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Everything posted by Hayduke1

  1. Well. It seems that the cult remains bat$hit crazy after the election. No surprise there. Desperately grasping for reasons their dear leader lost other than simply by receiving fewer electoral votes along with losing the popular vote by just over 6 million. They are freaks and will remain so. Just like the pompous blowhard moderator who is "packing" to save the 7-11 clerks of this world. It is not as funny as it is pathetic. Hopefully more reasonable and true Republicans will win out and compromise with their Democratic counterparts for the good of the nation. For this reason, the power of this cult needs to be put out like a cancer producing cigarette. I remain cautiously optimistic. Mainly because these cultists are so freaking stupid. Lol
  2. The Trump campaign paid 3 million dollars for this recount. Not a great payoff.
  3. 155 million + voted. Over 75% of registered voters in the USA. Resoundingly successful election.
  4. https://howbidenstoletheelection.com/?fbclid=IwAR0Ouh0JS558JiOaRCPAepBTzTe2bD3KeitX2nXEkvmNN-nbmmEWC5co9aM
  5. Record breaking Covid-19 spikes in the United States, and the cult doesn't give a $hit. Proving once again you are worthless human beings. Just like Dear Leader. And you probably thought you were irrelevant because of North Dakota ties. You know, the self loathing you all experience. Packing a gun to feel like you'll be a hero someday. The big man. LMFAO. You'll probably shoot yourselves instead. Naw, it's not North Dakota. Plenty of decent people come from North Dakota. You're just not among them Now, enjoy your last weeks of Dear Leader worship, Trumptards. The Rona is waiting for you dumb $hits. ROTFLMFAO https://www.wsj.com/articles/mark-meadows-trumps-chief-of-staff-has-contracted-covid-19-11604724214 White House chief of staff Mark Meadows contracted coronavirus earlier this week after Election Day, according to a person familiar with the matter.
  6. You would believe that, of course. Because you are a ...... Trumptard! LMFAO
  7. Was he playing pocket pool before or after putting this tweet out?
  8. If bat$hit crazy is considered interesting
  9. Yup. Typical Trumptard cultist. Probably has to strap on an AR 15 to feel secure enough to go to McDonald's. Must be making up for little tiny .... hands. LMFAO
  10. Hey, QAnon believer. How us bat$hit crazy working out for you? Did you find that pizza place yet? Oh, Mr. Internet Tough Guy #2. Is Medora a good place for some "heels up" action? LMFAO
  11. You love Dear Leader and would gladly turn your head while him and his family of grifters rob the government blind, coerce the Justice Department into false investigations against political opponents, lie about anything under the sun to attempt to make himself either the victim or the heroe. And he could grab the women in your life by the pussy. Because you are too cowardly to say or do anything. F#ck off Trumptard. It is over. ROTFLMFAO
  12. Funny. You remind me of an inbred Trumptard. That won't go away.
  13. Yup. And you wonder why you are called a Trumptard. LMFAO
  14. As a Trumptard cultist, have you ever had anything but pleasing Dear Leader on your mind? Just let President Pussy Grabber do what he want to with the women in your life. You'd be okay with it. Because of your own cowardice. LMFAO
  15. Really? You're as guilty of it as the rest of the cult. Too big of a pussy to call out President Pussy Grabber. So, Mr. Internet Tough Guy. When can Trump grab your wife, daughter, sister by the pussy?
  16. I give no quarter to Trump supporters. They are collaborating in allowing his behavior, criminal activity and desecration of our democracy. F#ck them.
  17. Well, Mr. Internet Tough Guy. You can't quit a cult.
  18. You going heels up after the election, Mr. Frigid Sue? Does Q want you to team up with the missus?
  19. I'm sure that you must be fulfilled worshipping Desr Leader and hoping he grabs the pussy to satisfy you.
  20. Oh, fat boy. I'm sorry. I forgot to call you a Trumptard cultist. You already know you're a snowflake.
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