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Bison Dan

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Everything posted by Bison Dan

  1. Doesn't matter all FCS teams are not created equal so the SOS criteria is BS.. But hey if it makes you feel good go with it.
  2. Records are a really poor way to judge strengh of schedule. A NAIA school that's 8-3 is judged better than a FBS team that is 6-5 or a crappy FCS team that's in a easy conference is better than a middle of the road team in a tough conference? So most of you are really happy with the way your fb program is going? A successful DI transition is based on all sports. Your schedule is getting better next year?
  3. Easy to crunch the numbers but very hard to handicap the strengh of schedule...
  4. There's no reason you can't be competitive in SB - Most of the best players come from the West coast and you'll be playing out there most of the time. Baseball is a money pit without a home.
  5. I was going to post about your first post but player 21 said it better than I would have. If you or any Sioux fan are basing the results of how UND does in the GWC as how good you are, you're in for a world of hurt when you start the BSC. The GWC is terrible in all their sports except FB. The guage you need to follow is how well your teams do against other FCS teams outside of the GWC. Not being close but winning. You're in your last year of transition next year and have had 4-5 years of recuiting D1 athletics.
  6. I'll take our transition and post transition scheduling over your's any day. I think the results speak for themselves. Hell I think you only have 5 or 6 FCS (non transitioning teams) wins since your transition so if I was you I'd be more concerned about those than FBS wins.
  7. Since you want to talk about it. Yes NDSU made the move up but only after trying to get the rest of the NCC on board. NDSU and SDSU even stayed an extra year (UNC went a year earlier) waiting. Face it UND was comfortable with the present setup with hockey being king. As far as the rules for the playoffs they were changed the same year RT held his famous press conference. Or you can say the schools that left had the insight and leadership to see the changing landscape in DII and made the move up. UND took the wait and see what would happen attitude and couldn't take the fan pressure after NDSU's sucessful transition. Winning big games with the Gophers, Badgers, Ball State, CM, KU and Marquette they couldn't stand NDSU's success, so you made the move. As far as continuing the series UND continues to make it hard by demanding a every year game (I doubt they would want that today) and turing down an every other year contract. Who knows what will happen..
  8. We were like you lusting after ANY conference when you don't have one. Not sour grapes that's your opinion - NDSU is very happy where were at conference wise. The only "fat chick" is what your future conference members think about you as a new member. After a year or two the bitching will really start.
  9. What's your baseball teams record? You're both delusional to think the Bison want to change conferences. But keep telling yourselves that - does it really make you feel better?
  10. WOW - do you just selectively filter out things you don't understand? Gene gave Mr. Faison an every other year contract last year which was rejected by both Mr. Faison and Mussman (in the gf herald). That's the second time.
  11. So you're happy with a 25 point loss. Good to know that you'll never be disappointed with your expectations set so low.
  12. Really you're happy with UND's transition in fb? Good to know. Which big game win was your favorite? Fact is your fb transition or the rest of your sports have been poor during the transition and that's being kind. Most of you posting are delusional in trying to compare to the two programs - like comparing gf to Fargo. By the way we had 7 games on TV last year.
  13. Really - VB - FB - both MBB and WBB, Baseball, Softball almost every year.
  14. Pretty sure it's a 30 year bond for the Alerus.
  15. You should have been there in 06 & 07 - 20,000 plus both times. Bars and restaurants full of Bison all weekend. It'll be the same this year.
  16. Looks like I was wrong. Good hire.
  17. Are you guys serious? Jack comes back to Fargo - Joins the new home of the Bison as sports director and he's going to do your games? The only reason Hammer continued was because he was grandfathered in and he knew he was a short timer from then on.
  18. Is that like the WCHA being NSIC Lite? NDSU is very happy where we are. With Mr. Faison running your sports programs like DII I'm sure you'll be having fun....
  19. I've already said Mr. Farion should have canceled the non-money game at Idaho and played NDSU this year. Gene was looking for a game Sept 10th because Georgia Southern backed out. It would have excited the FB base of both schools. As far as playing NDSU in the future - after Mr. Farion and Mussman made such a big deal about playing every year or nothing, I think that ship has sailed.
  20. Skipped over USD for Mines?
  21. You have to have 7 DI wins to qualify for playoffs. It's foolish to schedule DII teams that don't count when you are playoff eligible. Montana played Western State and didn't get the 7 wins last year and it cost them. In the past the Griz could usually get away with playing a DII team because they consistently won the conference.
  22. Obviously Mr. Faison doesn't feel the need (pressure) to schedule better teams.
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