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Csonked Out

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Everything posted by Csonked Out

  1. Yes, but their other classes more than make up for it. We have no business comparing ourselves to NDSU with the product that is currently on the field.
  2. In my opinion the real problem is the defensive coaching. I will not be happy unless every single defensive coach is fired after the season we saw. A 3-4 Scheme does not work unless you have a good Nose tackle, in my opinion we need to be running a 4-3 starting next year. Also, for the life of me I can't figure out why we gave the receivers so much room on every play, get up in their face and bump them in those first five yards. We should be bringing in multiple JUCO safeties, cornerbacks, and D-line this spring to get back on track. I hope I am wrong, but the defensive coaching was just terrible on all accounts....
  3. 3 things I have noticed shortly into the season on the back-end 1) Shot blocking is now a huge priority - it seems like we have gotten away from years past and it is great to see Coach Berry re-introduce it. Whether it is a stick or body, guys are doing what they can to get in the way. 2) The guys are much more aggressive on the back-end - It is great to see everyone jumping in more and trying to have more of an offensive presence from the blue line. Sure it has caused a few odd-man rushes, but once they get more comfortable picking the spots it will be a huge asset. 3) Shots are getting through - Berry must be stressing to take a little bit off from the back-end to get the shots too go through more. I have seen more wrist shots from Forbort this year already than I have all of last year and it has already led to a goal for him. Really great to see. I Know I am probably the Biggest Brad Berry fan here and predicted a huge impact on everyone but most specifically on Forbort and I am glad to see it is starting to happen. Forbort is looking amazing and is now becoming the defensive player we have been waiting for. Welcome back Brad Berry, it is oh so good to see this again!!!
  4. The talent in the secondary is probably the worst I have ever seen here so this move can't hurt. My biggest concern though is the lack of execution on the basic fundamental on defense and that is tackling. This is squarely the fault of the defensive coaches and needs to be resolved at the end of the year. If this doesn't improve, we better being hiring all new defensive coaches as this is just unacceptable.
  5. Give me a break, he has only had 1 interception this year and the WR's have had more than their share of drops as well. I have a ton of respect for your posts and follow them closely but I am just at a loss on this one.
  6. If he continues to put up these kind of numbers and is flirting with a 200 passer efficiency while not turning over the ball, then it won't even be a conversation. 2012 Stats 48-81 for 59.3% completion % 823 yds passing for an average of 17.1 yards per completion 12 touchdowns at 1 interception 86 yards rushing So he is averaging almost a 60% completion percentage, has tossed 12 touchdowns in 3 games, isn't turning the ball over, and can make plays with his legs. I don't care how good Braden looks in practice, I have a very hard time believing he could duplicate these numbers let alone improve on them. This is one of the stranger controversy's I have seen, as in my opinion, it isn't even a controversy.
  7. That may be the case, but the easiest way to lose that starting job isn't by not playing well but rather by getting injured and giving someone else an opportunity. What more can you expect Marcus to do, he is leading all of division 1 FCS in his quarterback efficiency and has the added ability to extend the play with his legs. While I appreciate Braden's ability he hasn't earned the right to be automatically given this job when he came back. He has been here only since January and has only seen action in half a game since he has been here. In my opinion this isn't a controversy, this is Marcus's job to lose and the rest of the team needs to play to his level as the defense and run blocking is a much bigger concern at the moment.
  8. I don't care what he does in practice, it's what matters on the field. Marcus has shown in 2 full games what he is capable of, and I'm not sure most of us have seen this type of quarterback play at UND ever. Hanson looked good in 1 half, but there is no way that an argument can even be logically made at this point. How can someone be flat out better than what Marcus is doing on the field?
  9. At this point there isn't one, Hendrickson is throwing it accurately on the short and long passes, is spreading it out beautifully, and can also create offense with his feet. He has been with the program for 5 years now and has turned this UND offense into a thing of beauty. I will be pissed if he doesn't start next week. That being said, my only regret is that he didn't show this 3 or 4 years ago, it would be fun to enjoy this for more than 1 year. He is just the real deal and I couldn't be happier for him!
  10. Unfortunately sell, I just have a feeling that another team will come with a scholarship offer, there is no way he can pass up that over a walk-on.
  11. With the way he plays, as he gets older injuries will be a concern with him and I don't see him keeping up his high level of play as he ages. I was a Devils fan prior to him and I will continue to be one after him but I will no longer cheer for him.
  12. As a Devils fan it is both a sad and happy day for me. I love Parise, but not for that contract and skill-set. He is a great player and I wouldn't have minded a 6-7 year deal a 7mil per but anymore of each is just to much. He is the leagues best garbage man for goals, what I mean by that is he doesn't have a great or even good shot and he rarely beats someone 1 on 1 on a consistent basis. He gets most of his goals by crashing and banging around the net and playing at 110 miles an hour all the time. I just don't think giving a player like that a contract until he is 40 is the smartest thing in the world to do. I wish him the best in Minnesota but I will no longer call myself a fan of his.
  13. He is a decent goalie, but if signed he should start in the ECHL IMHO. He isn't a very quick goalie laterally from post to post and he does still have problems with his rebound control, not the best at handling the puck either. He is a good scrambler though and always seems to get the job done, I would be shocked if he got an AHL job, but as an undrafted free agent goalie you only have so many chances to move up and if you get one you are taking a risk if you pass it up. I also think there is a good chance this year that he could lose his starting job at some point in the season, and if that happens it could cost him a shot at all. Just my 2 cents.
  14. True, but I believe Mitch was 19 when he did this and Kyle was 17. 2 years doesn't seem like a lot, but it is absolutely huge in terms of production.
  15. Amen!!! Agree with absolutely everything you said, kinda curious if we will have our own M & M twins with the Macmillan brothers this next spring.
  16. I think some people underestimate the type of improvement that will be seen from the blue line this year. Positional play in the defensive zone will be much better, they will do a much better job at clogging the shooting lanes, and the transitional game will be much improved. Two players will stick out this fall IMO: 1) Derek Forbort - when he is on he is a dominant two-way defender. You won't see him lead the league in points at all but I fully expect him to be in the running for defensive player of the year in the WCHA. I expect him to finally become the consistent force we thought he was going to be two years ago. 2) Dillon Simpson - Every time I see this kid play I keep thinking back to Taylor Chorney when he was playing here and that is the type of player I think he will be this year. I am probably more excited about seeing him grow this year than any other player on the team as I think it will be eye opening. I honestly expect the same type of impact Minnesota saw last year with the assistant coach coming back to what will happen when Berry comes back this year. Can't it be October already!!!
  17. Exactly, I always have and always will be a supporter and fan of the Sioux and my voting yes by no means says that I no longer support it. I voted yes because the costs associated with keeping the name were far to extreme and risky. This was caused because the State Board of Higher Ed and it's attorneys settled a lawsuit that should never have been settled and this is the consequence. I will always like the Sioux, I will always love the University of North Dakota though.
  18. Well I am happy about the results of many of the elections that fact that 60% of the ballots are in and only 12% of the states eligible voters did is more than a bit concerning to me!
  19. I agree and I hope he never sees another game in the NHL for the rest of his career because of it........i'm a bitter fan and feel it's been stolen from us....just let me whine for a bit haha.
  20. The refs indirectly lead to all 4 goals, 1 of a pick and roll and 3 off a penalty that should never have had the opportunity to happen. The kings probably would still be winnning, but lets not say the refs didn't play a part in this because it is just simply untrue. They lost control of this game.....that shouldn't happen in game 6 of the Stanley Cup finals...
  21. I am beyond pissed right now.....this never happens if the Stoll checking from behind hit was called first. The refs just handed the stanley cup to the kings......there needs to be some firings over this.
  22. He worked with Alex Edler of the Vancouver Canucks during his rookie year quite a bit, he was only there two years though before resigning.
  23. It's simply who is head of recruiting at the time to me. I am very aware that it takes an entire staff to recruit, but when Berry was involved the results were dramatically higher was my only point. This wasn't my main reason for being in favor of the change, as I think the coaching ability that Berry brings is just exceptional, just seems to be that everyone is only focusing on that part of it.
  24. I am a bit shocked that people have become so hostile to the idea that there may be a better option than Eades that has presented itself to the university. Recruiting was only a part of the problem in my opinion, the big problem which I haven't heard any arguments on yet is the quality of the coaching job. There is a specific reason that Hakstol wants someone with NHL experience behind the bench as an associate coach. Berry coached teams at UND were known to have players that often overachieve at the position, yes none of the defenders have turned out to be strong Pro players, but the success Berry got out of them in college is quite remarkable. They were known more than anything else for consistency in their own zone, and that more than anything else is the difference. The last couple years the defence was often plagued by more inconsistency and underperforming than we have been used to in the past. At the end of the day the opportunity presented itself to bring back an associate head coach who was directly responsible for icing some of the best teams that UND has had in a long long time. Here is my last thought on this as to how I think of it: "Teams under Hakstol and Berry were favorites to win the NCAA's every year, whereas teams under Hakstol and Eades were forced to overachieve to make it to the Frozen Four" I appreciate everything Eades has done for UND and he will always hold an important part of history here, but change isn't always a bad thing and after this next season hopefully more Sioux Fans on here will be able to notice that.
  25. It is not a BS comment, just look at the breakdown 2007-2008 top 2 forwards TJ Oshie Ryan Duncan Top 4 Defenders Taylor Chorney Joe Finley Robbie Bina Chay Genoway - All of these are Brad Berry recruits (not 100% sure on Genoway though) Carey Eades recruits didn't start hitting till after that Junior class left. They overachieved this year, but it is quite clear that the talent level on the ice suffered a bit of a drop off. He was doing an ok job here, but Berry's performance and numbers speak for themselves and he is a clear upgrade over Eades in every way.
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