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Everything posted by Speez

  1. PCM & kr, We're waiting for you're usual great report on the Green & White game last night. Hope you were there. Saw the comments on the other board, they're missing that certain twist you guys add.
  2. As I said above guys, keep it coming. I wouldn't worry too much about what others think. Just makes things more interesting. Maybe when the season starts they'll be too busy tooting their own horns to each other & forget about the Sioux board.
  3. Thanks again kr & PCM, really do appreciate the info from the radio shows.
  4. When one of the our regulars post the website address on POI you get a lot of riff-raff stopping in to take a look.
  5. jk, Just finishing a marathon is an accomplishment in it self. Never could understand why you guys do it. Congratulations.
  6. I'll give it a shot & do Sprig one better: 1- UND ( Going for #8) / DU 3- Goofs (same spot as last year) 4- CC 5- SCSU 6- UMD ( Go Sandy ) 7- UW 8- UAA (DTP is dreaming) 9- Mankato 10- MTU May be extremely biased, but have been hearing great things about this years team. The New Ralph was a bigger distraction last year than most people think. Hopefully some of the noise (music) & commercialism will be tuned down this year so the players & fans can concentrate on the game. I agree with HKNTSMN that this team is going to make a run for it. I'm reminded of the sign @ the 2000 FF, E- Every S- Sioux P- Player N- Needs 2- Rings The guys just missed out in 2001, this is the last chance for a few of them & I know they're going to give it their best shot. Being on the road a lot after the break will tune the guys up for the play-off run. The Sioux won't have home ice advantage like the Goofs did last year, so use the road games to get ready. I sure appreciate the reports from the local GF fans on the radio shows. Please keep it up for those of us that can't get them anymore. Season is almost here. Can't wait.
  7. Speez

    Swing Forwards

    If you can put up with 25 second graders, you should be able to put up with anything that is dished out around here by these 1st. graders.
  8. HKNTSMN, Never any glee when a player leaves the program, especially one of Fournier's ability. The Fighting Sioux is an Elite Hockey Program. If a player who feels a part of that program doesn't respect his teammates by coming into camp in at least marginally descent shape, he desrves to hear it from them. A player can't expect their past awards to help them keep up with their teammates when it's time to lace them up. Captain's practices are for getting into game shape, not wasting time trying to get to the other end of the ice. I believe the consensus opinion was the PP last year was not very effective. That included quite a few players on the team that were on it. I think the whole concept of team is what you're missing in your post. Last years team did not live up to the standards of the previous teams. All the reasons for last year have been hashed & rehashed many times on these boards. This is a new year & a new opportunity for the Sioux to get back on track. Shortchanging your teammates by not being ready to give every thing you have is showing them you don't care about them. It's tough to make plays when your whole team is in the offensive zone & you haven't crossed the red line yet. Scoring burgers & sausage on the 4th. of July isn't going to help make plays in April when the team wants to be playing.
  9. New sheriffs in town. Things are changing, hopefully for the better.
  10. Not to disagree with Sockeye Sioux, but I hear Fournier couldn't take the pressure from his teammates for coming in so badly out of shape. I don't believe he was cut from the team but left on his own. This is not the first time he came to camp like this. Could account for all his injuries last year.
  11. How about 19.4% body fat content.
  12. Sica is right on all counts. Lot of running competitions. Sophie is a big runner & jumps way out in front during these events. Never could understand running training for hockey players. Probably the worst thing for their knees & ankles. I would think they would use rollerblade training for skaters. Isn't that part of the reason they were invented over 15 yrs. ago? Hockey coaches just don't seem to use them, where I think it would be a natural. Other competitions are agility, plyo & swimminng along with the strength testing. It is quite a work-out & test to see who trained during the off-season. Now that most of the guys stick around & train during the summer the competition is quite fierce. Can't wait for the games to begin
  13. Finally something to talk about as the season gets closer. The captains were announced on Wednesday. Was waiting for an article in the Herald, but nothing. Maybe tomorrow. Congrats to the new leaders for the upcoming season. Definately great picks to keep this young team on track to help build the dynasty for the next few years. Congrats to Ryan Hale for getting the "C". David Hale & Kevin Spiewak will be wearing the "A". Great picks by the coaches. A combination of size, speed, leadership & smarts. 3 guys that will give what it takes to get the Sioux back on track. These 3 know what its like to be winners & want that feeling back. Captains practices are starting & the Ironman is underway. The season is almost here. Can't Wait.
  14. Spiewak came in at 200# and was going to play at that weight. He felt that it was better for the team to be faster than last year, so he dropped 5# and plans on playing at 195. Most of the vets have spent the summer in GF. I think you are seeing the results of the excellent facilities available to them at the Ralph. Season is getting closer. Can't wait.
  15. Sprig, You are correct in what you remember.
  16. Speez

    More recruits

    LSSU sucked last year & they sucked the year before that. Anzalone was brought back to LSSU to try to get things rolling again, the way it was 10 years ago. He was let go from there previously, before my time don't know why. Follow the LSSU thread with great interest for my daily laughs.There faithful think the world of Anzalone & expect him to be the saviour of there program. Only problem is his coaching methods & the way he treats the players is 20 years behind the times. They don't understand that 9-10 players just up & leave a program for no reason whatsoever. Must be the players & not the coach. I'm glad that Borek, their previous coach, had no clue when it came to recruiting.
  17. Speez

    More recruits

    Goon, LSSU had a mass exodus of players from their team during & after the season. Something like 8-9 guys left & transferred. Possibly the way their new coach treats his players, but the LSSU faithful would never admit it. Glad I'm a Sioux fan & not a Laker fan. Curious to see the Laker response to your post on their site. Probably will say something to the effect " If he didn't want to play Anzolone's style of hockey then we don't need him here." Just a guess after seeing that reason after a number of their other players left. Unfotunately don't know anything about him.
  18. It's only July, but we're getting closer to the season. Can't wait. Very interesting thread. 95% of the players are in town, working @ the Sioux hockey camps & working out on there own for the season. Occasional informal scrimmages will take place, if your fortunate to stop in @ the Ralph at the right time. Many good points brought up, but a consensus opinion is the underachievement of last season as compared to the usual Sioux season. A major distraction that was brought up was the opening of the new REA. The players definately realized what was happening & the commercialism(sp) was a distraction. Too many flashy,noisy things going on constantly. They will get used to it & the Ralph will again be where the Sioux dominate the 3rd. period. The recruits last year were expected to step right in & carry on as if half the team didn't change. Most of these guys came from winning programs & losing didn't sit well with them.The players learned some valuable lessons last year & I think the fans will have a great time this year watching some sweet revenge. We all saw the worst & best of the team in the Play-offs vs the Goofs. Expect to see the better side of the Sioux this year. I agree with Goon on one point, everybody will take the Sioux lightly this year & be gunning for the Goofs. I predict the Sioux battling for one of the top spots in the WCHA, but looking to peak for the FF(Frozen Four)
  19. Goon, You make some valid points. Hockey is the longest season of any of the major sports, & half the games are on the road. The Sioux usually leave for road games on Thursday, so the players
  20. Speez


    ScottM, I applaud your analysis of the NC$$. Looks to me as if you had to go through a bunch of crap with them also.
  21. Probably a great view @ the Ralph, unless you're a player.
  22. Speez


    Don't know who they are, but they sure make it tough on "AMATEUR" athletes.
  23. CAUNDfan, I wouldn't write off the 2002-03 season just yet. I think the team has a lot of payback to make up for from last year. With a year of experience for the frosh & getting to know what it takes to play & win in the WCHA, next year should be exciting. I can't wait.
  24. I may be overly optomistic for next year, but I feel the Sioux are going to have a very balanced offense. No Line of Fire that dominates & scores all the goals, But at least 1 guy from every year to stand out. I'd rather be optomistic looking to the future and feeling good about what we have for next year, then wondering if our team will be out a the cellar for the first time in x number of years.
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