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Csonked Out

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Everything posted by Csonked Out

  1. Yup, a decline. There have been some overachievers of the group that is for sure, but it can't really be argued that the group of recruits berry was able to bring were far far superior to the team that has been iced the last couple of years. We were where we were this year because of the coaching job that was done. Just look at the roster, the bottom 6 was full of a bunch of walk-ons and defenseman. Yes they had injuries, but some of these walk ons had to be brought in because of lost recruits such as JT Miller. Most of the players on the roster from 2009 roster and early were all Brad Berry recruits. Just compare the top recruits from each coach and it is quite evident who was the stronger recruiter and that can't really be debated.
  2. There is simply no one else available that would be considered an upgrade over Berry.
  3. This was the only logical explanation since the announcement was made to let Eades go. Berry is IMHO one of the best college recruiters in the country and brought in some of the best recruiting classes UND has ever seen, and on top of that he has a reputation for his work on the blueline. Eades was just simply not doing a good enough job here. We have seen a steep decline in the recruits under Eades tenure, have started losing several blue chip recruits in the past 18 months and have witnessed a blue line that has been plagued by inconsistency. When I was in college I was witnessing Toews, Oshie, Stafford, Parise, Chorney etc... on a weekly basis and I am looking forward to getting back to that. I think this will have an absolutely huge impact on the overall program if it does happen and give props to Hakstol and Co. for realizing that change is needed.
  4. I would chuckle more than a little if he became an assistant at Wisconsin.
  5. Rumor and Speculation about recruiting, performance, and on the field issues with all things affecting UND, not about the personal life of a coach that has nothing to do with the job, it is classless and has no place here IMHO.
  6. I hate when crap like this comes on the forum. If it's a personal issue and is only a rumor than it has no business on here IMHO. That is none of our business.
  7. Or Maybe they want to replace Eades with John Hill.....hahahaha
  8. It can't be anyone for the Devils either. The two assitants for the Devils are Larry Robinson(who is a long time coach for the Devils and won a cup with the team) and Adam Oates who was one of the greatest Power Play players the NHL has ever seen. I don't think either will be coming to be an assistant coach at UND.
  9. This has absolutely nothing to do with the thread, cmon now. In my mind this has to do with a couple of things 1) The loss of several higher profile recruits to the CHL, UND has not had a big history of this up until the last couple of years and now there have been 3 in the last ten months? What were these recruits being told to originally get them to commit and did the message change after verbals were given? 2) There has been a step back in the play of the defense the last few years, under Berry players were very strong in the neutral zone and were big, mean, and consistent in their own zone. However the last few years this has not been the case and the defense isn't quite on the same level as it used to be. At the end of the day his main job was recruiting and I won't argue one bit in Hakstol saying a change is needed because I agree 100%. Somehow I think Berry may be involved but also wonder about Fabian. He is currently on the Women's team, were they so impressed with him last year that Hakstol may want him to be a coach and promote another assistant? I guess only time will tell.
  10. I don't think he ever supported UND in the first Place, just loves the nickname not the college .....
  11. The only team he would go to if he left Boston would be Chicago IMHO.
  12. I never thought Washington had this in them, Boston looked quite good most of the year, not the right time for a poor line change, that's for sure!
  13. Let's hope so, I'm sick of my Devils gettling throttled in the first round the last half decade.
  14. Just had to pick on you for that one. If you would have told me the Penguins, Sharks, BlackHawks, Detroit, and Vancouver would all be out in the First round with Boston and the Rangers in a game 7, I would of laughed my butt off. Crazy Crazy
  15. I wanna see goon try and defend why Boston got that power play with under 3 minutes to go, yet they didn't call a penatly on Boston seconds earlier lol.
  16. This isn't really even close for me,Braden thinks the game at another level than the rest of the quarterbacks, he has all the physical tools, and most importantly he throws a good deep ball. He allows us to use our entire offensive playbook with confidence and will really be able to utilize our receiving core. He was the 18th rank quarterback in the nation for his class for a reason and he came here with 1 year left of eligibility for a reason. I am just dissapointed that there isn't more coverage on him.
  17. Any News on how Braden Hanson has looked so far?
  18. This entire season is why I have been such a huge Sioux fan for such a long time. The coaching job I have witnessed Hakstol do this year is one of the best I have seen at any level of hockey in awhile, we have been dismantled by injury to the point where our captain is playing with a defender on his right wing, another defender is a 4th line forward, and there isn't even enough players to field a full team. It's like watching a maestro conduct a sympthony on how he is matching up against each team and just the level of puck control that this team has displayed, because if honestly look at the talent on this team after injury, we should be lucky to even have a chance at the playoffs not be contending for a #1 seed. Also props to the Captains and leadership on this team, this could easily have been a season where it just fell apart, but it didn't. Everything we love about the Sioux Hockey program and tradition of excellence is being displayed right now in front of our very eyes, and I could never be prouder as a fan,. Basque in the glory of this everyone because it is a site I won't forget for a long long time!
  19. I will no give my input into the nickname itself as there are good arguments on both sides of it, but I have absolutely no respect for fans like you. You don't care one bit about the university and that has absolutely no basis for your decision, all you care about is the nickname. The nickname is and will remained trademarked by the university, it is impossible for anyone not associated with the university to use this nickname as it will continue to be trademarked whether it is kept or retired. It's disgusting that someone can like a nickname so much and care for a university so little.
  20. And what if that isn't an option? We had 2 options for conferences and if the Big Sky kicks us out and the Summit/Missouri Valley doesn't accept us than what? Would you be ok dropping back down to D2 to play U-Mary? Because if they wouldn't take us there is no where else to go The ramifications of this are huge and some people are willing to bet everything we have on it because of a nickname and quite frankly it is disturbing. I am a 3rd generation alumni of UND and have been a die hard fighting sioux fan all my life, but I would never put the interest of a nickname in front of the best interest of the College. This has the possibility of hurting a lot more than just the athletic department if it goes bad and i'm not quite sure people realize this. To many are looking at this with blinders on right now and that is the unfortunate part....
  21. Not sure if this deserves it's own thread so Mod's can move it if they wish. But Michigan's top defender and the Devil's top prospect is apparently on the verge of leaving school for Plymouth of the OHL. Very disappointing if this is the case, there has got to be some agreement come to about players leaving mid-season. http://www.michigandaily.com//sports/jon-merrills-future-michigan-hockey-team-doubt
  22. Was just checking in on the Portland Pirates and saw our boys are doing pretty well. Duncan and Watkins are tied for 2nd on the team in points and Hextall is leading the team in Points, +/-, and PIM. Nice to see early success for the boys!
  23. I would imagine Memphis would be interested in applying so that they can get into a conference with an Autobid and I have been reading that there is actually a small chance that Boise State may be interested for the same reason. You add those two with maybe an Eastern Carolina and UCF and they are back in business.
  24. I wonder what kind of pressure Villanove is getting to move its football program from FCS to FBS, seems like a logical move to me.
  25. Is this really how far down the program has falling with us predicting at 40+ point loss and being ok with it? This program needs a kick in the pants and fast that is for sure.
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