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Bison Dan

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Everything posted by Bison Dan

  1. Still classy - I see you post a lot at 1:40am or so it must be the time you get home from sweeping up at McDonalds everynight.
  2. Bin you forgot to mention our wrestling team beat #4 ranked Boise State - our SB team is ranked #26 in the Nation - Track teams have a good change to win the conference again and have some members compete at Nationals.
  3. Funny post coming from a fan of a school that has had how many AD's and presidents in the last few years??
  4. Then you need to talk with pete23 because he posted that hammer asked Gene Taylor about it. Besides just because YOU haven't heard it doesn't mean it doesn't get asked.
  5. I find it more interesting that no reporter ever asked a UND AD why they never played NDSU during our transition (all sports). That it only became a problem when UND started it's transition.
  6. Great conspiracy theory! A new member of the league is laying down the law to the regular members about who they can admit. When will you guys just man up and realize that your problems are mostly self-inflicted & not caused by NDSU.
  7. Careful what you wish for - UND is being audited too.
  8. "Prior to the vote, UND President Bob Kelley and Athletic Director Brian Faison told board members a resolution is vital for the university to pursue membership in the Summit League." Closet Bison fans?
  9. WEDS., JAN 6, 2010 FOXNEWS O'REILLY 3,919,000 FOXNEWS HANNITY 2,611,000 FOXNEWS BECK 2,609,000 FOXNEWS BAIER 2,182,000 FOXNEWS GRETA 2,154,000 FOXNEWS SHEP 2,005,000 MSNBC OLBERMANN 1,085,000 CNNHN GRACE 983,000 MSNBC MADDOW 983,000 CNNHN BEHAR 689,000 CNN KING 656,000 MSNBC HARDBALL 615,000 CNN COOPER 590,000 Where's the former voice of the Sioux???
  10. A school issue?? If is was it would be done and over long ago.
  11. WIU FB has nothing to do with the Summit League. I think this is a school problem not a league one.
  12. What it boils down to is Americans who try and make good decisions & make something of their lives are being forced to support people that continually make poor decisions & screw their lives up. That's the bottom line.
  13. If you could use the business model that Frenchy's did in the 60's and 70's. Nothing fancy but great atmosphere with good service and just bar food. I can't believe it wouldn't be successful. I have never talked to anyone that didn't complain about the service at Suite 49.
  14. You're the one who asked the question. Was referring to bb and yes a 15 point lost to Kansas by anyone not in the top 10 or 15 in the country would be acceptable to most teams. I doubt that anyone on the Bison bb team last year would give up the chance to play Kansas in the dance as to playing in a DII final 8 - same with our VB team and SB team. As a fan I was in AZ and watched the Bison/Kansas game at a sports bar with about 50 other fans and I couldn't have been more proud unless they would have won. I don't know why you are talking about the move to DI now that ship has sailed.
  15. Well hell's bells if it is all about championships and titles we should have just moved to DIII or NAIA. Playing in one of the best sporting events in the world and giving Kansas all they want is success no matter what some people think.
  16. You guys are all wondering why it is that Jones plays a zone defense. Simple - you have to have good athletes to play man to man. This isn't a slam as I'm sure Jones would rather be playing man to man but it isn't hard to see what he's doing.
  17. Really kind of funny - most on this board don't think that anyone could write the same about UND.
  18. Personal Gain? You have a real hardon for Joe because he vaulted NDSU ahead of UND. If the UND president would do the same thing you would just say he's just sticking up for his university. Of course you would also be screaming about the unequal distribution of moneys from the state.
  19. True - but then you guys were all for the power of the SBoHE. I guess it depends on which ox is gored. I still think that the nickname issue should be a UND administriation problem and should not involve the SBoHE. Really when you look at the downside of keeping the name it only affects FB. I'd tell the NCAA to go pound sand and work on the tribes in the next several years to get their approval. I'm sure some sort of DEAL could be made.
  20. Like wise everyone on this board said that Joe HAD to obey the SBoHE - Can't have it both ways. I do agree that the SBoHE shouldn't even be involved in this. That the only reason they were brough in was to be the fall guy for when the name changes and not the administration at UND. PC will get you every time.
  21. UNI is in a tough situation. They are the bastard team in Iowa. Almost everyone is either a Iowa or Iowa State fan. When we went there last year we had over 3,000 in the stands and their dome wasn't even full. Their students sit in the best seats on the east side but they had good attendence. When they came here this year I doubt there were 50 UNI fans that showed up. Maybe bb is their money thing but they just don't have the fan base in fb to bring in the $$. I think they charge the students a lot in fees.
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