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Everything posted by shep

  1. I may be a bit reactionary here about Studsrud, but it appears that Wyoming does NOT play D and as pointed out above, Drake is not a great D either. In the 2nd half of that game he faded. YES, play calling was really conservative, but am I wrong that he locks in on a receiver without any progressions if that guy is covered. A great D (last Saturday) saw that. Do we think a conference D Coordinator is not noticing that in their reviews? We blame the ground game, but when the D sees the QB has trouble making the passes to stretch the D, the ground game is gonna suffer with 8 guys in the box.
  2. I guess I don't care if it's Bartles, Mollberg, Heidelbaugh, whomever.Let's see what else is out there.
  3. I agree with giving Mollberg a shot. Studsrud is NOT ready yet and more time on the field will not help and could hurt as his confidence gets crushed.
  4. From the time a pass play is called in the huddle till he throws the ball, Studsrud locks in on the receiver. I can see it, the fans can see it and most importantly the dbacks on the opposition can see it. The run game will never get going if D's can put 7-8 guys in the box as they know the QB can't go really long (and the lack of speed at WR doesn't help) so this O is in big time trouble.
  5. I believe the official announcement will be made followed almost immediately by the announcement from the gobc.
  6. Jim Morrison, Elvis, President Kennedy are all applying too.
  7. The gobc is the Bigfoot of this board. Lots of people talk about it but most are sure it doesn't exist.
  8. The diff between hockey and football is vast. The hockey program is one of the best in the country and I get why you'd want a seamless transition from assistant to head coach. No diff than what SU did with football.
  9. I won't believe this until GF Hockey confirms.
  10. Good luck to Hak. Exciting time now to speculate on his replacement.
  11. It's looking like a great recruiting class. Any guesses on redshirts?
  12. But as long as Hak still gets us 20 Wins a year most fans will be happy I couldn't resist.
  13. The list- James Patrick Steve Johnson Dean Blais George Gwozdecky Keith Allain Rich Bennett Motzko Rick Zombo Dave Tippett Now the Hak defenders can point out the deficiencies in all, but each one, on day one is equal to Dave Hakstol in at least one way- They haven't won a National Championship at UND in the last 11 years!
  14. This discussion goes the same way each year with lots of the same points. To be clear, I don't know that the next guy is gonna win a Title right away. No one does, but it's not like we haven't given Hak a heckuva fair chance and while he's come close, we don't hang Final Four banners at the Ralph. If he goes 20 years without a Title but still gets us to the Final Four is that good enough? 25? For those who think we are crazy to even want a change just consider how you'd feel if the next guy went 11 without a Title. You'd be wanting him canned in 5. Hak has had a fair shot, I believe he is a great coach, but he just doesn't bring that intangible that gets his teams the big one. I don't know what it is, but he doesn't have it.
  15. Baylor and TCU are making inroads. It's not as easy for them as it used to be. We still ave the nicest facilities in the country and with the UND hockey status, I don't see a new coach not using those to his advantage.
  16. Your points are good especially about Brown. What caught my attention was the line that the school pretty much recruits itself. You don't think the same is true for UND hockey? Btw I give Hak his due for making UND hockey what it is today, but I just can't see the next guy not using all of the tradition to his advantage. I just don't see the doom and gloom others fear if Hak is gone.
  17. I think Hak and Bud Grant have lots in common. Both revered my most fans and for lots of good reasons. Both had great winning percentages. Both got the team to the Big Game. Neither could win that Big Game. I've also compd Hak to Mack Brown who was pushed out as Texas Head FB coach last year. The only difference-Mack Brown won a national championship.
  18. As a die hard fan I want to win ONE TITLE!!! How is that throwing the program under the bus? I know there are plenty of fans who love that the program gets to Final Fours and they accept the lack of titles as the trade off-we can be consistently good, but not great. I want both. If it meant missing 10 Final Fours for 1Title I'd take it.
  19. Seriously? Titles mean less than a 20 W season? I dont really care much about beating Denver in January. Give me 2 Ws in April.
  20. But there's lots of folks happy we just get here. It's good enough I guess.
  21. I don't care how many times we get to the Frozen Four. It means NOTHING if we end the season like this. NOTHING.
  22. I'm not on any ledge, but what about this weekend inspired confidence for next weekend?
  23. Gonna hope the switch is flipped this week and something great happens next weekend. In the Hak era there's been times we had high hopes going to the regional and had hopes dashed. Maybe this is a good thing, but I'm worried the lack of titles streak continues.
  24. I hope I'm wrong, but I think we will have a tough time scoring. This is not gonna be a game that the Turd take lightly. 30-7 bad guys. Yes a lot can happen in the next few months, but not enough for a UND W.
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