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Csonked Out

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Everything posted by Csonked Out

  1. the problem was it was a percentage based agreement from 20 years ago. Revenues have changed considerably, as they increase the gap only widens. That was the real problem with it, props to Kennedy for hopefully fixing it.
  2. way to add something productive to the conversation.....
  3. it is a big number. I am waiting until I see the 2017 numbers to say anything further.
  4. it has nothing to do with ungratefulness, but the gift wasn't without a price. The bottom line is they have a lease agreement with us that is very one sided. The Ralph was gifted to benefit the University, yet here we are losing millions in revenue annually to the foundation and that money isn't coming back to UND as originally planned. Lease agreements matter to a university and the lack of state funding is making it a problem.
  5. I'm talking about gifts to UND
  6. She hasn't been giving away money lately and money is flowing in. Where it is going is the question, and it is a valid question.
  7. apparently UNLV is her alma mater and she pulled that crap. I don't trust her at all.
  8. exactly. Everyone has an agenda when they run to the media. We don't know what has happened behind closed doors, but I highly doubt she is being 100% open and honest. This is a woman who pulled a 14 million donation because she didn't like that the school wanted to change it's president. The fact that she holds UND by it's manhood with donation funds makes me very uncomfortable. Nothing in life is free and the contract for the Ralph proves that.
  9. No one here has any idea how negotiations have been going. We have heard from one party on the matter and that is all.
  10. The obvious answer is that we are being forced to rely less on state funding due to budget cuts the last few years. We can no longer afford to be in an agreement that is as one sided as it is. Extra revenues are needed and this contract would solve a lot of long term issues.
  11. she is the same person that pulled a $14 million gift to her alma matter because they forced out the president in March that she wanted. She seems like she tries to control things on a university level with the foundation gifts and endowment funds.
  12. yup, and I got dumped on last night for suggesting it could be a money issue. When someone goes to the media and does something this aggressively, there is almost always an alterior motive.
  13. this is a question I would like answered as well, what actually happens to the money that UND doesn't get. This could be Kennedy wanting to have UND have more control financially than it currently does. I kind of agree with him if that is the case. Will be interesting to see how this plays out.
  14. I was thinking the same thing, you just worded it better. I question the rush to go public in all this but I also want to compare our lease to NDSU's lease of the Fargo dome. Are they comparable in revenue splits or is there a big gap between the 2? Remember, back in 2002 there was a lawsuit between NDSU and the City of Fargo so it isn't uncommon in these types of situations.
  15. Does anyone have access to the numbers for what NDSU has for the lease agreement with the fargodome? Curious as to the revenue in their lease as compared to what we have with the ralph.
  16. I did read it and just went back around to it to make sure I didn't miss anything. I'm not trying to start anything here but I do think it is important to not take every statement at face value. She has some sort of motivation for taking this public. Maybe the relationship is just that fractured because of Kennedy and maybe it is something else. This structure was designed to benefit the University and it will continue to have money flow into it year in and year out. It is important that it continues to benefit the University and not turn into a financial strain because we aren't getting enough of the revenue stream. I firmly believe there is more to this story than what we have read so far.
  17. I'm simply asking how much they are profiting off of UND currently? It's great they just donated Millions to UND, I just want to see the accounting records to make sure they aren't taking millions from UND in the process. Why else would someone rush to the media so fast? I'm not saying that is happening, but it is a question that deserves to be asked.
  18. he was a politician, it's what they do. People may not like Kennedy but I think he may be onto something here. Why is this lady getting so defensive about this and going to the media so quick, that makes me raise an eyebrow.
  19. This feels like a money issue on both sides. I am guessing that Kennedy wants to fix some of our budget issues by getting a more favorable contract with REA and REA isn't interested in discussing things. I can't see any other reason why this would get brought public other than about money. The question does need to be asked, how much is the REA foundation profiting off of UND and does Kennedy know something we don't? I am assuming there is more to the story that will come out but that is my take. Things that come to this are almost always about money.
  20. Of course some of it is on him but to run a top flight FCS program on a budget of what he was given, give the guy some credit. What more could he possibly have done?
  21. There is also a heck of a lot more competition for athletic programs out in Washington than there are here in North Dakota. IMHO, this was the only qualified candidate of the final 4. Mannausau simply isn't a qualified candidate at this point in time. Chaves was giving a clearance section budget and accompolished a ton with it. I for one would be very very angry if we justified hiring someone from within when he only real qualification for the position is fundraising. Chaves is certainly not the perfect candidate but his resume speaks for itself. I would have loved to hire in house, but you have to have a qualified applicant first. Welcome to UND Mr. Chaves.
  22. Wolf was a nice get. All region or state in 3 different sports and jumped 6'8 already. Impressive kid
  23. you mean when he completed a whopping 56% of his passes or maybe the year before when he completed 60%. He was who he was, had good legs that opened up the running game from time to time but also had 4-5 throws a game that were just wild that he should have hit. I never understood why everyone here was so high on him as he just wasn't all that impressive. HIs career high in touchdown passes in a season was 14, i'm sorry but I expect more from an FCS quarterback.
  24. He wasn't very good at all, inaccurate as usual and only 8 td passes all year compared to 11 picks. He simply misses too many throws he should be making on a weekly basis. I have been waiting for a guy who can complete around 65% of his passes, simply wasn't a fan of Keaton.
  25. it really is a simple fix, we need adequate QB play. Studsrud was inconsistent and inaccurate, his graduating is a good thing as it will force change. I liked what I saw from Zimmerman personally.
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