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Bison Dan

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Everything posted by Bison Dan

  1. Your best fan base would be the Summit. Unless you don't travel well.
  2. Again you're in fantasy land. If it's not a requirement I doubt the other members would vote for it just in case it would someday become one. I highly doubt that the "by-laws" talk about fb. If UND comes in with the a agenda of pushing fb for the Summit do you really think that the non fb members of the Summit and the XDSU's would vote for und? This could hurt your chances. You have always said it was a crappy league and now you want in???
  3. Oh you can make the assumption but it doesn't make it right. Whitey's is a landmark - it doesn't seem to have the "pop" as it did before the flood.
  4. His ratings are so low it's a joke. Trouble is they can't find anyone to fill the time slot.
  5. Chuckle all you want your travel costs would be huge. With no travel partner I think it's a pipe dream. I wonder what your AD is thinking about the situation. Maybe some reporter should be talking with Faison - it would make for a good read.
  6. Those that don't vote have no voice. Pretty simple truism.
  7. Do you really think USD would go if asked? The buyout for the Summit is $500,000.00.
  8. You keep posting like UND has no culpability in this matter. True arrogance.... I wouldn't be to worried about the money spend I didn't see anyone complaining about all the time and state monies being spend on the nickname.
  9. That's right und was never mentioned in the audit! They didn't do anything wrong - right?
  10. Right - Alumi that like to run the university. No school has prostituted themselves more for money than UND.
  11. I think I see a lot of jealousy here with Sanford writing a big check. Did you also notice that it was Innovis that discontinued the contract? I have no doubt that your AD would turn down a check from Sanford and continue with Altru.
  12. I doubt anyone has too much bad to say about Gene - if they do they speak from ignorance. Read the article - NDSU was going to honor the contract to 2014, it was broken by Innovis. Please tell us all about integrity and how UND was being run by Ralph - how many presidents and AD's did he get fired.
  13. Here's a memo to Obama - The terrorist hate us and are going to strike the US. Think this will help DHS? You can't be that simple can you?
  14. This women doesn't have a clue as to the job she's in.
  15. I think Terry was spot on about Roebuck but then he won't be around for the Summit League anyway.
  16. This next year UND has to win a BIG game. We had ours in FB with MN, Ball State and C.M. and BB wins against WI and Marquette. You have to have some big wins to keep the base energized.
  17. The talent and programming on WDAY is terrible. It's been going down hill for years.
  18. Remember you're getting audited too and the last time I checked your house was over too. Careful what you wish for.
  19. You show me - Within the contract UND was suppose to get a royalty on any profits. See any?
  20. That's right it's about money. If RFM was making any money with Sioux sports they would have continued the relationship.
  21. WOW you're really plugged in and really well connected. I'm impressed.
  22. I wish you pea brains would think what life would be like without it.
  23. Grand Forks is the only city that does that. Ben J. was an assistance coach for 1 year at NDSU. He did leave UND to go to NDSU.
  24. The only joke is your transition period to DI. Think your SB team will win 10 games this year like your MBB team?
  25. Lot of anger there because we moved to DI and surpassed UND? Get use to it.
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