to give the other 2 a run for their money next year. No transfers.
  15. Yeah like everyone on this board did last week??
  16. Face it - UND is all hockey the "other" sports don't really count. If you don't have the population then why is everyone on this board wanting a 30,000 seat venue? Have fun with the Yotes!!
  17. So what did you think of the dump?
  18. You have your chance now to win your first BIG game (since going DI) this Thursday. Will it be fb or bb that does it.
  19. They didn't ruin anything - It was their trying to ruin it that will always be remembered. There is no denying that both would've loved for the Bison to fail in there transition.
  20. Nice cherry picking info - you left out the part that Kupchella. didn't want it either.
  21. Saul has been wanting this game for a couple of years now.
  22. Just double your average and you'll about have it. Good luck against the Vandals they might be overlooking you.
  23. Better yet make them specialized tech schools.
  24. It will never happen. They'll make it out as the little guy against the big bullies and it'll be a PR nightmare for anyone proposing it.
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