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Csonked Out

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Everything posted by Csonked Out

  1. SiouxFootballInsider @SiouxFootball Now apparent that NDSU will be in the market for a completely new head coach, no assts taking over. Changes UND's prospects and timeframe. With this tweet, I have to believe that Klieman was on the very short list as a candidate prior to moving up to the FBS level with Bohl, quite disappointing as he was my # 1 favorite to coach here.
  2. I think he would have a huge impact on recruiting because of the level at which played, that would translate very well to high school players. My only concern is the bolded part.....Mussman had sub-par assistants his last few years hear and it showed all over the field. A college coach is only as good as the assistants he can attract....
  3. No kidding, but he hasn't even been a coordinator.....
  4. He has done some good work with the QB's at Pittsburgh for sure, but I still say that we have no business hiring someone who doesn't even have any experience at play calling at the college level. I don't care that he is from Grand Forks one bit.....that shouldn't even matter with the new coach. I want someone with a proven history of developing young talent,have experience play calling at the division I level, and most importantly have the ability to attract talented assistants. There is no way that BB with his level experience, would be able to fill a full staff with the type of talented needed to compete. Mussman couldn't do that and that IMHO is why he failed, we can't afford to keep going down that road. We need to get off this idea that we can only get a coach with an attachment to the school or city, it simply isn't necessary.
  5. You can fire with cause and not have to honor the contract, and driving drunk with student athletes in the vehicle on a work trip shows cause.
  6. Sorry, hard to tell around here lately with some of the garbage being posted.
  7. Exactly, that's why I wasn't tossing stones earlier....because sooner or later it happens at every single University. Hell if I was an NDSU fan, I would be doing the exact same thing. A lot of posters on here were way to High and Mighty the last 12 months.
  8. Driving around drunk with athletes in the car and damaging a rental cause is a fire-able offense in itself, then take into consideration that he already had a write-up in his file. The lawsuit that could possible come from this is huge if something more serious happened, this has nothing to do with a cover-up. Employee investigations are done in private, and we as the public shouldn't be allowed to see it until it is finished. This is the right thing to do plain and simple, and I applaud Faison for it, he had no other choice.
  9. IMHO this is very very common during a transition. During the recruiting process the coach is selling not only the university and team, but also himself to the recruits. I am sure there are a certain number of recruits that came here just because of Mussman being the coach that recruited them, so it is very normal to me to think that these players want to think about transferring now that the reason they came here isn't here anymore. Happens everywhere....
  10. There seemed to be a lot of chest thumping going on around here when NDSU was getting in trouble......seems we don't like it so much when it comes the other way now. I for one have been impressed with how Faison has been handling the situation. He has seemed very calm and professional to me, and these next 2 jobs he fills will go a long way towards cementing himself as a very very successful AD here at UND.
  11. We'd be lucky to get someone of his caliber. I just want someone with that kind of resume.
  12. I want someone like this guy. A proven head coach and coordinator on the defensive side of the ball with a ton of experience, a proven coordinator, and a big recruiting market. http://www.gobearkats.com/ViewArticle.dbml?ATCLID=3696899
  13. I know you weren't and I apologize if it came out that way. Another poster had pointed a comment in that direction and that is all I was saying.
  14. I am sure they got initial info and basically said, you can't be fired until the investigation is complete but you may want to make it easy on yourself and turn in the papers. Technically speaking though he did resign and that is all I was pointing out. I just hate how some people can toss around serious charges without knowing any info, the least we can do is wait until the story comes out before giving input on specifics of the situation.
  15. Disagree 100%, no where near enough experience to be given the job right away. I would not be happy if this happened.
  16. Hardee resigned, MSU's coach didn't.....that is a big difference. I am assuming it is something serious, but I am just not comfortable throwing around anything related to a sex crime as a charge unless it is confirmed by proper authorities. While I have personal beliefs as to what happend, I am just waiting for the official story to come out.
  17. I am not so sure that I am comfortable speculating that far. All I know was that it was serious enough to cost the most succesful head coach the team has ever head his job, within 72 hours of happening. I will wait for the story to come out just out of respect for the seriousness of the situation.
  18. I agree 100%, I have always preferred more mobile linemen myself in a zone style blocking scheme, but as long as the job is done I dont care how they do it. I just don't want someone without any experience as even a coordinator stepping in. I want someone with years of experience developing players and leading a program, this is too important to make the choice.
  19. If you strip football back to it's simplest form the solution is really quite simple. Dominate both side of the ball along the line and have a strong defense. NDSU is so good because they never get beaten on either side of the line. UND needs to get back to it's roots and focus on those things and success will come. I do have faith though that Faison is going to hire someone who is more than qualified for the position.
  20. I don't want to gloat but not only may I be right, but it would be NDSU's coordinator. Would be a great coach
  21. Would love love love this!!!! Coordinator of the year with a winners pedigree on the defensive side of ball. Love it
  22. I am so sick of hearing about all these people just because they have a UND connection. I mean there is page after page talking about a guy with no Coordinator experience even, let alone head coaching experience. One of the most important aspects of being a Head Coach is attracting talented assistants, and there is no way someone with that little of experience would be able to do that, Chris Mussman made less than $120k in base salary and the minimum salary online for the new head coach is $150k, that is a large increase and raised my eyebrow a bit. I don't want anyone from lower than D2, and I don't want anyone without multiple years of Coordinating or head coaching experience. I think we should be focusing at top defensive coordinators from around the country on the FCS level. I would love if it was from the south too as that would open up a lot of resources in untapped parts of the country for recruiting for us. We need someone who can motivate, attract talented coaches, and win immediately. IMHO that is why we are seeing the salary increase as UND realizes this as well.
  23. http://www.uwbadgers.com/sports/m-footbl/mtt/dave_aranda_833458.html I want him or someone like him. That might be asking a lot, but we need to raise our expectations a bit.
  24. I really hope the next coaching staff doesn't have any ties to UND at all. We need fresh blood and new ideas here, a young up and comer who will make an impact immediately. We are a fully funded Big Sky program with a new IPF coming and state of the art facilities. Brian needs to open the check book and pay what is necessary to get top end coaching and assistants here. Mussman didn't get fired because he can't coach, he got fired IMHO because he couldn't attract talented assistant coaches. I have an inkling that a replacement has already been informed but can't be announced yet, and I really hope it's someone none of us have mentioned yet.
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