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  1. You and several million others - hardly an unique take.
  2. Seriously, how great was it to see “Hrkac” on the back of a UND sweater again?!?! Brought chills.
  3. I suggest the powers-that-be change the name to "Fighting Scouts" with a Lewis and Clark Corps of Discovery themed logo(s). "Fighting" is particularly appropriate in this case since the expedition was comprised of members of the US Army. "Corps of Discovery" should also be used as secondary marking (on signage, uniforms, publications, merchandise, etc.). This would be much more relevant to the state, as they spent more time in what would become North Dakota than in what would become any other state, and much more marketable. Fun fact - the ND state highway that runs along the east and west sides of the Missouri River are designated "1804" and "1806", respectively, to commemorate the years Lewis and Clark went up the Missouri and came back on their return.
  4. West and McVey were knocked down first and have been replaced with residence halls with the same names - huge improvement, but the “mirrors of infinity” are no more…
  5. NCHC.tv has not been stable for me at all - keep losing the stream and it picks back up sometimes much earlier in the game. Now that it is period break, of course it's rock solid....
  6. Sioux Ya Ya is a little shorter.
  7. Indeed - double whammy.
  8. Why is bussing deemed to be so much safer than flying? Or is it really being used by the NC$$ as an excuse to reduce costs? Is there really a quantifiable difference in risk that can justify ruining bracket integrity? I’m sure they’ll also use “attendance” as a reason to ruin bracket integrity as well, which is the ultimate hypocrisy - more people is more risk, right?
  9. Why is the jackbag announcer for CC screaming into the microphone? Holy distortion, Batman!
  10. I had no issue going to nchc.tv on my phone browser and then using AirPlay to my Apple TV - I got in and out (my decision - not forced to by streaming issues) several times without incident. Stream was strong without buffering or pixeling. I had found that nchc.tv was much more stable than the app last year, and it seems it may be the case this year too.
  11. That cop with his knee on George Floyd’s neck wouldn’t have been on the force if it weren’t for the police union. Which party has an unwavering support of unions? Why are there public employee unions at all? Isn’t the government the ultimate source of good? Why would anyone need protection from the government? Is it hypocrisy to insist others submit to the benevolent will of government, yet feel the need to protect themselves from that very same government by unionizing? Root cause - a result of that party’s positions - they need to own it, but they won’t.
  12. Indeed - the smarmy caption to the image in the post above would be more accurate if it read: "We've done everything we can think of, and all we do is make it worse".
  13. I just might be that not all problems can be solved or improved by government action - or the corollary - there are limits to what government can do to remedy any specific problem.
  14. There’s never a good reason to choose DU.
  15. Ah yes - the old “if you disagree with me, you must be a racist” card. As disgusting as it is pathetic - not to mention self-defeating, unpersuasive, and inaccurate.
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