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Everything posted by Speez

  1. Looks just like your avatar aged about 40 years. Must be the Sioux early season starts wearing on you.
  2. 3 Players are randomly chosen from each team after the national semis & maybe the regionals. IIRC, After the 2001 semi win, Noterman was one of the 3 picked. He was so dehydrated after the game the team bus had to wait a while for him to donate his sample.
  3. We have scouts checking it out tonight. Not me, wait for it to come out on DVD. Have to look into royalties.
  4. What happened after the game? 10 minutes of public service announcements. I thought my computer switched to a Sunday Am christian broadcast. Never heard Tim with Hak. I hope the station isn't going PC & putting on a bunch of ******** . Was it just the internet or live also?
  5. IIRC Hak was associate head coach 01-02 & 02-03 seasons. He was handling most of the duties when Dean was taking care of his daughters illness. Most of the time the asst. coaches do the initial scouting & recommendations & the head coach makes the final evalutions & offers. When Deans replacement was being looked for, the Hockey team alumni had a golf outing. Hak was a near unanimous (sp) pick by these former players to take over for Dean. I would tend to agree with these guys opinions & not those of a the hockey experts on this board.
  6. Friday - Kozek Sat. - Vande Velde
  7. A little jumping to conclusions rw. It was just some ribbing of DaveK. Walski's name wasn't mentioned at all. I would be the last person on this board to bad mouth a current or past player unlike the bash fests that goes on sometimes. Anybody that can play for the Sioux has my respect as I know what it takes to get to that level.
  8. I think fans forgot how quiet the Old Ralph would get. I'm watching the Wisco series on tape from the Old Ralph from the '00-'01 season on the Wisco MSC feed. Comments from the Wisco announcers about how quiet the crowd is both nights & the proverbial pindrop come up quite often. Their comments are true & it wasn't a blow-out by Wisco. First night was a tied game & I'm in the middle of watching the second game. The crowd is very quiet, even the student section. They're all standing but that sure isn't helping the noise levels as some people claim is part of the New Ralph's quiet crowds.
  9. After the Illinois smoking ban went into effect all you had to do was be a "Hooka" (sp) Bar. The owner was able to have limited entertainment & refreshments. It was part of the culture & was given an exemption. Before there was a statewide ban, certain towns bannned smoking. The outcry of unfair advantage was always being brought up. I actually expected bars to become private clubs with nominal dues ($1.00) with one of the main rules to allow smoking. Don't know why it wasn't tried, but all buildings are non-smoking now. Even though I used the smoking ban to help me quit smoking, I can see the other side of the argument. If I owned a company or a business I would have a hard time not smoking in the building. To have all the responsibility to make the business sucessful & paying all the bills, I would have a tough time abiding by the ban. Looking back I would probably not abide by it. I would let it be known this is a smoking establishment or company & if your not inclined to smoke or tolerate it, Please Do Not Enter or apply for a job here. I know I couldn't get away with it, but I would give it a shot. Matter of fact the owner of our company just started smoking in his office again. Not sure if it's because the windows are open & he thinks no one can tell or if he feels the same way I would.
  10. Quit smoking on Jan. 1 after almost 40 yrs. & haven't had one yet. Probably the toughest thing I ever did. Still have a way to go before I consider myself off them for good. Still love the smell of a burning cigarette but the old stale odor is now nauseating. Illinois had a state wide smoking ban start then & that along with other reasons convinced me to quit. The part I thought I would cause me the most trouble with quitting was smoking at work. The owners & 90% of the people smoked, so I was able to smoke in my office. When the ILL smoking ban started to my suprise the owners said no more smoking in the offices. That definately made it a lot easier for me to quit. So far I made all the goals I set for myself. The big one is making it to the one year mark. When I make that one, it will be time to celebrate.
  11. Bingo!! Give that man a cigar, or a beer & a cigarette.
  12. anyboby listening on the internet. can't get the Sioux feed of TH.
  13. Hated to see the Sioux lose to Denver, but can't say I was too suprised. They can't score goals & haven't for a while. With the leading scorer having 17 goals for the year, the playoffs are going to be a tough challenge. Previous teams had multiple 20+ scorers with scoring lines that would dominate the action. Role players would score 15-20 goals per season & would get flack on these boards for not scoring more. Now we have guys making 1st. & 2nd team WCHA honors & can't get 20 goals. I know scoring is down with great goaltending all around the leagues but a final push to get the offense flying is the only way this team is going to get to the FF. Sioux teams have the reputation of wearing the opponent down & dominating the 3rd period. I'm still waiting to see that this year. The Sioux may have dominated the action in the 3rd. today,but they haven't dominated the scoring.
  14. NDH, member #559, joined in March '03. I would think you've been around long enough to know Jim is providing a great service to the fighting Sioux community without asking for anything from us. This site has come along way since I first found it on the starting of the message board phenom. To just find any info on the Sioux was a major pain, but Jim was at the forefront of getting this started. This site has provided me with insights & info I never would have know. It also provided me with a sounding board for things I wanted to say about the team & things I probably shouldn't have said. I don't post much anymore, but I am an avid fan that gets a great amount of entertainment from this site. Too many posters here take for granted the great site that Jim has provided to us. Thanks Jim for the many years of service you have provided to the Fighting Sioux community & for my own personal enjoyment. Speez
  15. Dagies, Once a Sioux player, always a gopher hater.
  16. As my favorite Sioux player once told me, " I hate the Gophers, & their coach & their penalty box guy & their cheerleaders." "I even hate the Zamboni driver." Give em' hell tonight & kick their arses. Don't be playing games with them, just go out & bury them from the drop of the opening face-off.
  17. That guy sure gets around. I've seen him on a lot of teams.
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