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Everything posted by shep

  1. Maybe he wanted to change things up. We are in a road funk and simply rolling the same lineup out hasn't worked.
  2. Really- we could miss the tourney? Whats the scenario for that? T
  3. Brewster is a great coach. He gets as long as Hak to win a title.
  4. Dang. What's left on he schedule? Not enough to win the Big Sky?
  5. shep

    2015 Recruiting

    That's good...that's real good.
  6. shep

    2015 Recruiting

    Wednesday? Meet the recruits? Or just find out who they are?
  7. Damn...must win on the road! Obviously
  8. shep

    2015 Recruiting

    Why wouldn't a coach maintain contact with a recruit right until the day he signs with any team? With hundreds of players transferring every year, by keeping contact right to the day he signs, he may think of transferring to your school. There are tons of reasons players transfer but most of the time it's assumed it's for a nefarious reason. It could simply be things like proximity to home, a greater chance to play or change in choice of college degree. Keeping in touch up to signing day is not some tawdry act. I'm also a USC fan, and read about 5 star recruits changing their minds post verbal commitment almost daily.
  9. shep

    2015 Recruiting

    I love optimism, but Matt is right. It's why I quit reading the hockey board. Every 15 year old that may come here is the next Toews, Parise, Hrkac. God doesn't make that many of them.
  10. shep

    2015 Recruiting

    Smiths twitter had #ndsuontheclock as he announced coming here. As in, SU better look out here comes UND or SU, you better make an offer?
  11. shep

    2015 Recruiting

    Exactly what Im thinking.
  12. shep

    2015 Recruiting

    And we don't want out of state guests to think all of ND is the SU campus. Hopefully he's not there for the daily sheep walk. Good idea not wanting him to stay in Fargo too long.
  13. shep

    2015 Recruiting

    Yes. Of all the videos of perspective recruits, this is THE GUY in my mind.
  14. shep

    2015 Recruiting

    I hope you're right, but what makes you think that?
  15. shep

    2015 Recruiting

    Is that still true today? I know it was during D2 years, but I'm thinking (with no real proof) that if we win AZ, Cal, Texas and other football states, we will have the better future.
  16. shep

    2015 Recruiting

    I'm no expert but from the videos I've seen, Smith is a potential stud on O or D or STs. Get him coaches!
  17. shep

    2015 Recruiting

    I had the opposite experience trying to fill up in Vegas. Pump wouldn't work so went in and was informed I had to pay. Me- But I haven't started pumping yet. Clerk-you have to pay first. Me-But I don't know how much I'm getting. Clerk- you'll have to estimate. Me-What if I pay more than I put in. She gave me a look and I think I gave her 50 bucks. That was weird.
  18. Here's what's really needed at the Alerus. High caliber football players. We filled the Alerus when we had them and we will again when we get them. T
  19. This is it. When UND wins a title no one will diminish it in any way. No need to do it now when those guys are winning them.
  20. Can you start a post about Shep meeting a Brazilian supermodel? Thanks
  21. Agreed. Every time they win, we lose something. If you're a kid in Cal or Florida and you're even contemplating playing here and thus living here for at least 4 years are you going to the team that's winning now or the one that will in the future. Even if you're in Wisconsin or Minnesota the same rationale applies. This sucks! I HATE when they win.
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