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Csonked Out

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Everything posted by Csonked Out

  1. I never said I agreed with the policy, so don't be throwing that word around me without understanding my post. I simply said his decision is based off of saving his job and not disciplining like he should. I really don't have a problem with how NDSU handled Beck. He is a huge part of their defense on a championship run. They disciplined and moved on. My point is we're arguing about why he didn't do it which is just dumb because it's pretty clear why he didn't do it. He lost the locker room, he is losing the season, and the man did everything he could not to lose his job. If only we had a reset but and not hand out the extension. I am not sure when we started treating football players like Saints but they aren't. I am pretty sure every UND fan on here wouldn't be bitching about discipline if we had more than 2 wins and NDSU hadn't just won back to back Championships. The coaching they get from the head coach and assistants is what we can only dream of getting here at UND and doesn't happen too often.
  2. He is on a short leash, knows his job is on the line, and is picking a paycheck over discipline. Doesn't seem to be to complicated of an answer. While this team doesn't have the talent to be a conference champion, it is talented enough to be an above .500 team and competitive in every game. It seems to me the team has quit on the coach, which if true, is quite dissapointing.
  3. I have heard for a few years now that if the right opportunity presented itself, that he may be interested in moving on. I just have a hard time believing that being an assistant coach for a rebuilding Sabres squad is the right choice. He just recently signed a new contract and is still relatively young, I would expect him at UND for awhile yet unless someone offers him a deal he can't turn down.
  4. Eades wasn't the Associate head coach until the 2006-2007 season. The prior 2 years UND was in the frozen four and the national championship game. It also takes time to institute a new defensive scheme, especially when you are taking over someone elses players. I know some people aren't fans of Hakstol on here, but saying he wasn't as successful without Eades as Associate head coach is just a flat out lie. I will never understand the Hak hate on here, just crazy...
  5. He is one of the more knowledgeable posters here, and provides insight into the game that leads to real discussion. While I don't agree with everything he says, his input is something many of us on here appreciate. If your going to call someone out on lack of knowledge, that is fine, but you better back it up with something of your own.
  6. I am not so sure you want to use arguably the best college football player ever as an example for your point. His poor mechanics suited him just fine at the college game, got him a heisman, and drafted in the first round. Let's be honest here though, we are a middle of the pack FCS team in the big sky conference, anyone that has the size, arm, and mechanics will be going to a big time FBS program. Mechanics by themselves don't lead to results, but they certainly help with consistency as you mentioned.
  7. Outside of the hockey coaches, it is pretty evident that we are paying the coaches way below average for the sports. I wonder what the quality of these teams would be if we increased our coaching talent salaries by $50-$75k/year?
  8. I think the coaching staff learned a big lesson last season, you can't start off of just experience. Play the best man regardless of experience, especially on the lines. We should have significant more athletic ability on the offensive line. Good things are coming!
  9. It's not sitting on the lead, it's playing a bit more conservative to eliminate as many potential odd man rushes as possible. Look how many we gave up in the last 10 minutes when we started trying to hold the line.
  10. Sorry, misunderstood. When you outshoot Denver 45-12 or whatever it was a lose 1-0 what can you do. That was the only year i was really upset and that is because that is one of the best college hockey teams I have seen in the last 10-15 years.
  11. I wasn't using points to point out how good they were defensively, my point was from an offensive perspective this year was far more effective than in previous years. +/- is a horrible stat to judge a defense off though, give me a break. Also when you are stating holding the line vs. falling back, you don't ever have the defense hold the line on a 1-0 lead and stay that aggressive all game long. You drop back to protect the neutral zone and slow down the attack into the offensive zone. Why the heck would you ever commit both d-men like that and sacrifice a goal, they started to do that at the end of the game when down to get more offense because they had to. The team looked like they were tired IMHO and that can happen when you go from a late game on friday to afternoon on Saturday. It seems like this team is far more effective and confident with Gothberg in net than Saunders for some reason. Overall it was a good year and this team did overachieve a bit for what they had on forward. Outside of our top line, there wasn't a ton of depth at all.
  12. And yet we have been to 5 frozen fours in the Hakstol era....give me a break. Some fans just refuse to give Hakstol any credit. This year was the 2nd lowest winning percentage a team under Hakstol has ever had, at a terrible .607(yes the was sarcasm). His lowest was .605
  13. This! Grimaldi was the only forward on the ice that you could see working his tail off. Not sure what Knight and Kristo were doing yesterday but they were not themselves. Outside of the first 10 minutes of the game, the third line also wasn't nearly as effective.
  14. I disagree with this entire post. The D was the strength of this team all year long, hell even Macwilliam had more then 10 points. Furthermore, the team was very aggressive at jumping into the play all game long. They actually got a bit over-agressive for my taste at times which led to a couple odd man rushes. The problem this team has had all year has been a lack of scoring depth. We relied way to much on the top line for scoring and the other 3 lines were far to inconsisten in helping out. Dillon Simpson upped his game big-time this year too and was IMHO the best defender on the ice most games. Yale was very strong with their neutral zone defense, and their transition offense was pretty impressive as well. The forwards outside of Grimaldi did a pretty poor job on the defensive side as well and were chasing Yale around most of the game because they were so frustrated. All this considered though, we hit at least 3-4 posts and still had a chance to win. My lost thought on this horrible thread, If you have the guts to come in here and call for a coaches head that is clearly one of the best in the country, then you better back that up by saying who a respectable replacement is. It's all fine to say he should be fired, but there is no one right now that is even close to a qualified replacement. P.S. this team missed Brock Nelson in an absolutely huge way!
  15. Ultimately this whole recession was do to the housing crunch, that was started due to Clinton's policy that everyone has the right to buy a home.....just sayin...
  16. That is far to brood of a statement to be even close to true, you can't compare national debt to personal debt, they are two completely different things.
  17. The idea behind is it quite simple, but also shows a difference in the way to obtain more revenue. This thought process revolves around the idea that by decreasing the tax rate, it will lead to greater spending and growth in the industry, thus increasing the total revenue base you can tax off of and ultimately gaining more income. In my opinion this is the best way to go about it as it promotes gaining more tax dollar through growth and innovation. Now I don't consider myself a democrat or a republican, as I endorse the Libertarian party. You can either tax the current income base or reduce the tax rate and promote growth within an industry. I feel the second way is the healthier and better way because it will give the industry motivation to spend more and grow quicker. The industry will still naturally grow if we didn't decrease the tax rate, but in my opinion wouldn't be enough to warrant at all the increase the tax rate.
  18. Lance Armstrong received numerous community and volunteer awards as well......what's your point. He has pulled this PR crap before and it is now happening again, not saying it's a big deal (it really isn't in my eyes), but it seems that it is part of the package you get from him.
  19. Any FCS team would have done the same thing, with the amount of income they will be receiving. Sure it is frustrating, but if you don't want it to happen then negotiate a bigger buyout in your contract when signing, especially when it is with a team that has bought you out once already. GT is simply mad because he got the short end of the stick, he is representing NDSU though so you would think he would act a bit more cordially about the process. Business is business....
  20. You summed it up perfectly...bravo!!! The big problem I have with this is that people come in here after a loss calling for someones head, yet don't offer any alternatives for who to hire. If you want Hakstol fired, that is fine and it is within your rights to state, but you better come up with a solution for who to replace him with. This team is a top team ever year, is one of the most respected programs in the country by many NHL execs, and has many of the top players in the country every year. I will never understand why so many people in Grand Forks want Hakstol fired, wake up and realize that Dean Blais isn't coming back and move on. There isn't a better option than Hakstol to run this team, and he is doing a great job of it. In my opinion he is one of the best coaches in the country and we are damn lucky to have him.
  21. He had a pretty terrible training camp, didn't earn a spot in the lineup.
  22. Not really a former player, but former Sioux recruit Stefan Matteau just made the Devils opening night roster as an 18 year old rookie. Looks like he may have made the right decision after all....
  23. Ya, I believe he plays safety, some schools are recruiting him as an OLB as well.
  24. Ya and I read an article about CMU recently pulling the scholarship offer from him......we shall see
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