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Everything posted by GeauxSioux

  1. If for not other reason than to smite Mpls, I hope UND finds another conference home besides the Summit.
  2. I think the batter's shoulder is dislocated, too.
  3. ND Supreme Court says higher ed board can retire Sioux nickname early
  4. Agenda for this month's SBoHE meeting.... Warning!! Large file.
  5. For some reason I believe today is the day that the SBoHE says "change the name". If something had come out of SR yesterday that said that we plan to have a vote on this issue, the SBoHE would likely have tabled the issue. Inaction on the part of the SR allows the SBoHE room to say "well we gave them a chance to move a vote forward".
  6. Along with that scenario is maintaining Native Americans programs that some on this board have advocating cutting if the votes didn't go the right way. The numbers prove the NAs are in favor of the name, so how can you penalize them when it gets dropped. Just to be clear, I don't care if the majority of the NAs vote against the name, maintain all programs at current levels. Just let the people vote. I can live with the results.
  7. Wrong! I will never be convinced that membership in the Summit is more important than the name. Those who feel that way cannot possibly be true Sioux fans.
  8. As I have stated before, I would submit to whatever the tribes decided, up or down. The way this is moving, the people of SR don't even have chance to have their voice heard. I appreciate the effort by Archie Fool Bear and am sorry he didn't get a chance to complete it. Very disappointing.
  9. Looks as if the rivalry picked up pretty much where it left off.
  10. Add reading comprehension to your list of deficiencies.
  11. I guess they don't teach English at Moo You. Slander.... defamation by oral utterance rather than by writing, pictures, etc. Libel.... defamation by written or printed words, pictures, or in any form other than by spoken words or gestures.
  12. I've been out of the loop the past few days and just had a chance to read about this. I doubt that the deal between NDSU and KFGO occurred in a vacuum. I would be surprised if Faison hadn't heard of what was going on and been working behind the scenes on contingency plans. The lack of direct contact by KFGO to UND Athletics after a 17 year relationship is quite unprofessional. But in the end it may work out better for UND. We'll just have to wait and see.
  13. Thanks for the update. It is appreciated.
  14. Great win, guys. Way to play with heart.
  15. Thanks Bob. Boy was that a nice no look pass by Duluth.
  16. Sioux 5 Duluth 2 Game winning goal.... Marto.
  17. I didn't say it turned out well for anyone. Let me see, my kids frequently see me cheering for my favorite college sports team who happened to be named the Sioux. Of course, I like when the Sioux win, in hockey football, bb..... So when they heard they heard me say the Sioux won, I got the eye roll. It lead to further discussion and learning. Thus, a teachable moment. Maybe you had to be there. Next time I hold class, I'll PM you and see if you can make it.
  18. I was going through some time lines with kids last night and one of the flash cards was for the Battle of the Little Big Horn. The kids all have Sioux shirts, watch Sioux clips and Sioux games when they are on. Their only connections to sports they have are the New Orleans Saints and the Sioux. So when I told them that the Sioux won the Battle of the Little Big Horn, they thought "here he goes again about the Sioux". So we got on the internet and read all about what happened in that battle. A teachable moment and "the Sioux won".
  19. Since I don't get to go to the Sioux games often, I hit the link to listen to the song. Now I can't get it out of my head. Thanks.
  20. If that is the sentiment of even a small group of season ticket holders, Faison needs to pull the trigger. I have been a Jones supporter and really hopeful that this was the year to kick it in gear for MBB. Unfortunately this was one of the worst years for the men in my memory. Something needs to be done or you will completely lose fan base.
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