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Everything posted by Hayduke1

  1. These cult members have lost their collective minds not to mention their moral compasses.
  2. I can see eventual infighting with the moderate and progressive wing of the Democratic Party. The progressives will demand more radical social change and be held back by a coalition of moderate democrats and Republicans. I think some meaningful legislation will be passed and signed into law before this happens. I can also see a battle between the remaining Trumpistas and moderate Republicans happening immediately after the election. Then as things settle down and when we are cruising along with the economy pumping along and little social unrest, here comes another right wing nut job to screw it all up again.
  3. I agree that most are in Fargo. I was there a couple of months ago. His business was not. Thank you for your well wishes.
  4. I see. You must be trying to confound us with your lack of understanding along with your blind allegiance to the cult. Well, it didn't work. Your stupidity surprises nobody. Better luck next time, Jethro.
  5. It's quite possible that you are more mentally deficient than Dear Leader. Not exactly something to hang your MAGA hat on, boy.
  6. He will be speaking with a true health care professional in Fargo about what he needs to do to take care of himself. He will follow their advice and recommendations. Because of that, he will probably be fine. Luckily he won't be dealing with a lunatic Trumptard like you. You probably have a wing of a funeral home named for you in honor of the business sent to them. ROTFLMFAO.
  7. Just got off the phone a little while ago with my brother in West Fargo.. he just got his positive test results. His workplace wasn't practicing social distancing or facemask policy as mandated by company headquarters in Minneapolis. He was. Not many others were. He only went to work, did not go out at all. Even had groceries delivered. My guess is that there is an impending outbreak... if not happening already... at his workplace. A further assumption is that in North Dakota in general, these outbreaks will further spike their numbers. No, its not because of testing cultists. Its because of irresponsibility.
  8. Yeah, sure. Pesky media. Or, do you prefer to call them, "fake news"? Or, like so many of you believe, is it the Deep State? They're all out to get you. Every last one of them. LMFAO
  9. Just say it's the Deep State. That's the cult's blanket statement to lay blame. Lol
  10. Dear Leader lies about doctors profiting on Covid-19 cases while the number of cases per day rises to nearly 100,000. Not exactly a winning campaign message. He's toast. https://www.cnn.com/2020/10/31/politics/donald-trump-doctors-midwest-2020-election/index.html Trump's appalling attack on doctors came on a day when the US marked a new global record for daily coronavirus cases and 17 states were seeing record hospitalizations. Instead of addressing those challenges, the President tried to explain the mounting US case count by making the false claim in Michigan that US doctors are inflating coronavirus case numbers because they "get more money if someone dies from Covid."
  11. I'm beginning to think this is Mitchell Miller.
  12. Dems will probably expand their House majority. Biden will win. I think it will be 52 Democratic (2 caucus with the Dems) senators to 48 Republicans. The top two I'm sure will happen. The third, I just think will happen.
  13. With very little time left. It is over. Maybe some GOP senators will choose to throw Trump under the bus this weekend.
  14. And that demographic is shifting. Younger Cuban Americans don't care as much anymore. The older ones, well, are vanishing. The big question is whether the younger ones will vote in 2020, not if the attitudes are changing. Because they are. https://www.sun-sentinel.com/news/politics/fl-ne-cuban-american-poll-20190131-story.html
  15. True. But, he had a way of getting people to agree on a middle ground. I would like to know the reaction of this kid's parents. I've read some things that weren't flattering about their attitudes toward his initial punishment. To be a fly on that wall...
  16. Tom Clifford would have handled this 100x better. He should have been given a chance. Maybe on a short leash, but at least given an opportunity to prove that he has changed.
  17. Not sure if Biden will take Texas or if that US Senate seat will flip, but that's gotta make the GOP nervous.
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